Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Diseases 1 Flashcards
Bradley's Continuum 2022 Uptodate
Diseases affecting CNS myelin classification
Dysmyelinating: hereditary disorders
Toxic and metabolic
Vascular Processes
Which is the most common non-traumatic disabling disorder in young adults?
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis
(Risk factors)
1) Ultraviolet radiation (higher prevlence in northern regions)
2) Vitamin D (higher prevalence in northern regions)
3) Genetics (HLA-DRB1*15:01)
4) Epstein Barr virus
5) Smoking
6) Obesity
7) Microbiome and diet
A) Mean age of disease onset
B) Sex distribution
A) The mean age of RRMS MS onset ranges from 28 to 31 years and PPMS is 40 years
B) affects more women than men
2-3:1 in RRMS
1:1 in PPMS
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology
(Main factors)
1) impaired regulatory T cell function or resistance of autoreactive cells to suppression
2) B cells
3) Microglia
4) Disruption of the blood-brain barrier
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology
(Role of T cells)
Normally, CNS autoreactive immune cells are deleted during development through central tolerance in the thymus (T cells) or bone marrow (B cells). Although some may escape this mechanism and be released into the circulation, peripheral tolerance mechanisms typically prevent them from causing disease.
Mechanisms by which peripheral tolerance can fail include impaired regulatory T cell function or resistance of autoreactive cells to suppression. (A complex interplay between genetic and environmental risk factors may influence function and activation of these autoreactive cells and lead to disease pathogenesis.)
Primary T cell subsets implicated in MS include CD8+ T cells and CD4+ T helper (TH) 1 and TH17 cells.
Autoreactive T cells also produce cytokines that may contribute to MS pathogenesis including interferon gamma, interleukin (IL)-17, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology
(Role of B Cells)
1) In MS, B cells produce proinflammatory cytokines including lymphotoxin-α, IL-6, TNF-α, and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor.
2) Normally, B cells can also generate anti-inflammatory cytokines including IL-10, IL-35, and transforming growth factor β1, but the production of these in patients with MS may be impaired.
3) B cells may also act as a reservoir for Epstein-Barr virus
4) Other pathologic mechanisms involving B cells in MS include antigen presentation to T cells and secretion of molecules that may be directly toxic to oligodendrocytes
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology
(Role of microglia)
Activated microglia and CD8+ T cells lead to :
- myelin destruction
- recruitment of B cells, other T cells, and macrophages
- axon damage
- disruption of the blood-brain barrier.
In progressive MS, activated microglia and macrophages may mediate neurodegeneration by several mechanisms including cytokine release, glutamate release resulting in excitotoxicity, and release of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species resulting in oxidative injury.
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology
(Blood Brain Barrier)
Classic acute lesions begin with infiltrates of inflammatory B, T, and plasma cells and macrophages surrounding a central vein
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology: Factors contributing in degeneration in progressive forms
- chronic microglial activation (even in normal -appearing white matter)
- impaired ion homeostasis
- mitochondrial injury
- meningeal inflammation
Role of Vitamin D in immune system
Effects of vitamin D in adaptive immune cells include:
- inducing differentiation to regulatory T and B cells
- decreased production of proinflammatory cytokines
- increased secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines
- promoting oligodendrocyte maturation
MS most common symptoms
Optic Neuritits in MS:
A) Presentation/ Clinical findings
B) Findings in fundoscopy/ mapping of visual fields
C) Prognosis
A) Acute or subacute, pain in the eye accentuated by occular movements, variable degree of visual loss affecting mainly central vision, and sometimes decreased colour vision as well.
Patients with MS might also may report a phenomenon called the Pulfrich phenomenon, which is an illusory perception that an object moving linearly along a two-dimensional plane appears to instead follow an elliptical three-dimensional trajectory.
RAPD is present.
B) Most have a normal fundoscopy, rarely papilitis may be seen.
Later the optic disc becomes pale as a result of axonal loss and resultant gliosis.
C) 90% of patients regain normal vision typically over a period of 2-6 months
Causes of bilateral simultaneous optic neuritis
- Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
- Toxic optic neuropathy
- anti-MOG associated ON
- MS (rare)
Clinical features of more common optic neuropathies
Causes of optic neuropathy
Chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy (CRION)
- rare, relapsing autoimmune optic neuritis in which no other known systemic disease can be found; these patients do not have sarcoidosis, lupus, MS, neuromyelitis optica, or other cause
- On first presentation, the clinical features are those of optic neuritis, including enhancement of the optic nerve on MRI.
- In contrast to patients with optic neuritis, tapering glucocorticoid therapy leads to a clinical relapse.
- In order to stay in remission, patients with CRION require chronic immunosuppression with steroid-sparing agents such azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, or intravenous immune globulin
- Diagnostic work-up should exclude other systemic, metabolic, toxic, or paraneoplastic causes of optic neuropathy, including serum myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein and aquaporin 4 immunoglobulin G antibody tests.
Visual evoked potentials in MS
Abnormalities (P100 wave prolongation) are detected in over 90% of patients with a history of optic neuritis
What can OCT show in MS patients?
Can be used to noninvasively quantify axonal damage following an ON event
It can be used to measure the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer, which is reduced in most patients (85 percent) with optic neuritis.
Optic nerve or optic tract demyelination leads to retrograde degeneration of unmyelinated retinal nerve fiber layer axons. Retinal nerve fiber layer loss becomes evident with OCT approximately three months after optic neuritis
(The retinal nerve fiber layer lacks myelin and contains axons)
It is not used in MS diagnosis at this point of time
Internuclear Opthalmoplegia in MS: Presentation, localization
Abnormal horizontal ocular movements with lost ot impaired adduction and horizontal nystagmus of the abducting eye.
Convergence is preserved!
Lesion of the medial longitudinal fasciculus on the side of diminished adduction.
How to distinguish INO from isolated third nerve palsy
Convergence is preserved!
Order of frequency of occular nerves involvement in MS
Decreasing order
Which kind of nystagmus is characteristic in MS? Presentation, localization
Acquired pendular nystagmus (εκκρεμοειδής)
Rapid, small-amplitude pendular oscillations of the eyes in the primary position. Most often bilateral but can also be unilateral.
Consequent of an optic neuropathy, involvement in the cerebellum or dorsal pontine tegmentum.
Impairment of cranial nerves in MS (other than ocular motor nerves)
Impairment of facial sensation
Trigeminal neuralgia (uncommon presenting symptom - later in course)
Facial myokymia
Unilateral facial paresis
Hearing loss (uncommon)
Isolated dysfunction in taste
Pseudobulbar syndrome (later in course)
Vertigo (30-50% of patients)