Multiple Pregnancy Flashcards
What are the predisposing factors to multiple pregnancy?
Increasing maternal age
Family history
Assisted conception
What are the two types of twins?
Monozygotic - single zygote splits into two equal zygotes - share same genetic material
Dizygotic - two different zygotes are formed by fertilisation of two eggs by two sperm - different genetic material
What is amniocity?
Refers to the relation of the amniotic membranes between the two twins.
What is chorionicity?
It refers to the placentation. Whether it is shared or each baby has its own.
What is dichorionic diamniotic twinning?
When each baby has its own placenta, two chorions and two amnions

What is monochorionic diamniotic twinning?
Each baby has its own amniotic sac, with a shared placenta. One chorion and two amnions

What is monochorionic-monoamniotic twinning?
Twin babies share both the amniotic sac and the placenta. One chorion and one amniotic sac.

In terms of chorionicity and amniocity, what are dizygotic twins?
Diamniotic Dichorionic
In terms of amniocity an chorionicty, what are monozygotic twins?
They can result in any of the three, depending on when the single zygote divides into two separate zygotes
What are the risks associated with monochorionic twin pregnancies? and twin pregnancies in general
Congenital Abnormalities
IU growth restriction
Perinatal loss
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome - imbalance of blood due two anastamosis of vessels between the twins (Donor and recipient)
What are the maternal complications of multiple pregnancy?
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Pregnancy-induced hypertension/Pre-eclampsia
Gestational Diabetes
Ante/post-partum haemorrhage
Placenta Praevia
What is the antenatal management of twin pregnancies?
Chorionicity - during dating scan (1st trimester)
If MC → scan at 16 weeks for TTT, then every 2-3 weeks (monitor growth)
If DCDA → Serial growth scans
BP + Urine dipstick
What are the delivery times for the following?
Uncomplicated DCDA
Uncomplicated MCDA
Uncomplicated DCDA: 37-38 weeks
Uncomplicated MCDA: 36-37 weeks
What are the complications of delivery for twins?
Insufficient uterine action
Fetal distress
Cord prolapse when ruputure membrane