Multiple choice/short questions Flashcards
Who is unable to make a proposal for a company to be placed into a Company Voluntary Arrangement?
a) Administrator
b) The members
c) Liquidator
d) The directors
The members
The supervisor of a CVA is required to notify creditors that the arrangement has been terminated or fully implemented. Within how many days after the termination or full implementation must creditors be notified?
Not more than 28 days
Within what time period must the trustee deal with the matrimonial home to prevent it from re-vesting in the debtor?
Within the period of 3 years beginning with the date of the bankruptcy
What constitutes a quorum in the case of a meeting of creditors?
At least one creditor entitled to
Which of the following cannot apply to the Court for an Administration Order?
The members
Where a Trustee in Bankruptcy intends to claw back an item of excess value pursuant to Section 308 IA 1986 he must serve notice on the bankrupt within how many days from when the item first came to his knowledge?
42 days
Where a company has gone into compulsory liquidation the Court may appoint any person to be a special manager of the business to assist in the management of the company. Name two of the special manager’s duties.
- Give security based upon the value of the assets of which he has been appointed
- Prepare and keep accounts detailing his receipts and payments
- These must be prepared for each three month period since appointment
What insolvency options are available to creditors of a partnership that is unable to pay its debts?
- Sue and obtain judgement on the debt
- Bankrupt one or more partners without seeking to wind-up the firm
- Wind-up the firm as an unregistered company without seeking to bankrupt individual partners
- Wind-up the firm as an unregistered company and bring concurrent petitions against one or more partners
- Petition the Court for a Partnership Administration Order
Which decisions in a proposed CVA are required to have three quarters or more in value of those responding vote in favour of?
- A decision approving a proposal or a modification
- A decision extending or further extending a moratorium
- A decision bringing a moratorium to an end before the end of the period of any extension
What additional powers are commonly found within a mortgage deed to assist a receiver appointed under the Land of Property Act 1925, in carrying out his duties?
- Power to take possession and sell the property
- Power to borrow money to carry out statutory duties
- Power to trade or manage
- Power to deal with employees
- Power to raise or borrow money
- Power to appoint solicitors and other agents
- Power to retain out of money received his reasonable remuneration
- Power to do all such other things reasonably and property necessary for realising the property
There are various legislative sources and non-statutory guidance which an Insolvency Practitioner should be comply with. List eight of these?
- Insolvency Act 1986
- Statements of Insolvency Practice (“SIPs”)
- Insolvency Rules 2016
- EC Regulations
- Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
- Companies Act 2006
- Law of Property Act 1925
- Money Laundering
- Bribery Act 2010
- Technical releases
- Insolvency guidance papers
- Code of Ethics
- Case law
A creditor’s petition (Form 4.2) served against a company, must specify the grounds on which it is presented and the nature of the relief sought. What other information should also be contained on the petition?
SADNESS Follows Pain
- Share capital of the company
- Address of its registered office
- Date of incorporation of the company
- Name and registered number of the company
- EC Regulations apply?
- Statement that the company is insolvent and unable to pay its debts
- Statement that “in the circumstances it is just and equitable that the company be wound up under the provisions of IA 1986”
- Full name and address of the petitioner
- Proceedings main, secondary or territorial if EC Regs apply
What are your obligations as an office holder under the Money Laundering regulations?
- Establish procedures to identify the directors and verify their identities
- Determine those with a controlling interest in the company
- Assess individual risk of money laundering (high, medium, low)
- Carry out ongoing monitoring of business relationships
- Appoint a nominated office Money Laundering Officer to whom principals and employees must make money laundering reports
- Establish internal systems, procedures, policies and controls to prevent money laundering
- Provide relevant training on money laundering to staff
- Maintain records of client identification and of business relationships for at least 5 years
- Maintain a continuing obligation to review
- Report suspicions of money laundering to the National Crime Agency
What powers does the Act give to a supervisor In an Individual Voluntary Arrangement?
- Power to apply to Court for an order in respect of transactions defrauding creditors
- Power to present a bankruptcy petition
- Power to apply to Court for directions
- Power to apply to Court for the transfer of cases
Which one of the following cannot make a Court application pursuant to Section 304 of the Act against a trustee for misapplied or retained, or become accountable, for any monies which the bankrupt’s estate has suffered a loss as a consequence?
The bankrupt’s spouse
In administration, what type of recovery action cannot be assigned to a third party?
Avoidance of a floating charge
You are required by law to notify the Redundancy Payments Service within a period of 90 days if you are proposing to dismiss how many employees?
20 or more
Following legislative changes in October 2015, where office holders are seeking approval to draw fees on a time costs basis, fees and costs estimates need to be provided in advance of approval being sought. Which type of formal insolvencies does this not apply to?
You are declaring a dividend to the unsecured creditors. The company was previously in administration but is now in CVL. As the company traded overseas, several of the creditors’ claims submitted are in Euros and US Dollars. What exchange rate date should be utilised for the purposes of converting these claims to Sterling?
The exchange rate on the date of the administration order
What are the RPO weekly payment limits?
Arrears of pay 8 weeks
Holiday pay 6 weeks
Which of the following does not have to be included in a a report by an Administrative Receiver under S48 of the Act?
a. The events leading up to his appointment
b. The disposal by him of any property of the company
c. Amounts of of principle and interest repayable to the debenture holder and the amounts payable to preferential creditors
d. Names, address and debts of the unsecured creditors
e. An estimate of the value of the prescribed part available to unsecured creditors
d. Names, address and debts of the unsecured creditors
Whose agent is an Administrative Receiver?
The company’s
Within what period must an Administrative Receiver deliver an abstract of Receipts and Payments to the Registrar of Companies?
Within 2 months after the end of 12 months from the date of their appointment and every subsequent period of 12 months
Within what period of being given notice of a proposal for a Company Voluntary Arrangement (subject to extension by the court) must a Nominee report to the court whether meetings of the company and its creditors should be called to consider the proposal?
28 days
When a moratorium comes into force prior to the calling of decision meetings to approve a Company Voluntary Arrangement the Nominee is required to advertise the fact that a moratorium is in force. When must the Nominee place this advertisement?
As soon as is reasonably practicable
Where no steps are taken to obtain a moratorium, to whom does the Nominee submit his report on the prospect of a Company Voluntary Arrangement being approved and implemented?
The court
At your first meeting you advise the directors that the first step to placing the company into MVL is to call a board meeting in order to pass certain resolutions to commence the process. What resolutions do the directors need to pass at this board meeting?
- Company should be wound up by the members
- Declaration of solvency
- That a general meeting of the company’s members should be called
- Director to chair GM
- Notice of the proposed liquidation be given to any QFCH
- Distribution in specie
What guidance should be provided to the directors in respect of the swearing of a declaration of solvency?
Declaration must contain a sworn statement by the directors that:
- They have made full inquiry into the company’s affairs; and
- They have formed the opinion that the company will be able to pay its debts in full plus interest within 12 months from the commencement of the winding up.
- The declaration must include a statement of the company’s assets and liabilities
- The declaration must be made within 5 weeks immediately preceding the date of the passing of the resolution for winding up.
In accordance with the Rules what debts are not provable in a bankruptcy?
- Post bankruptcy order debts
- Obligation arising under a confiscation order made
- Fine imposed for an offence
- Gaming debts
- Obligation (other than obligation to pay a lump sum or costs) arising under an order made in family proceedings
- Obligation arising under a maintenance assessment made under Child Support Act 1991
- Non-EU tax claims
- Statute barred debts after six years
SIP 7 details certain information which should be disclosed in a receipts and payments account or by way of a note when the payments concerned are to the office holders and their associates. List four of the payments that should be disclosed.
- OH remuneration, showing sums paid on each basis
- amounts paid to OH out of the estate for pre-appointment costs
- amounts paid to OH in respect of supervision of trading
- All other amounts required to be approved in the same manner as remuneration
- amounts paid to sub-contractors for work that would otherwise have to be carried out by the OH or their staff
- Any remuneration /disbursements paid to the OH other than out of the estate, with amounts paid, name of the payer, its relationship to the insolvent estate and the nature of the payment
In Administration, what 2 types of recovery action cannot be assigned to a third party?
Avoidance of floating charge and misfeasance
You are due to meet a debtor who is considering entering into an IVA. During the course of this meeting, what preliminary advice should be provided to the debtor at this early stage, in accordance with SIP 3.1?
- The advantages and disadvantages of each available option to the debtor
- The key stages and roles of the adviser / nominee / supervisor
- Any potential delays or complications
- Likely duration of the IVA
- What is required of the debtor
- The consequences of proposing and entering into an IVA
- What may happen if the IVA is not approved or not successfully completed
A partner in a partnership has recently been declared bankrupt. What effect will his bankruptcy have on the partnership, should the court apply the terms of an Insolvency Partnership Order?
- The partnership is automatically dissolved
- The bankrupt’s share in the partnership vests in the trustee on appointment
- The deed often provides for expulsion of the bankrupt partner and some mechanism for valuing and buying out of the bankrupt’s share by the other partners
- If no such buy-out provision the trustee may bring proceedings against the firm to realise the bankrupt’s interest in the partnership
Notwithstanding any additional powers and duties which may or may not have been provided to a receiver under the terms of a legal mortgage, what powers or duties does a receiver have if appointed under the Law of Property Act 1925?
- Duty to insure
- Duty to keep property in repair
- Power to collect rent and income
What is a category 2 disbursement?
a. Costs that are not directly referable to the appointment
b. Costs paid to an independent third party
c. Costs directly referable to the appointment
d. Costs that do not need to be approved by the creditors in advance
c. Costs directly referable to the appointment
Which of the below need not be contained in an officeholder’s progress report?
(a) Contact details of the officeholder
(b) The amount of any fee estimate (if any given)
(c) The date of the appointment of the officeholder
(d) Identification details for the proceedings
(b) The amount of any fee estimate (if any given)
Where the Nominee of a CVA is not the Administrator or Liquidator of the company and it appears that the Nominee’s report cannot be properly prepared on the basis of information in the proposals and Statement of Affairs, the Nominee may require certain information. Which of the below is not in the statutory list?
(a) More information on why a CVA is being proposed
(b) The company’s last three years’ audited accounts
(c) Particulars of any previous proposals
(d) Further information relating to the company’s affairs that the Nominee regards as necessary
(b) The company’s last three years’ audited accounts
Which Schedule of the Act deals with the powers of an Administrative Receiver?
Schedule 1
If a Liquidator were to reject a creditor’s proof of debt, what should they do?
- All proofs must be dealt with within 5 business days from the last date of proving.
- If the Liquidator rejects a proof…
- in whole or in part…
- He shall prepare a written statement of his reasons for doing so…
- and send it to the creditor…
- as soon as reasonably practicable
List four people who may be required to attend a private examination under S366 IA 1986?
- The Bankrupt
- The Bankrupt’s spouse/civil partner (including former spouses/civil partners)
- Any person known or believed to have any property comprised in the Bankrupt’s estate in her/his possession/indebted to the bankrupt.
- Any person appearing to the court to be able to give information concerning the Bankrupt or the Bankrupt’s dealings, affairs or property.
What are the two main types of Retention of Title clause and outline the main characteristics of the two clauses
- Simple clause
- stipulates that the supplier has retention of title over goods supplied under a specific invoice, until that invoice has been paid in full.
- All monies clause
- this clause will stipulate that all goods supplied by the supplier remain the property of the supplier until all sums due to that supplier are settled in full.
- If the purchaser has, at any point, cleared the account with that supplier down to nil, title of all goods purchased prior to that date passes to the purchaser.
Where no IVA is being proposed, what are the grounds available to annul a Bankruptcy order?
- that, on the grounds existing at the time the order was made, it ought not to have been made
- that, to the extent required by the Rules, the bankruptcy debts and expenses have all, since the making of the order, been either paid or secured for to the satisfaction of the Court
You are the Administrator of Sweet Homes Limited and wish to sell a property over which First Clear Bank has a fixed charge. First Clear Bank has refused you permission to sell the property.
What steps can you take, if any, as Administrator to overcome this and achieve a sale of the property?
- Is any negotiation possible with chargeholder?
- What are reasons for refusal? Concerned if a shortfall arises?
- Consider preparing EOS to address any concerns
- If negotiation not possible, then the ADM has recourse to Para 71, Sch B1 IA
- Under this, ADM can apply to Court for an order enabling him to dispose of property subject to a fixed charge as if it were not subject to the charge.
- Court may only make order where satisfied that disposal of the property would be likely to promote the purpose of the administration.
- Net proceeds of disposal must be applied towards discharge of the security – including any additional amount the Court considers to be necessary in order to achieve what it thinks ought to be market value.
In accordance to SIP 3.2, what matters must a Nominee in a CVA comment upon in his report to the Court?
- the company’s financial position is materially different from that contained in the proposal,
- the CVA is manifestly unfair;
- the CVA has a reasonable prospect of being approved and implemented.
- proposer understands the impact of the modifications on the implementation of the CVA and its viability;
- where modification is adopted, that consent has been obtained from the proposer of the CVA and if appropriate the creditors
- The likely outcome if the proposal is rejected
- History of other failures
- view of major creditors
- Attitude and Co-op of directors
- Any transactions better pursued in Liquidations
Where a company enters into insolvent Liquidation the directors are prohibited by Section 216 of the Act from re-using the company name. Explain what the exception to this rule is where a sale of the insolvent business takes place?
R22.4 IR 2016: this is the first excepted case to s216 prohibition.
Directors acquiring the insolvent business may re-use the prohibited name if they give notice:
- to all creditors of the insolvent company
- in the Gazette
- this notice can be given before completion of the sale, but must be within 28 days of completion, if not
the notice must state:
- name and registered number of the insolvent company
- names of the directors
- intention of the directors to trade using the prohibited name
- what the prohibited name is.
In accordance with the Rules, what is the latest day on which a Trustee can give notice to the Bankrupt and spouse/former spouse that a property falls within the provisions of S283A (“Bankrupt’s home”)
14 days prior to the expiry of the 3 year period under S283A
A Trustee in Bankruptcy may disclaim ‘onerous property’. Explain what is meant by ‘onerous property in this context’.
- Unprofitable contract
- Unsaleable or not readily saleable property
- Property that may give rise to a liability to pay money
- or perform any onerous act
The principle of equity of exoneration enables which of the following results?
(a) A person to claim an interest in a property through direct contribution
(b) A person to claim an interest in a property through indirect contribution
(c) A person to marshal all or part of a secured debt against another person, thus increasing their own share in the equity
(d) A person to treat a secured debt as unsecured, thus increasing the available equity in the property
(c) A person to marshal all or part of a secured debt against another person, thus increasing their own share in the equity
What is the definition of a transaction at an undervalue in accordance with s339 of the Act?
Where the Bankrupt has, at a relevant time:
- Made a gift to another person
enters into a transaction:
- that provides no consideration
- in consideration of marriage or civil partnership with a person
- for significantly less consideration than they ought to have received
A meeting has been convened to approve the remuneration of the Trustee. Within what time period must the meeting be advertised in the London Gazette?
14 days
Set out the grounds on which the Official Receiver may revoke a Debt Relief Order which has been made.
- Information supplied (either in or in support of the application, or after the determination date) was incomplete, incorrect, or otherwise misleading
- Debtor has failed to comply with a duty under s251J
- Debtor has been adjudged bankrupt
- Debtor has made, or notified intention to make, an IVA proposal
In a Protocol Compliant IVA all funds received, after payment of the arrangement costs, must be used to pay dividends to unsecured creditors. If at the end of the arrangement there are funds left in the account does the Supervisor have any discretion to return these funds to the debtor?
Yes – but only up to a limit of £200
If a person issues the Liquidator with a ‘Notice to Elect’, how long has s/he got to decide whether to disclaim onerous property?
28 days
A Trustee in Bankruptcy may obtain a charge on a Bankrupt’s home under s313A of the Act for the ‘charged value’. What does s313A of the Act advise is the ‘charged value’?
S.313 (2A):
• The value of the Trustee’s interest in the property at the date of the s313 order
• Interest on that amount from the date of the Charging Order at the prescribed rate
R15.7 IR 2016 sets out the detail of the notice to creditors of the decision procedure. It states that the convenor must deliver a note to every creditor who is entitled to a notice of the procedure. What must the notice contain?
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- Statement of the decision date
- If creditor who has opted out of receiving notices can still vote
- Description of the decision procedure
- Statement of when a proof must be delivered
- Details of the decision to be made
- Statement that 10% of the creditors may, within five business days from the date of delivery of the notice require a physical meeting
Who may take part in the public examination of a Bankrupt and question her concerning her affairs, dealings and property and the causes of her failure?
• The Official Receiver
• The Trustee of the Bankrupt’s estate, if his appointment has taken effect
• Any person who has been appointed as special manager of the Bankrupt’s estate or business
• Any creditor of the Bankrupt who has tendered a proof in the Bankruptcy
In accordance with Schedule 6 of the Rules what is the scale for a Trustee’s and a Liquidator’s remuneration for funds distributed?
On first £5,000 or fraction thereof 10%
On the next £5,000 or fraction thereof 7.5%
On the next £90,000 or fraction thereof 5%
On all further sums distributed 2.5%
Where an Administrative Receiver is appointed he shall, within three months after his appointment, send to the Registrar of Companies, any trustees for secured creditors of the company and to all such creditors a report. On what matters should he report?
• The events leading up to his appointment, so far as he is aware of them
• The disposal or proposed disposal by him of any property of the company and the carrying on or proposed carrying on by him of any business of the company
• The amounts of principal and interest payable to the debenture holders by whom or on whose behalf he was appointed and the amounts payable to preferential creditors
• The amount (if any) likely to be available for the payment of other creditors
What information must be included when providing notice to interested parties of a dwelling house falling within s283 of the Act?
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- Persons to receive the notice
- Last date under which the notice can be issued
- Address of the property in question
- Name and address of Trustee
- Title number of the property
- Bankruptcy order date
- Name of Bankrupt
- Court details
You have been appointed Liquidator of Glassway Limited, a company which ceased to trade six months ago and there are no known assets. The directors have agreed to make the sum of £8,000 available to cover the costs and expenses of the winding up. For what amount should you, as Liquidator, bond?
- Include monies provided by third parties towards the costs and expenses of the liquidation in your bond calculation
- The Liquidator should therefore bond for £8,000
State four matters that would constitute a breach of a Protocol Complaint IVA according to the Protocol.
• Any time arrears of contributions equivalent to three months or more of contributions proposed
• Debts and liabilities exceed by 15% or more the figure
estimated for the proposal
• False or misleading information was provided to obtain the IVA
• Significant omissions in the information provided for the IVA
• Failure to do anything that the Supervisor reasonably asks for the purposes of the IVA
• Failure to comply with any obligation under the IVA
What is the ‘official exchange rate’ to be used when calculating claims in foreign currencies?
The middle exchange rate on the London Foreign Exchange Market at close of business on the relevant day
To whom does the Administrator not have to send his Proposals?
The Court
How much does the registration with the Secretary of State of an approved IVA cost?
Section 6A of the Act concerns ‘False Representations’ made for the purpose of obtaining the approval of the members or creditors to a Proposal for a CVA. What is the penalty?
Imprisonment or a fine, or both
In accordance with the Act, the court may make an Administration Order if what two criteria are met?
Satisfied that the company is, or likely to become, unable to pay its debts
considers that the making of an order is reasonably likely to achieve the purpose of administration
(para 11 Sch B1).
How is the Prescribed Part calculated?
Where the Net Property is less than £10,000 £50% of the Net Property
Where the Net Property exceeds £10,000 50% of the first £10,000 plus 20% of the property that exceeds £10,000 up to a maximum prescribed part of £600,000.
A Supervisor of a protocol compliant IVA can issue a completion certificate if (s)he believes that the debtor has substantially complied with the terms of the IVA. For the debtor to be able to obtain a completion certificate of ‘substantial compliance’ what must the debtor have done?
–Made all payments required by the debtor under the IVA
- Fully explained any breach of the IVA as required by the Supervisor
- Paid the Supervisor any sum that they have reasonably requested to compensate creditors for any reduction in dividend caused by the debtor’s breach of the IVA
What are the conditions that apply to a creditor’s debt for the creditor to be able to present a Bankruptcy petition at court?
- Amount of the debt(s) equal to or exceeds £5,000
- The debt(s) are for a liquidated sum payable to the petitioning creditor immediately or at some certain, future time
- The debt(s) is/ are unsecured
- The debtor is unable to pay the debt or has no reasonable prospect of being able to pay
- There is no outstanding application to set aside a statutory demand served on the debtor in relation to the debt(s) s267(2) IA 86
A protocol compliant IVA will last to the end of the period as set out in the proposal (as modified). If an IVA does need to be extended, how do the Standard Conditions advise that this can be achieved?
- By a notice sent by the Supervisor to creditors for an initial six month extension period.
- By a notice sent by the Supervisor to creditors for a further three month extension period.
- If a creditors meeting is called for a date after the IVA will have expired, the IVA is extended to cover the meeting date and any adjournment.
- Where exceptional income not disclosed by the debtor, the term of the IVA may be extended by up to six months to recover any sums due.
- By agreement of creditors at a variation meeting.
What matters must be covered in a Trustee’s report on an annulment application made under S282(1)(b) of the Act (payment in full)?
- The circumstances leading to the Bankruptcy.
- A summarised account of the extent of the Bankrupt’s assets and liabilities at the date of the bankruptcy order and date of the annulment application.
- Details of any creditors known to the Trustee who have not lodged a claim in the bankruptcy.
- The Trustee’s remuneration.
- Basis fixed for the Trustee’s remuneration.
- Expenses incurred by the Trustee.
- The extent to which the debts and expenses have been paid or secured and whether the security is satisfactory.
- Any other matters as considered necessary for the information of the court.
After the creditors’ meeting to consider a debtor’s IVA proposals, the Chair of the meeting has to prepare a report to be sent to creditors and (where necessary) to the Court. Set out the contents of the report. What are the time limits for the notice to be sent?
Contents of chair’s report - Wario’s REALM
- Was the proposal for an IVA approved or rejected.
- Resolutions taken at the meeting and the decision on each one.
- EC Regulations - if they apply and if they do, main, secondary or territorial proceedings
- Any other information that is appropriate to make known to creditors and/or the Court.
- List of creditors with their respective values who were present or represented at the meeting and how they voted on each resolution
- Modifications to the proposal - what were they
Time limits
Notice to be sent as soon as is reasonably practicable after a copy of the report is filed at Court (where Interim Order is in place).
Four business days of the meeting being held (where no Interim Order is in place).
What are the specific duties of the directors under S99 of the Act and what should the statement of affairs show?
- Make out a statement of affairs in the prescribed form as to the affairs of the company.
- Cause that statement to be laid before the creditors’ meeting.
- Appoint one of their number to preside at that meeting.
- The director so appointed attends the meeting and presides over it.
Contents of statement:
- securities held by creditors
- assets, debts and liabilities - particulars of
- names and addresses of company’s creditors
- dates when the securities were given
- such further or other information as may be prescribed
What creditors’ claims rank preferentially (limits not required)?
Schedule 6 IA 86
- Any sum due in respect of occupational pension schemes.
- Remuneration of employees in preceding 4 months.
- Holiday pay.
- Sums advanced to pay employees that would otherwise have been a preferential debt.
- Levies on coal and steel production.
What are the general functions of a Liquidator in a winding-up by the Court?
To get in, realise and distribute the company’s assets to its creditors and, where there is a surplus, to the persons entitled to it
If the Liquidator is a person other than the Official Receiver, he must also:
- furnish the Official Receiver with information
- produce to/permit inspection by the Official Receiver books and records
- give the Official Reciever assistance
as the Official Receiver may reasonably require for the purposes of carrying out his functions in relation to the winding-up
If a debtor subject to a Protocol compliant IVA has an emergency item of expenditure and is unable to make the usual monthly contribution, the Supervisor can agree a payment holiday without the need to convene a variation meeting. What conditions must be met to allow the payment holiday?
Debtor is allowed a payment break of up to 6 months once during the term of the IVA without any modification being required at the discretion of the Supervisor.
The term of the IVA will be extended by the length of the payment break
so that the debtor will make the same number of contributions as agreed in the original proposal.
The debtor cannot already have had a payment break
and must not already be in breach of the terms of the IVA in other ways
and should provide to the Supervisor documentary evidence of the item of expenditure in any event.
Supervisor shall, if necessary, review the position at the end of the break.
What conditions must exist in order for the director of a company to apply to court for an Administration Order under Paragraph 12, schedule B1 of the Act?
The Court must be satisfied that:
the company is, or is likely to become, unable to pay its debts
and that the Administration Order is reasonably likely to fulfil the purpose of the Administration (both Para 11, Sch B1).
Schedule 5 to the Act sets out the powers of a Trustee in Bankruptcy. Name four powers which are set out in this Schedule under the category of ‘General Powers’.
- To sell any part of the property comprised in the Bankrupt’s estate, including goodwill and book debts of any business
- To refer to arbitration or to compromise debts, claims or liabilities owed by another person to the Bankrupt
- To make a compromise or other arrangement with regard to claims or potential claims against the Trustee arising out of the Bankruptcy estate
- To prove debts and receive dividends in respect of claims in other insolvency proceedings arising from debts owed to the bankrupt
- To exercise statutory powers in the IA relating to the Bankrupt’s estate
Where a debtor is subject to a Protocol compliant IVA what steps should she take in accordance with the Protocol if she is made redundant?
- Inform Supervisor of notice of redundancy within 14 days
- regardless of whether he has received, or expects to receive, any redundancy payment
- Inform Supervisor of amount of any redundancy payment within 14 days
- Pay Supervisor within 14 days of receipt of any redundancy payment
- any amount above 6 months net take home pay (as set out at the last annual review date)
- If no amount above 6 months net take home pay no payment is required
- Where possible continue to make monthly contributions to the IVA as set out at the last annual review date
- Keep Supervisor informed of any changes in employment status
- If unable to make contributions the Supervisor will review the matter
- When new job obtained the Supervisor will review IVA contributions
- at that point there will be an expectation that any remaining redundancy funds will be paid into the IVA
- performance in this regard will be reported to creditors
- if the debtor fails to disclose an entitlement to a redundancy payment, this is considered to be a breach of the IVA
What are the required contents of a proof of debt form to be lodged by a creditor in accordance with the Rules?
- Name, address and authority of any person authenticating the claim, if not the creditor personally
- If creditor is a company, its registered number
- Total amount of claim including VAT less any discounts that would have been available but for the insolvency
- Retention of title over goods to which the debt refers
- Incurred debt - how and when
- Creditor’s name and address
- Uncapitalised interest, if claim includes any outstanding
- Security - any held, date given and value
- Documents evidencing the claim should be specified
Which statute sets out the rules and regulations dealing with both the IP cases record and bonding by the Insolvency Practitioner?
IP Practitioners Regulations 2005
Which of the below cannot make an application to the court for the appointment of a provisional Liquidator under S135?
Administrative Receiver
A Contributory
A temporary Administrator
A creditor of the company
Administrative Receiver
Which of the following powers is only exercisable with the sanction of the committee, or the creditors as a whole, in any type of Liquidation?
- Power to sell any of the company’s property
- Power to raise security on the assets of the company
- Power to appoint an agent to do any business the Liquidator is unable to do him/herself
- Power to bring legal proceedings for a TUV or a Preference
Power to bring legal proceedings for a TUV or a Preference
Define the concept of ‘execution’ of a court judgement. To who is this action available?
- This is creditor action whereby an individual or corporation owed money by a company takes formal court action against that company..
- the court action is successful and a judgement is made against the company
- Execution is the enforcement of that court judgement, often by a court official called the High Court Enforcement Officer
- or it can be taken by the creditor themselves.
- The HCEO or the creditor can enter the premises if the company and take ‘walking possession’ over assets or goods physically on the premises
- which are not privileged (for example, belonging to a third party or electronically turned on)
- available to any creditor of the company
What needs to be proven to successfully raise a defence under S214?
- a party can raise a defence if they took every step to minimise potential loss
- Statute does not state that this should be ‘every reasonable step’ but it is interpreted as meaning this
- An example of a ‘step’ that should be taken is to minimise outgoings and deal only in cash
Where an office holder chooses to make a report available to creditors via a website rather than in hard copy, for what period must the report be available on the website?
2 months
Your partner was appointed Administrator of Dracula Limited three days ago. The company sells famcy dress costumes.
What matters should the Administrator consider and action to attempt to obtain a sale of the business?
The Administrator should first consider whether the sale of the business will meet statutory purpose of Administration
- The Administrator should obtain a valuation of the business from an independent agent on both a going concern basis and a break up basis
- The sale of the business should be advertised in at least two papers or publications
- Consider whether the existing management team would be interested in buying the business
Property matters
- Consider whether there are any fundamental issues with the property e.g. health and safety or issues with landlord such as him not consenting to a sale
- Ensure that appropriate insurance is in place
Realistic chance of sale
- The Administrator should consider whether the sale is realistic and if not should consider closing the business and sell assets at public auction
Environmental matters
- Have an environmental report carried out to ensure there are no environmental issues
Secured creditors
- Identify assets subject to fixed charges and ensure that the fixed charge holders agree to a sale of the assets
What practical considerations should an Administrator have before deciding whether to trade a business in Administration?
San Francisco VEHICLES
- Are any specific licences required for this type of business in order for it to trade
- Is trading financially viable? Have cashflow projections prepared
- can you obtain an overdraft to allow trading or an indemnity from the bank?
- Ensure the business premises are secure and take custody of all sets of keys
- Consider environmental risks of trading the business
- Consider getting an environmental report carried out
Health and Safety
- Consider all health and safety risks involved in trading the business and consider having a health and safety check carried out.
- There needs to be sufficient employees in order to trade the business. Check if there is any arrears of wages and if they are willing to co-operate
- Ensure there is adequate insurance in place for the business and if there is not obtain open cover insurance
- At the earliest opportunity obtain a valuation of the business as a going concern
- Carry out a stock take to ensure you have sufficient stock and you can ensure stock levels remain consistent
- Are there any customers or suppliers who are owed money that are fundamental to the trade of the business
- Will they continue to supply
Pursuant to Rule 3.53 what should be included in an Administrator’s final progress report?
- The administrators’ proposals
- Any major amendments or deviation from, those proposals
- The steps taken during the administration
- The outcome
What documents would need to be prepared to allow for the appointment of an Administrator under paragraph 22?
− Notice of Intention to appoint an administrator − Notice of Appointment of administrator − Board meeting minutes − General Meeting minutes? − Resolutions of GM? − Consent to Act − Notice to QFC − Statutory Declaration with Notice of Intention − Statutory Declaration with Notice of Appointment − Administrators’ statement − Para 100 statement − Evidence of QFC consent
On what basis may the Administrator dispense with the requirement to call an initial decision procedure of creditors?
Para 51 (1) IA 86
The above shall not apply where the statement of proposal states that the Administrator thinks:
− That the company has sufficient property to enable to each creditor of the company to be paid in full
− That the company has insufficient property to enable a distribution to be made to the unsecured creditors, other than by virtue of section 176 (2) (a)
− That neither of the objectives specified in para 3(1)(a) or para 3(1)(b) can be achieved.
The Administrator shall summon an initial creditors decision if it is requested by 10% of total creditors.
What steps must an Administrator take to announce his appointment?
As soon as reasonably practicable:
− Advertise his appointment in the London gazette…
… and any other manner he thinks fit
Give notice of his appointment in the prescribed manner to:
− The Company
− The creditors of whose claims and addresses he is aware
− Any Receiver or Administrative Receiver who has been appointed
− Any Court Enforcement officer, who to the Administrator’s knowledge is charged with execution or other legal process other the company
− Any person who to the Administrator’s knowledge has distrained against the company or its property
− Any Supervisor of a CVA
Send notice of appointment to the Registrar of Companies within 7 days of receiving the sealed copy of the notice of appointment from the appointer.
List four basic principles to deal with any stock subject to ROT and/or ROT claims.
Check that the ROT clause is valid and has been incorporated into the contract.
Request copies of all documentation: orders, invoices, ROT clause
To be incorporated an ROT clause must have been agreed before completion of the contract, it must not amount to an unregistered charge
Take legal advice as necessary (regarding the validity of the claim)
Identify the stock subject to the ROT claim (with the supplier as necessary)
Check what sums are still outstanding and reconcile with inventory of assets
Ensure stock is kept secure until ROT claims resolved.
What are the factors and advantages that the Administrator should take into consideration before making a para 83 application to move from Admin to CVL?
In order to move from Administration to CVL the secured creditors and preferential creditors have been paid or funds have been set aside…
… and the company has sufficient property to allow a distribution to unsecured creditors …
…above the Prescribed Part
− It is cheap and cost effective as there is no need to hold a section 100 Decision
− A liquidator has better investigative powers eg 212
− Not restricted by one year time limit
− Distribution can be made to unsecured creditors without court permission.
− Liquidator has broader powers to disclaim onerous assets and an administrator has no such powers
On what ground can a CVA be challenged by a creditor?
The arrangement prejudices the interest of a creditor, member or contributory
There has been a material irregularity in relation to either of the meetings
Within how many weeks from the date of a winding-up Order must the Official Receiver (“OR”) decide whether or not to seek a nomination of a liquidator by the creditors?
12 weeks
What are the effect(s) on a trustee of
a) an annulment of a bankruptcy Order and
b) a bankrupt obtaining his discharge?
- Annulment does not release the trustee
- remains liable to account for all actions in respect of bankruptcy estate
- only released at the Court’s discretion
- Discharge does not bring the bankruptcy to a close
- trustee is not released until he has finished administering the estate
- Assets remain vested in the trustee and his duties continue
Which decisions in a proposed CVA are required to have three quarters or more in value of those responding vote in favour of?
A decision approving a proposal or a modification
A decision extending or further extending a moratorium
A decision bringing a moratorium to an end before the end of the period of any extension
What additional powers are commonly found within a mortgage deed to assist a receiver appointed under the Land of Property Act 1925, in carrying out his duties?
Power to take possession and sell the property
Power to borrow money to carry out statutory duties
Power to trade or manage
Power to deal with employees
Power to raise or borrow money
Power to appoint solicitors and other agents
Power to retain out of money received his reasonable
Power to do all such other things reasonably and property necessary for realising the property
What are your obligations as an office holder under the Money Laundering regulations?
- Carry out ongoing monitoring of business relationships
- Report suspicious of money laundering to the National Crime Agency
- Assess individual risk of money laundering (high, medium, low)
- Maintain records of client identification and of business relationships for at least 5 years
- Maintain a continuing obligation to review
- Establish procedures to identify the directors and verify their identities
- Determine those with a controlling interest in the company
- Appoint a nominated office Money Laundering Officer to whom principals and employees must make money laundering reports
- Provide relevant training on money laundering to staff
- Establish internal systems, procedures, policies and controls to prevent money laundering
What powers does the Act give to a supervisor In an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (“IVA”)?
Power to apply to Court for an order in respect of transactions defrauding creditors
Power to present a bankruptcy petition
Power to apply to Court for directions
Power to apply to Court for the transfer of cases
An Administrator, appointed 1 January 2012, sends notice to each person to whom he considers appropriate, requiring them to prepare and submit a Statement of Affairs. The notice is required to inform each of those persons of all of the following, except one. Which one?
- The names and addresses of all others to whom notice has been sent
- The penalty for non-compliance of the notice
- The purposes for which the Statement is to be used, as stated in the Act
- The time within which the statement must be delivered
- The purposes for which the Statement is to be used, as stated in the Act
Pursuant to Para 51 Schedule B1 a decision of creditors must be held within what time period from appointment?
10 weeks
What is the time limit for a creditor to apply to challenge the grounds of a CVA?
The time limit for applications is within 28 days of filing of the chair’s report on the meeting with the court or date issued to creditors (in a case where there is no Interim Order)
Where an Interim Order is in force, which one of the following statements is not true?
(a) No Bankruptcy petition
may be presented against the debtor
(b) No possession proceedings may be commenced against the debtor’s property by a mortgagee
(c) No execution or legal process may be commenced or continued without leave of court
(d) No landlord may exercise any right of forfeiture by peaceful re-entry without leave of court
(b) No possession proceedings may be commenced against the debtor’s property by a mortgagee
What is the ‘relevant time’ period for a transaction that may be challenged as a preference under s340 of the Act against an associate of the Bankrupt?
(a) 2 years immediately preceding a Bankruptcy Order
(b) 2 years immediately preceding a Bankruptcy petition
(c) 6 months immediately preceding a Bankruptcy Order
(d) 6 months immediately preceding a Bankruptcy petition
5 Within how many days are an Administrator’s proposals deemed
(b) 2 years immediately preceding a Bankruptcy petition
Within what period following the last day for proving should a Liquidator deal with every creditor’s proof by admitting or rejecting it in whole or part?
(a) 4 months
(b) 14 business days
(c) 5 business days
(d) 2 months
(b) 14 business days
SIP 2 dictates that an initial assessment of whether there could be any matters that might lead to recoveries for the estate should be undertaken in every insolvent Liquidation and Administration. What steps should be taken to reach a position to make this initial assessment?
- Immediately following appointment OH should ascertain the location of, secure, and list all of the company’s books and records.
- OH should invite creditors to provide information on matters of concern/assets
- at the meeting of creditors at which the OH is appointed (liquidation)…
- at the Para 51 first meeting of creditors in Administration…
- at any subsequent meeting of creditors
- in the first communication sent to creditors.
- members of the creditors committee should also be invited
- Inquiries should be made of directors and senior employees – questionnaire or interview
- Irrespective of available funds, the OH should consider all available information in connection with the company and decide if further information is required or appropriate
On what grounds may the court annul a Bankruptcy Order under s282 of the Act?
- that on the grounds existing at the time the bankruptcy order was made, the order ought not to have been made
- that the bankruptcy debts and expenses have, since the making of the order, been paid or secured for to the satisfaction of the court.
When is an Administrator required to send a (non final) progress report to creditors?
within 1 month of the expiry of the first 6 month period after the commencement of the administration
within 1 month of the expiry of each subsequent 6 month period of the administration
or one month from date of a previous administrator ceasing to act when replaced and then witin 1 month of expiry of every 6 month period thereafter
In a protocol compliant IVA what do the standard conditions state is the discretion given to the Supervisor with regard to the admission of claims in an Arrangement?
Supervisor has the discretion to admit
- claims of £1,000 or less
- claims submitted that do not exceed 110% of the amount stated by the debtor in the
…without the need for additional verification.
What authority does a Liquidator require prior to issuing legal proceedings in respect of a preference, where there are floating charge realisations but it is expected there will be a shortfall to a floating charge creditor?
Liq needs sanction from creditors’ Committee/Secretary of state to commence legal proceeding under s239
- Must also request authority from each floating charge creditor who is likely to suffer a shortfall as a result of the proposed action.
- Request must be in writing
- Liquidator has recourse to Court where the floating charge creditor is or is intended to be the defendant to the proceedings
- or the floating charge creditor either:
- refuses authorisation
- grants it in an amount that is insufficient
- or makes a request for further information which the Liquidator considers to be unreasonable
What are the powers of the court on a successful application to challenge the decision of a meeting of creditors to approve a CVA?
Court may do one or both of the following:
- revoke or suspend any decision approving the CVA
- or in the case of a material irregularity, any other decision taken at the meeting of creditors
give a direction to any person for the summoning of further meetings:
- to consider a revised proposal
- or in the case of a material irregularity, a further meeting of the company or creditors to reconsider the original proposal
Court will revoke any direction to summon meeting to consider a revised proposal where it is satisfied that the person making the original proposal has no intention of making a revised proposal
What insolvency options are available for a creditor to pursue who has an unpaid debt due from a partnership business (not an LLP)?
- Wind up the partnership only as an unregistered company
- Wind up the partnership with simultaneous bankruptcy petitions against one or more insolvent members
- Individual insolvency proceedings against all members of the partnership without any action against the partnership itself
- Individual insolvency proceedings against one or more members only, without including the remaining members or any action against the partnership itself.
Provided a debtor is domiciled in England & Wales and is not an undischarged Bankrupt or subject to any IVA or Bankruptcy proceedings, name four other conditions to be met for a debtor to be granted a Debt Relief Order?
- Qualifying debts ( liquidated, payable immediately or at a specific future date, and not
excluded or secured) of less than £20,000 - Assets of less than £1,000 (excluding a car worth less than £1,000)
- Monthly disposable income of less than £50
- Unable to pay debts
- No previous DRO within last 6 years
- Not a homeowner
Who may not represent a member of a creditors’ Committee?
- another member of the Committee
- anyone who is at the same time representing another Committee member
- a body corporate
- a person who is an undischarged Bankrupt or subject to a DRO moratorium
- a disqualified director
- a person who is subject to a BRO, including an interim BRO, a BRU, a DRRO or DRRU
- any person claiming to be a member’s representative who cannot produce his letter of authority or whose authority appears to the chair of the relevant meeting to be deficient
Duties of the Administrator when convening meetings of Committee.
- Must call a first meeting to take place within 6 weeks of Committee’s establishment
- Must call subsequent meetings within 21 days of receipt of a request for one from a member
- or on a specified date, if the committee has previously resolved that this should happen
- Must give 5 business days’ written notice of venue of meetings to Committee members (or their representatives) unless this has been waived by members
- Other than this, Administrator shall hold meetings at times and locations he determines.
- Must also act as chairman of committee meetings unless he appoints another IP or experienced member of staff to act as chair
Procedure for obtaining postal resolution from Committee
- OH must send a copy of the proposed resolution to all members
- and must set it out in such a way that agreement or dissent can be indicated by the recipient on the copy resolution sent out
- any committee member can require OH summon a meeting of the committee to consider matters raised by the resolution
- but must do so within 7 business days of the date on which the resolution was sent out
- If no meeting is requested, resolution is deemed passed by members when OH receives written notification that a majority of members concur with it
- OH must keep a copy of every resolution passed and note the Committee’s concurrence
Your principal has recently been appointed trustee in bankruptcy (“TiB”) by a decision process. Within what timescale should his appointment be advertised in the London Gazette?
a) Within 7 days following the appointment
b) Within 14 days following the appointment
c) There is no requirement to advertise the appointment
d) As soon as reasonably practicable
d) As soon as reasonably practicable
Mr Jackson is seeking the approval of creditors to be appointed liquidator of Star Five Limited. He initially sought a decision on his appointment by deemed consent however the requisite number of creditors have objected to the deemed consent procedure being used. What decision process must he now use in order to obtain approval for his appointment as liquidator?
a) Virtual meeting
b) Physical meeting
c) Decision by correspondence
d) Whatever decision procedure he deems to be most convenient
b) Physical meeting
What is the time period within which a bankrupt must notify their TiB of an after acquired asset?
a) Within 21 of receiving the asset
b) Within 21 days of becoming aware of the asset’s existence
c) Within 21 days of discharge from bankruptcy
d) Within 21 days of applying for discharge from bankruptcy
b) Within 21 days of becoming aware of the asset’s existence
What information should be included within a notice of intention to declare a dividend to creditors?
- statement that the office holder intends to declare a dividend within two months of the last date for proving
- statement as to whether it is an interim or final dividend
- the last date for proving which must be at least 21 days from the date of the notice
- statement of the place to where proofs should be delivered
Who can bring a claim for a transaction defrauding creditors under Section 423 of the Act?
Official Receiver
- Trustee
- Liquidator
- Administrator
- Supervisor if a victim is bound by the voluntary arrangement
- A victim of the transaction (leave of the court is required if the debtor is bankrupt or in liquidation or administration)
What must be sent to creditors where the nominee convenes a virtual meeting to seek a decision from the debtor’s creditors as to whether they approve the debtor’s proposal for an IVA?
- Notice of the decision procedure/virtual meeting
- Blank proxy
- Copy of the proposal
- Copy of the statement of affairs, or a summary including a list of creditors with the amounts of their debts
- Estimated outcome/ comparison statement
- Copy of the nominee’s report on the proposal
- Nominee’s comments
- Notice re requisite majorities
- Creditors’ guide to IP’s fees
- Claim form
- Notice re opting out of receiving documents
Who may attend and ask questions at a public examination of a bankrupt?
- The OR
- The trustee (if other than the OR)
- A special manager
- Any creditor who has tendered proof
Your client submitted a claim in the liquidation of a company, but the liquidator has rejected the claim on the basis that there is no evidence of the debt in the company’s books and records. Your client has advised that he has proof that the debt is owed, and has asked you what he can do.
- The creditor may apply to the court for the liquidator’s decision to be reversed or varied
- The application to court must be made within 21 days of the creditor receiving the rejection of his claim
- The creditor must deliver to the liquidator, notice of venue of the application hearing, once fixed by the Court
When undertaking an anti-money laundering review for a new appointment, list eight practical matters which you should consider in assessing whether there has been a high risk of money laundering activity
- Verified company name against Companies House info
- Have the individuals/directors fully disclosed details of their identity
- Have you met individuals/directors face to face or are they refusing to meet you and want to operate through a third party
- Is the business mostly cash-based (eg betting shop)
- familiar with the business activities?
- Is the business involved in high risk activities
- Does the company/business operate in a high-risk country (check list)
- Is the individual/director a PEP
- Directors want to pay you in cash
- No books and records or available records don’t support directors’ explanations re trading activities
- Unexplained trading profits
- No explanation for sources of cash
What percentage of creditors is required to request a meeting to replace an existing liquidator? Give two examples of the resolutions which should be passed at this meeting together with the percentage required to pass each of the resolutions.
- Creditors representing 25% in value of all the company’s creditors can ask the liquidator to call a meeting to vote on his own removal
- The basis of the liquidator’s fees be fixed on basis preferred (rates to be provided at meeting)
- The liquidator be authorised to draw “Category 2” disbursements, details provided at the meeting
- Ordinary resolutions therefore 50%
Ignoring formal personal insolvency procedures list the key options which might be available to a debtor.
- Negotiate agreement with creditors
- Debt reorganisation or consolidation loan
- Remortgage of property
- Sale of non-essential assets
- Support from family/other third parties
- Debt management plan
A provisional liquidator only has those powers which are granted by the court order appointing him. What powers and functions would be usually applied for by a provisional liquidator?
Decanters DECOCT Badly
- Do all things which may be necessary for the protection of the company’s assets
- Do all other things incidental to the performance of the functions and power of the PL
- Employ accountants, lawyers and other persons and do all things necessary which the PL may consider expedient in connection with the above
- Conduct investigations and obtain information as may be required to enable a liquidation to proceed in a speedy and efficient manner
- Open or maintain such bank accounts as they consider expedient and to authorise payments out of the company’s bank account
- Carry on the business of the company including employing, retaining or dismissing employees
- Take possession of, collect and get in all property and assets
- Bring or defend any action or other legal proceedings in the name and on behalf of the company
Self-interest threats
may occur as a result of the financial or other interests of a practice or an Insolvency Practitioner or of an immediate or close family member of an individual within the practice
Self-review threats
may occur when a previous judgement made by an
individual within the practice needs to be re-evaluated by the Insolvency Practitioner
Advocacy threats
may occur when an individual promotes a position or opinion to the point that subsequent objectivity may be
Familiarity threats
may occur when, because of a close relationship, an individual within the practice becomes too sympathetic to the interests of others
Intimidation threats
which may occur when an Insolvency Practitioner may be deterred from acting objectively by threats, actual or perceived
An insolvency practitioner should be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships
An insolvency practitioner should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgement.
Professional competence and due care
An insolvency practitioner has a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques
An insolvency practitioner should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third parties without proper and specific authority unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose
Professional behaviour
An insolvency practitioner should comply with relevant laws and regulations and should avoid any action that discredits the profession
Which one of the following is a provable debt in bankruptcy proceedings in accordance with the rules?
(a) A parking fine
(b) Monthly maintenance assessment payments
(c) A confiscation order under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
(d) A maintenance assessment lump sum award
(d) A maintenance assessment lump sum award
Where the Nominee of a CVA is not the Administrator or Liquidator of the company and it appears that the Nominee’s report cannot be properly prepared on the basis of information in the proposals and Statement of Affairs, the Nominee may require certain information. Which of the below is not in the statutory list?
(a) More information on why a CVA is being proposed
(b) The company’s last three years’ audited accounts
(c) Particulars of any previous proposals
(d) Further information relating to the company’s affairs that the Nominee regards as necessary
(b) The company’s last three years’ audited accounts
You intend to publish your Administrator’s Proposals on a website to discharge your duties under Paragraph 49 of Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986.
What information must be included in the relevant notice to creditors specifically with regard to accessing the information?
- State that all relevant documents will be made available for viewing and downloading on a website
- Address of the website
- Password necessary to view and download documents from the site
- Include a notice that any person to whom notice is given may at any time request hard copies of all or specific relevant documents
- Specify tel number, email address and postal address which may be used to make request
In accordance with the Rules within what period should a Trustee’s remuneration be determined by either the creditors’ committee or a meeting of creditors? If not so determined, how will it be fixed?
- Trustee’s remuneration must be fixed by creditors Committee or a decision procedure of creditors within 18 months of the appointment of the Trustee
- If not fixed within 18 months remuneration will be fixed as follows:
- applying realisation scale to monies received from the realisation of assets of BKY
— then by by applying the distribution scale to the value of assets distributed to creditors of the Bankrupt
Under the Act, how may a company be an associate of another company?
A company is an associate of another company:
- if the same person has control of both
- a person has control of one and his associates, or he and his associates have control of the other
Your principal has been appointed Administrator of Jeans Limited by the company’s bank, which has fixed and floating charges over the company’s assets. The Administrator intends to continue to trade the business for a period of at least two weeks in order to seek a sale of the business as a going concern. The company trades from five retail outlets, all of which are subject to formal leases with quarterly rent payable in advance on the usual quarter days. Each of the leases has more than two years left to run.
Set out the Administrator’s responsibility following their appointment for rent and rates in respect of occupation of the company’s premises.
- Occupation of premises for purpose of seeking sale of biz as a GC would be considered occupation for the beneficial conduct of the Adm
- Consequently rent and rates incurred during period of occupation will constitute a ‘necessary disbursement’ and those payments will be payable as an expense of the Administration
- Principle was confirmed in the cases of Game Stores Group and Re Atlantic Computer Systems
- Administration expenses are paid in the priority set out in Rule 3.50 and will rank above other creditor claims
- ‘Rent’ includes other sums such as service charge and insurance that may be due under the terms of the lease
- Any rent or rates due before the company entered Administration or after the Administrator ceased to occupy the premises will not rank as expense but as an ordinary unsecured debt
A partner of your firm has today been appointed by way of the qualifying decision procedure as Liquidator of Fresh Fruit & Veg Limited, a company which is insolvent.
What notification of appointment must s/he give of the appointment?
What is the position of the directors of the company on appointment?
What is the position regarding any actions being taken against the company?
- Liquidator will place a notice in the London Gazette and any other manner he deems necessary within 14 days of the appointment
- Notice of the appointment will go to the Registrar within 14 days.
- A copy of the SOA will go to the creditor and contributories within 28 days and to the Registrar within 5 days
- A note that the company is ‘In Liquidation’ is placed on all documentation, as well as the company’s website
Position of the Directors
- The directors’ powers cease on the appointment of the Liquidator but their duties continue until their position is terminated
- In a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation actions are not automatically terminated; the Liquidator will have to apply to the court to end them.
Certain types of assets are excluded from a Bankrupt’s estate such as tools, books, vehicles and equipment required for work or personal use.
Set out four other types or categories of assets which do not form part of a Bankrupt’s estate.
- clothing, bedding, furniture, household equipment and provisions necessary for satisfying basic domestic needs of the Bankrupt and family
- Property held by the Bankrupt on trust for any other person
- Personal correspondence (Haig v Aitken).
- Titles of honour.
- Compensation claims for pain and suffering or injured feelings.
- Interest in an approved pension scheme.
- Items not vested in the Bankrupt at commencement.
In certain circumstances application may be made to the court to review the actions or decisionof a Supervisor of an IVA.
Who may make such an application and what type of order may the court make?
— the debtor
— any of his creditors
— any other person who is dissatisfied by any act, omission or decision of the Supervisor
the court may
— Confirm, reverse or modify any act or decision of the Supervisor
— Give directions
— Make any such other order as it thinks fit
— The court may also appoint another person qualified to act as Supervisor either in substitution for the existing Supervisor or to fill a vacancy
In which circumstances does an Administrator not need to seek a decision on his proposals?
- the company has sufficient property to enable each creditor of the company to be paid in
- that the company has insufficient property to enable a distribution to be made to unsecured creditors other than by prescribed part
- that neither of the objectives specified in paragraph 3(1)(a) and (b) can be achieved
What must a CVA’s Supervisor’s notice of full implementation or termination to creditors include?
- date the CVA took effect
- a summary of all receipts and payments in relation to the CVA
- explanation of any departure from the original terms of the CVA
- if the CVA has terminated, the reasons why
- a statement as to the amount paid to any unsecured creditors by the prescribed part
Set out four requirements that must be addressed for the purpose of a Notice of Intended Dividend in accordance with the Rules
- Before declaring dividend OH must give notice to all creditors who are known to him and have not proved their debts of intention to declare and distribute a dividend
- Notice to be given by public advertisement (Gazette) Unless creditors previously invited by Gazetted notice to prove debts
- Must specify a last date for proving (not less than 21 days from the date of the notice)
- Officeholder must deal within 5 business days from the last date for proving
What are a Bankrupt’s rights to occupy a dwelling house? How may these rights be overcome?
- Bankrupt has the right against the Trustee not to be evicted if in occupation (without leave of
the court). - If not in occupation a right to enter the dwelling house.
- Trustee can make an application to court for leave to evict the Bankrupt
- Court will do what is just and reasonable, having regard to the interests of the creditors
If a Trustee wishes to claim an after-acquired asset for the Bankruptcy estate, who does written notice have to be given to and what is the time-limit for the issuing of this notice?
- Written notice must be given to the Bankrupt
- Notice must be served within 42 days of the Trustee first became aware of the property
- Can only be longer with leave of court
Why should directors in an MVL take care to ensure they have reasonable grounds for making the statutory declaration?
- Making of declaration without reasonable grounds is an offence
- culpable director will be liable to fine, imprisonment or both
- If a company becomes insolvent after being placed into MVL it will be presumed that the statutory declaration was not made on reasonable grounds
- The company will then be placed into insolvent Liquidation.
Define equitable exoneration
Equitable exoneration occurs when one party has charged their share of the matrimonial home for the benefit of the other
In the event of a sale of the property, the debts must be allocated to the relevant equity share in accordance with the benefit received
Re Pittortou
- A 2nd mortgage on the property was used to fund the husband’s business
- As the wife could prove she did not benefit from the funds and had her own independent source of income, the loan was applied to the husband’s share of the equity first and the wife effectively became surety for any shortfall
On what bases may an office holder’s remuneration be approved?
- As a percentage of the value of assets realised or distributed, or of both in combination
- By reference to time properly given by the IP and his staff in attending to matters arising
- A set amount
- A combination of the above bases
What are the relevant column and row items in a SIP 9 table?
Top row:
Harry’s Pilot Met Other Airmen Travelling To America
Hours (title) Partner Manager Other senior professionals Assistants and support staff Total hours Time costs Average hourly rate
First column:
Counting Avalanches In Remote Chalets Cures Truly Troubling Tremors
Classification of work function (title) Administration and planning Investigations Realisations of assets Case specific matters Creditors Trading Total hours Total fees claimed
What actions must be taken by a MVL Liquidator upon realising that the company cannot pay all its debts and liabilities plus interest within 12 months of the date of winding up?
Posh Venture Capitalists Persistently Act Childish Indoors
- prepare SOA within 7 days of forming the opinion
- verify SOA with statement of truth
- convene decision procedure of creditor to take place within 28 days of forming the opinion
- provide creditors with minimum of 7 days notice of th decision procedure
- advertise decision procedure in the gazette and any other manner in which he sees fit
- consider if any conflict prevents them from acting as CVL Liquidator, consider resignation
- if he believes that the directors had no reasonable grounds to swear the declaration of solvency, report them to the crown prosecution service
SIP 16 contents
- Details of assets sold
- Consideration paid… terms of payment
- Valuations obtained of the assets and business
- Options considered by the administrator and the financial outcomes
- Trade in the circumstances? No… offer for sale as going concern
- Efforts to consult major creditors
- Requests to potential funders for working capital
- Buy-back arrangements attached to sale contract
Relationship between purchaser and directors, shareholders or secured creditors of the company - Identity of the purchaser
- Names of the directors who are involved in the management or ownership of the purchaser
- Guarantees given from directors for amounts due from the company to a funder
- Source of the Administrator’s initial introduction
- Marketing activities undertaken by company/Administrator
- Extent of the Administrator’s involvement pre-appointment
- Date of transaction
- Sale a part of wider transaction? Details of the other parts
- Pre-pack pool, whether consulted
- Viability statement, whether provided
- Charges, details of
Contents of Nominees report
- Investigation into affairs
- Valuation basis for assets and liabilities
- Attitude of debtor
- Secured creditors cooperation
- Approval - estimated result for creditors
- Re a Debtor - Greystoke v Hamilton-Smith tests
- Extent debtors estimates relied upon
- Source of referral
- History of previous failures
- Other options
- Rejection - likely outcome
- Transactions best pursued in Bankruptcy
Contents of voluntary arrangement proposals
- Property not owned by company to be included in VA
- Preferential creditors - how they will be dealt with
- Further credit facilities to be arranged and how to be paid
- Business - how it is to be conducted
- Funds - how they are to be held during VA
- Functions to be undertaken by Supervisor
- Duration proposed for VA
- Any guarantees or security that are to be given for purposes of the VA
- Dates proposed for distributions to creditors
- Supervisors’ joint appointment statement
- Liabilities - nature and amount
- Identification and contact details of Supervisor
- Charged assets, extent of
- Excluded assets, extent of
- Nominee’s remuneration
- Connected parties - how they are proposed to be dealt with
- Estimated amounts for distribution to creditors
- Desireable to enter VA - explain why
- Manner in which liabilities are to be dealt with by the arrangement
- Asset details with estimates of their values
- Secured creditors - how they will be dealt with
- Supervisor’s remuneration
- Antecedent transactions
- Guarantees given for compay debts by other persons
- EC Regulations, whether they apply
SIP 3.1/2 - Advice
- Consequences of entering VA
- Role of Nominee and Supervisor
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Required of the debtor
- Duration likely for VA
SIP 3.1/2 - Meeting and assess
- Face to face
- Understand process
- Cooperative debtor?
- Key creditors’ attitude
- Viability of the solution
SIP 3.1/2 - Proposal
- History - info is sufficient for creditors to understand
- Background and financial history, where relevant
- Insolvency - why it happened
- Roles of debtor and key duties
- Outcomes estimated for VA
- Financial difficulties, attempts to solve
- Payments to Nominee and Supervisor for VA
SIP 3.1/2 - Nominee
- Final position - materially different to proposal?
- Unfair proposal (manifestly)
- Consent to modifications by debtor
- Advice - debtor had and confirmed in writing
- Reasonable prospect of VA being approved and implemented
SIP 3.1/2 - Supervisor
- Modifications outlined to creditors
- Supervised in accordance with terms
- Departures identified ASAP
- Monitored progress
- Discretion exercised by Supervisor
- Enquiries dealt with
- Variations approved
- Costs fully disclosed
- Closed promptly on completion
How soon after the date of the Administrator ceasing to be appointed must he file the notice of automatic end of the Administration in Form 2.30B?
5 business days
Bankruptcy - consequences
- assets acquired post bky and pre discharge can be claimed for the estate
- liability for bky offences - concealment/falsification
- legal actions stayed
- or becomes receiver and manager of estate pending trustee
- credit rating impaired
- antecedent transactions may be recovered by trustee
- transactions subject to scrutiny
- employee contracts deemed to be terminated
- contempt of court if do not assist trustee
- asset dispositions are void without court approval
- special manager may be appointed
- home likely to be realised
Bankrupty - obligations
Bankuptcy - restrictions
Practical steps to deal with when closing a CVL
During Twenty Two BC CATBIRD FIT
Which of the following is not a qualifying debt which can be included in a Debt Relief Order?
a) Benefits overpayments
b) Credit card debts
c) Business debts
d) Student loans
d) Student loans
Which of the following is not a ground upon which a partnership may be wound up as an unregistered company?
a) Inability to pay debts
b) Partnership dissolved, ceased to carry on business or is carrying on the business only for the purpose of winding up its affairs
c) The bankruptcy of a partner
d) Just and equitable
c) The bankruptcy of a partner
- restoration to the position the parties would have been in had the misfeasance never taken place
- Includes any interest or other enhancement of value the company may have benefited from had the directors not did what they did
the directors can be ordered to repay any profit or gain they have made as a result of the breach of fiduciary duty
- the directors can be ordered to account for any gain they have made
- or to account for any loss to the company or its stakeholders
A floating charge granted to an unconnected party may be challenged under Section 245 of the Act if created within what period of the onset of insolvency?
1 year
Your principal has been appointed liquidator of Best Beds Limited however he is dissatisfied with the level of remuneration set by the liquidation committee. What can he do, if anything, in relation to this?
- Liquidator can apply to court if he considers that the basis of his remuneration is insufficient or inappropriate
- he must give 14 days’ notice of the application to the Committee
- If there has been a material and substantial change in the circumstances of the case since the basis was fixed…
- The Liquidator can make request to the Committee for it to be changed.
- The Liquidator must also have provided a fees estimate (if all or part of the remuneration is on a time cost basis) when seeking approval
- so if, as well as being dissatisfied with the level, it is apparent that the estimate will be exceeded, he will also need to seek approval for that from the Committee
The appointment of an administrator ceases to have effect at the end of one year beginning when the administration takes effect. Explain how the period of an administration may be extended?
- ADM may apply to Court for extension for a specified
period - ADM may also seek the consent of creditors to extend for a specified period up to one year
In what circumstances is a creditor no longer eligible to act on a creditors’ committee?
- If they have submitted a written resignation
- If they become Bankrupt or subject to a DRO (although if Bankrupt, the Trustee in Bankruptcy replaces the creditor as Committee member)
- If at 3 consecutive meetings of the Committee they are neither present nor represented (unless at the third of these meetings it is resolved that this rule should not apply)
- If they cease to be, or are found never to have been, a creditor
- If a meeting of creditors resolves (on 14 days’ notice of the resolution being tabled) that they should be removed
Admin extension: creditor consent
- may only be obtained for maximum of 12 months
- cannot be obtained after a court order to extend has been made
- cannot be obtained after expiry of the Administration period
- Once extension has been obtained by consent, notice must be filed at court and with ROC
Repossession FLAWS
- repossession of goods for ROT/HP - cannot take place
- forfeiture by reentry - cannot be exercised
- administrative receiver - cannot be appointed
- legal processes - including proceedings, CRAR and execution) cannot be commenced or continued
- winding up petitions - suspended/dismissed
- security over property - cannot be enforced
A Trustee in Bankruptcy requires sanction to exercise which one of the following powers?
a) operate a local bank account
b) carry on the bankrupt’s business
c) demand supplies of electricity
d) distribute assets in specie
d) distribute assets in specie
In a compulsory liquidation what is the status of an action being taken against the company from the date of the presentation of the petition?
a) It will be valid pending the appointment of the Official Receiver
b) It will be voidable at the discretion of the Liquidator
c) It is void, subject to the discretion of the Official Receiver
d) It is void
d) It is void
SIP 16 sets out a number of marketing essentials with which a company should conform when seeking to market a business for sale. List four of these marketing essentials and explain what is meant by them.
- Broadcast
- Justify the marketing strategy
- Independence
- Publicise rather than simply publish
- Connectivity
- Comply or explain
At a winding up hearing, what possible actions might the judge make?
- Make a winding-up Order
- Dismiss the petition
- Adjourn the hearing conditionally or unconditionally
- Make an Interim Order
- Make any order the court including in relation to any property dispositions post and petition costs
SIP 16 - Broadcast
- the business should be marketed as widely as possible proportionate to its nature and size
- Marketing should be by whatever media or other sources are likely to achieve this
SIP 16 - Justify the marketing strategy
- statement to creditors should explain the reasons underpinning the marketing and media strategy used.
- A list of what marketing has been undertaken alone is not sufficient to justify the marketing strategy to creditors.
SIP 16 - Independence
ADM should be satisfied as to the adequacy and independence of the marketing undertaken
If the business has been marketed by the company prior to the IP being instructed, this should not be used
as a justification in itself to avoid further marketing
SIP 16 - Publicise rather than simply publish
- ADM must be satisfied that the best available outcome for creditors as a whole has been achieved.
- marketing should be undertaken appropriate length of time to achieve this
- creditors informed of the reason for the length of time decided upon
SIP 16 - Connectivity
- marketing should include online communication, alongside other media, by default
- If the business is not marketed via the internet, this needs to be justified
SIP 16 - Comply or explain
ADM needs to explain how the marketing strategy has achieved the best available outcome for creditors as a whole
When is a final progress report to be sent in an Administration?
- final progress report to be sent
- within 5 business days of filing the notice of automatic end of administration with the Registrar of Companies
- when making a request to creditors for extension of the Administration, or applying to Court for it
- if appointed by QFC holder to company/directors, within 5 business days of filing notice that the purpose of the Administration has been achieved
- when applying to Court for an order ending the Administration
Duties of Trustee in Bankruptcy
- Bank funds received every 14 days or immediately if £5,000 or more received
- Obtain sanction if required of the creditors committee or SOS
- At request of SOS send account of receipts and payments
- Take possession of estate including books, papers and records
- All financial records retained for 6 years following vacation of office
- Make payments into ISA account of all monies received
- Provide information, documents and other assistance to OR
- Prepare and maintain records and accounts
What potential conduct by a director during the course f liquidation could result in a fine, a warrant for his arrest, and/or imprisonment?
- Misconduct during the course of winding up
- Falsification of company records
- Failure to co-operate with the liquidator
- Material omission from the statement of affairs
- False representation
In the eight week period following the issuing of a final report to creditors in a bankruptcy, creditors may do three things. State two of these things
- Challenge the trustee’s remuneration and expenses
- Request further information from the trustee
- Object to the trustee’s release
The Insolvency Service has said that, based on case law, an Insolvency Practitioner must exercise professional judgement in respect of a proposed Individual Voluntary Arrangement (“IVA”), ensuring what?
- It is feasible
- Fair to debtors and creditors
- Fit to be put to creditors
- Provides an acceptable alternative to bankruptcy
What are the principle duties of a liquidator following appointment?
- Maximise realisations for the benefit of creditors
- Comply with guidelines set by the Insolvency Service
- Submit a D report on such conduct
- Adhere to the Code of Ethics
- Take control of and realise the Company’s assets
- Act objectively
- Notify of appointment
- Investigate the conduct of the director and affairs of the Company
- Comply with statutory duties, such as providing reports and information to creditors
Contents of Administrator’s annual progress report according to rule 18.3 and 18.4
- Assets that remain to be realised
- Statement of the creditors’ rights to request information and right to challenge the administrator’s remuneration and expenses
- Court and Court reference number
- Extensions to the initial period of appointment
- Remuneration - details of basis fixed or steps taken to fix it
- Time cost basis, any fees which exceed the initial estimate with explanation of why and what the administrator intends to do
- Administrator’s name and address, date of appointment
- If exit is to precede a new form on insolvency and the report is the final
- Name of company, address of registered office and registered number
- Expenses incurred in the period covered by the report
- Details of progress during the period of the report, including a receipts & payments account
- Name and address of appointer
- Any other relevant information