multiple choice/true false Flashcards
Agenda setting
Traditional media still serves a key agenda setting function
Big data
The collection of data so large that traditional analytical techniques do not work
The identity of products is more valuable than the product itself
Confirmation bias
The idea that we seek out information that confirms our beliefs
the exclusive right to use, publish, and distribute a piece of work
Couch guy meme
Shows how quickly interpersonal drama can become mass communication
Audio or visual editing that uses AI to manipulate the body and sound
Dialogue communication
many to many
Digital divide
The social gap between those who can and cannot afford or access digital media. Reflects the socioeconomic trends of access to technology and literacy around digital tools
Distributed computing
Individual, autonomous computers work toward a common goal (Wikipedia)
Early advertising history
Face to face, word of mouth communication to negotiate and exchange goods and services
Equal time rule
News station must afford equal access to airwaves for all candidates, prefers speech of rights of candidates to editorial rights of stations
Fairness doctrine (1949)
requires that stations present all sides of controversial issues, allows politicans to responds to an attack
First amendment
Doesn’t provide unlimited protection, as in: national security, libel, slander, obscenity
Fortnite emote lawsuits
Plaintiffs: violates their copyright
Defendants: cant copyright a dance move
Free and open source software (FOSS)
business model that offers free software with source code open to anyone
George Carlin’s 7 dirty words
Upheld rights of governments to regulate speech over broadcast airwaves