Multiple Choice Random Flashcards
Which god was the Roman equivalent of the Greek God which was the father of Zeus
Zeus’ father was Kronos and his Roman equivalent is Saturn
Which King of Lydia sought Oracles from Apollo at Delphi before the Persian Wars?
According to Herodotus, it was King Croesus
How many months does Persephone live with her husband Hades in the underworld, according to the ‘Homeric Hymn to Demeter’?
Three months
Which Babylonian King sacked Jerusalem and carried the Jews off into exile?
Which book of the Christian Bible narrates the travels of St Paul?
The book of Acts of the Apostles
Which Greek god was associated with the planet Jupiter?
Who was Medea’s Father?
King Aeetes
Which ancient oracle had a temple dedicated to Zeus?
Dione was the Oracle. The shrine of Dodona was the oldest Hellenic oracle according to Herodotus
What was the Pythia?
Priestess to Apollo at Delphi
Which Egyptian goddess shares epithets with Demeter and Aphrodite?
What is the name for Divination by birds?
Name four gods which all represent the sun and light?
Apollo: god of light, music and archery
Helios: god of the sun
Ra: Egyptian deity of the sun
Hyperion: one of the Titans, son of Gaia and Ouranus. God of watchfulness, wisdom and the light
Which emperors formed the Flavian dynasty, built the Colosseum, and continued the persecution of Christian’s after the Emperor Nero?
Vespasian, Titus and Domitian
The ritual where young Spartan men were required to steal cheese from an altar was dedicated to?
Did Perseus fight in the Trojan war at Troy?
What is a Maenad?
A female follower of Dionysus
What was the name of the greatest mortal seer in Ancient Greek Mythology?
Tiresias was a great seer. He was blind
A chimera is a mythical beast with the heads of a…?
A lion, a goat and a snake
Who were the two primary Olympian gods worshiped at ancient Corinth?
Aphrodite and Poseidon
What did Athena give the Athenians?
An olive tree
What festival is probably shown being celebrated on the Parthenon frieze?
The Panathenaia
Which of the animal did Theseus kill?
He killed the Crommyonian sow
Who are the sons of Zeus and Tyndareus?
Castor and Pollux
Castor was fathered by King Tyndareus. His wife Leda was also seduced by Zeus In the form of a swan on the same night.
Which Ancient Greek cities had a temple of Athena on their Acropolis?
Athens and Sparta
What was the first labour of Heracles?
The Nemean Lion
Which Deity opposed Odysseus’ return home to Ithaca?
Poseidon opposed it because Odysseus had tricked his son the Cyclops
Which deity opposed Aeneas voyage from Troy to Italy?
Which deity did not have a temple beside the forum at Ancient Rome?
Bacchus (Roman god of wine) had a temple at Heliopolis Syriaca (Lebanon) but not beside the forum in Rome
Who leads Aeneas down to the underworld?
Which of the following is not an example of epigraphic text
A manuscript is not but a gravestone, curse tablet and a Linear B tablet are
Which goddess transforms Lucius back into a man at the end of Apuleius’ novel ‘Metamorphoses’?