Multiple Streams Theory Flashcards
Multiple-streams theory derives from the Garbage Can Model of organization and decision-making by Cohen, et al. (1972). The garbage can model operates under the premise that organizations function as organized anarchies that share three characteristics. List the three characteristics of organized anarchies.
- problematic preferences
- fluid participation, and
- unclear technology
(Smith & Larimer, 2017)
Describe organized anarchies and the general the proverbial policy-making garbage can.
In organized anarchies, individuals move in and out of organizations without understanding the organization’s purpose, or their specific role in the organization and work independently to arrive at solutions to similar problems, thus producing jumbled solutions looking for problems to solve, which is opposite to the rational comprehensive model to decision-making and the stages model (Smith & Larimer, 2017). Problems and solutions are dumped into the proverbial policy-making garbage can waiting to be scooped up. The garbage can process assumes that the policy process is non-linear and involves non-incremental stages; therefore, streams of opportunities converge almost at random, making it difficult to predict policy adoption (Peters, 2019).
Provide a general overview of MST:
Drawing from the garbage can model, the multiple streams theory, describes how agenda setting and policy change result from policy entrepreneurs attempting to open windows of opportunities by merging previously independent problem, policy, and political streams for eventual policy formation and implementation (Kingdon, 1995; Sabatier, 1991; Weible, 2008). While these streams may converge in a random manner, policy entrepreneurs play a crucial role in bringing together the various streams, and in using, if not creating, windows of opportunity (Peters, 2016).
The MST helps answer the question of _______?
The multiple streams approach helps answer the question of “why governments pay attention to some problems more than others” (Smith & Larimer, 2017).
The assumptions of the multiple streams theory:
The assumptions of the multiple streams theory include:
Time constraints, Problematic preferences,
Unclear technology,
Fluid participation, and Stream independence.
List the four main occurrences needed for coupling the problem stream.
The problem stream centers on:
-IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM for agenda setting;
-Recognizing that the problem exists and IDENTIFYING ISSUES that POLICY MAKERS and CITIZENS want addressed;
-Highlighting a problem for policy change through a
—INDICATORS from feedback from previous or existing policies; and the use of
-EXPERT-BASED, in which actors use science to indicate the seriousness and causes of a problem and to help evaluate the effectiveness of current policies and programs
INFORMATION (Nowlin, 2011; Smith & Larimer, 2017; Weible, 2008).
Provide an overview of the policy stream:
In the policy stream, policy alternatives are generated by a community of “visible” and “hidden” experts to include prominent congressional members to policy analysts serving as street-level bureaucrats a the federal and state levels (Smith & Larimer, 2017). Smith and Larimer (2017) refer to Kingdon’s (1995) “policy primordial soup” that occurs in the policy stream, in which ideas are floating around waiting to be scooped up by prominent government actors. This process is reminiscent of the garbage can model, where both problems and solutions are dumped in the same bin. However, in the policy stream, selecting policy alternatives is not a random approach but occurs though an intentional process of the hidden experts “softening” up the agenda for a favorable result and “coupling” the policy alternatives with the problems (Smith & Larimer, 2017). Weible (2017) adds that expert-based information is used in the policy stream to help legitimize ideas and enable policy entrepreneurs to advocate for the most feasible ideas to be adopted.
Briefly list the 4 main occurrences needed for coupling in the policy stream:
- Policy alternatives to emerging problems are generated by a community of “visible” and “hidden” experts, to include prominent Congressional members to policy analysts serving as street-level bureaucrats.
- “Policy primordial soup” that occurs in the policy stream, “in which ideas are ‘floating around’ waiting to be scooped up by prominent government actors.
- Intentional process of the hidden experts “softening up” the agenda for a favorable result and “coupling” the policy alternatives with the problems.
- Expert-based information is used in the policy stream to help legitimize ideas and enable entrepreneurs to advocate for the most feasible ideas to be adopted.
Briefly describe the tow main occurrences needed for coupling of the Political Stream:
-Political climate, such as election results, partisan control, and public opinion, determines whether a problem will garner attention.
-Visible actors are critical to raising awareness of a problem and policy, while hidden experts are less influential and effective.
Briefly describe the policy window:
In the multiple streams theory, the convergence of the problem, policy, and political streams creates a window of opportunity for rapid policy change. According to Kingdon (1995), “Once the window opens, it does not stay open long.”
What is the role of the policy entrepreneur?
When the policy window occurs, the policy entrepreneur must be able to recognize the opportunity and couple the three streams before it closes. According to Kingdon (1995), “Once the window opens, it does not stay open long.” Smith and Larimer (2017) surmised that policy entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the process, and according to Kingdon, are potentially more important than individuals considered responsible for the original creation of the policy (Smith & Larimer, 2017).
Strengths of the MST:
One of the strengths of the multiple streams theory is that it helps answer the question of “why governments pay attention to some problem more than others” (Smith & Larimer, 2017).
Weimer (2008) finds the multiple streams theory effective in providing order and a starting point to a very complex policy process (Weimer, 2008).
Sabatier (1991) credits the multiple streams approach to incorporating an enlarged view of the policy communities; providing a prominent role to real world problems, and impacts of previous government intervention in the policy arena; transcending ridged institutionalism; and acknowledging the role of serendipity in the policy process (Sabatier, 1991).
Criticisms of the MST:
The multiple streams theory is criticized for not producing empirical testable hypotheses and in some cases not supporting the independent stream assumption (Weimer, 2008; Nowlin, 2011).
Weimer (2008) contends the multiple streams theory does not offer specific predictions of outcomes and offers limited or vague prescription of the process. According to Sabatier (1991), several aspects need further development, such as the conditions creating windows of opportunities and the role of policy analysts and researchers being too apolitical, thus neglecting the role of advocacy analysis and putting too much distance between the policy and political streams.
Smith and Larimer (2017) note that corruption in politics can limit the policy entrepreneur’s policy alternatives and raise the question of who actually controls the policy process: elites, technopols, policy specialists, or citizens?