Multipoint statistics sim. and SNESIM Flashcards
Why do we use multipoint statistics simulation
Because variograms only capture two point spatial statistics
What are the pros and cons of traditional two-point stochastic simulation?
-Obeys conditioning data and provides a better assessment of variability (low- and high-grades).
-Restores spatial relationships (reproduces variogram models).
* Variogram models do not capture connectivity and curvilinear structures.
* Variogram parameters are not necessarily intuitive (nugget, structures, anisotropic directions, ranges, etc.).
Give the takeaways from this graph and to what it is due.
Different geological structures behavior for each simulation but they all have roughly the same variograms. This is the limits of two point geostatistics.
Explain how Multiple-Point Geostatistics Simulation works generally
We look at the relationships between multiple points simultaneously, and we find the multiple-point statistics. It contains a substantial amount of information about connectivity and curvilinear geological structures.
What is a data template
a search neighbourhood of size 𝑛
Define data event
Its centred at 𝐱, and is comprised of a set of values for surrounding data within the template
Why is it difficult to calculate reliable MP statistics from experimental data (ex; drill holes)? How can we solve this?
Because it becomes increasingly difficult to find replicates of a given template as 𝑛 increases. We use training images to solve this issue.
Where does training images come from and what are their use?
- TIs may come from from historical data (mined-out areas), geological face mapping or 3D geological models.
- TIs serve as a “pattern database” for repeating large- and short-scale features in the deposit.
Multipoint gestates also utilizes_____ and _________. Briefly describe those.
-Image analysis: our simulations should be consistent with our understanding of geological conditions.
-Image reconstruction: our simulations should be consistent with input data, and any secondary information (if available/possible).
Name all the components used in MP gestates
-Data template
-Data event
-Training images
-Image analysis
-Image reconstruction
State the steps of the SNESIM algorithm
- Scan the training image to construct a pattern database.
- Assign the original sample data to the closest grid nodes.
- Define a random path to simulate un-sampled nodes.
- At each un-sampled location in the random path:
i. Get the conditional probability of the point 𝐱 belonging to a category 𝑠𝑘, i.e., 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏 {𝑆 (𝐱) = 𝑠𝑘|𝑑𝑛 }∀𝑘 = 1, … ,𝐾.
ii. Randomly select a category from the distribution in the previous step. This will serve as conditioning data to the next point to be simulated. - Repeat steps 2-4 for each simulation to be generated.
Why use a search tree?
- Construction requires only scanning training image once.
- Minimizes memory demand.
- Allows for fast retrieval of all training probabilities for the template adopted
Donne la formule Prob {A_k=1 |D=1} = ??
Define all parameters in these
What is the probability that the central node (A) belongs to a channel (blue), given the following data event (B)?
From image we can see that the central node (A) is blue 3 times and 1 time yellow for the local data event (B).