multiple choice questions Flashcards
Lots of anxieties, feeling of not enough (money, energy, confidence) so fear poverty
insufficiency, poor assimilation, functional problems, itching
remedies that are strongly psoric
Calc carb, Baryta carb, & Sulphur
excesses, extremes, affects genito-urinary tract, worse wet weather, better evening and night, lots of d/c
Growths, tumors, warts, moles. Passion, seek thrills
destructive, bleeding, deep cracks, ulcers, affecting bones and vital organs, deep serious pathologies, compulsive, hard to connect with, worse night, suspicious, feeling others are enemies, worse night
remedy that is strongly syphilitic?
restless, discontent, want change, travel, better mountains, worse wet weather, respiratory problems, autoimmune diseases, desire wind.
fastidious, passionate, sympathetic, serving others, strong connection to nature, love animals, chocolate, salt, spicy, fat
3 Parameters we use to assess the effect of a remedy
energy, Mental/Emotional changes, chief physical limitation
how do you know if it’s a new layer?
change in physical general, mental emotional, or strong new sx
What are the 4 principles of homeopathy?
Law of similars
Minimum dose given
Look at the whole person - mental, emotional, physical levels
Single remedy
What are the 3 types of homeopathic cases?
First aid
Acute dz = rapid onset and resolve in healing or pt dies
Chronic dz = more gradual onset, sx persist for months, yrs, or over entire lifetime
Hering’s Law of Cure
From the most important to the least important organs (this is the most important)
From the inside out
From above down
Symptoms resolve in the reverse order of how they appeared
What is the cause of dz according to homeopathy?
disorder of vital force
How do you know a patient is in a new acute layer?
A new layer is marked by a change in sx and characteristics
1) Change in physical general sx
2) New mental/emotional sx (significant change)
3) Severe/intense physical sx
What potency is beyond Avogadro’s number?
12C or 24X; only remedies less diluted (less potent) than that will have any molecules of the herb
only those susceptible will take on sxs of the remedy; some ppl could be cured
freedom from limitation on the physical, emotional, mental levels
Physical health
being free from bodily pain and dysfunctions that limit us
Emotional health
being free to experience the natural human emotions at appropriate times but not getting stuck or overwhelmed by emotions
Mental health
freedom to use the mind in a clear and creative manner with altruistic motives
What are emotional sx?
feelings (anxiety, fears, etc)
What are mental sx?
relate to how the mind fxns (clarity of thought, memory - forgetfulness, confusion, delusions, etc)
What is the hierarchy of the 3 categories of sx?
descending order of importance = mental (deepest), emotional, physical
How do we assess the vital force?
Age Center of gravity (mental, emotional, physical) Depth of pathology FamHx PMHx Suppressive tx
General sx
affect the whole person, pt says “I”
All mental sx are general sx
Particular sx
refers to a body part, pt says “my”
Complete sx
Causation/ etiology - ie ailments from grief, anger Sensations - intensity is important
Modalities - what makes it better or worse?
Concomitant sx - sx that occur simultaneously but in different part of the body (ie feet freezing cold with HA or diarrhea with menses)
Alternation of sx
Criteria for underlining sxs when taking a case
SIC = spontaneity, intensity, clarity
worry, lack, insufficiency, tiredness, timidity, low confidence. Poor assimilation and resulting deficiencies may contribute to fatigue and weakness, or a weakened immune system
first manifests on the skin, skin infection or eruption, its natural place. It is easily suppressed by external applications. It does least harm on the surface
is the source of almost all subjective symptoms, especially those described by ““sensation as if.” The other miasmatic diseases, sycosis and syphilis, act swifter and more destructively due to underlying psora. C
alone never causes structural changes (if structural changes then other miasms are active)
largely functional, act on the nervous and emotional plane. Emotional strain is a factor in developing ______ conditions; the inability to relax. Anxiety, feeling of lack, lack of confidence, money, energy, etc., are strongly characteristic of psora
Typical ____ diseases are multiple sclerosis, diabetes, lateral sclerosis, sarcoidosis, auto-immune diseases—diseases that are destructive to vital organs.
Sadness may turn into despair and suicide, anger may turn to murder, idealism may turn into the destruction of others, and craving may turn into uncontrolled substance abuse.
Worse at night, affects bone, OCD and rigidity
patients actually suffer less, although more severe pathology, and live shorter lives.
shows dullness, stubborn, morose, suspicious. Depressed, keep their troubles to selves. Sulk. Fixed ideas. Condemn or reproach themselves. Like being alone. Dull, Forgetful. Syphilitic miasm is always
ulcerations, degeneration of tissue, and suicidal tendencies, alcoholism, etc.
tend to go to excess, extremes, love excitement, adventure, and fun. They may use alcohol, food, and sex, drugs for stimulation or excitement. They can be enthusiastic, charismatic, vivacious, and excitable.