Multiple Choice Flashcards
A _________locus exhibits more variation than is expected by mutation.
Genotype are said to be in ___________ equilibrium if there is random mating and no other forces tend to alter the proportions of alleles from one generation to the next.
A restriction is genetic variability caused by a drastic reduction in population size is called a
Bottleneck effect
Darwin proposed that natural selection occurs in an environment by
Favoring heritable features that make the organism better suited to survive and reproduce.
When selection acts to eliminate one extreme from an array of phenotypes it is called
Directional selection
Cheetahs have been through a genetic bottleneck; evidence for this is that
There is very little genetic variability
The text discusses sickle-cell anemia, which is a classic example of
Heterozygote advantage
Natural selection varies the shape of the beaks among Darwin’s finches in response to:
The available food supply
Industrial melanism is a term
Describing the evolutionary process in which initially light-colored organisms become dark as a result of natural selection.
The shape of the beaks of Darwin’s finches and industrial melanism are often cited as examples of the process of ____________ leading to evolutionary change.
Natural selection
Domestication of dogs has led to
A variety of phenotypes
Considerably more phenotypic variation exists in domesticated varieties of species like dogs and cabbages than exists in non-domesticated species like lions and maple trees. Which one of the following statements best explains why this is true?
Many domesticated varieties would not survive in the natural world.
Some of the most dramatic evidence for evolution has come from human agriculture. One of the most highly artificially selected crop plants is
Which features of Archaeopteryx clearly demonstrates that it was on the evolutionary line leading from dinosaurs to birds?
Many organisms possess structures that have no apparent function, but they resemble structures of presumed ancestors. These structures are known as
Vestigial structures
Characteristics between the branch points of a cladogram that are shared by all organisms above the branch point and are not present in any below or are called
Derived characters
Looking at the differences in protein-encoding gene sequences between humans and chimpanzees
There is less than 1% difference
Some of the olfactory receptor (OR) genes in humans
Have been inactivated, reducing our olfactory capabilities compared to other primates
Another name for analogous structures is _________ structures
The age of the Earth according to modern estimations is
4.5 billion years
The oldest microfossils are of
Eukaryotic cells acquired mitochondria and chloroplasts by
Order from largest to smallest
Class, order, family, genus, species
Lacking one of the criteria to be strictly classified as living units and containing fragments of eukaryotic genomes, the viruses are included with
None of the kingdoms
Most viruses form a capsid around their nucleus acid core. This capsid is composed of a
The HIV virus is considered a ______ virus, because after getting integrated into the host cell chromosomes, it does not begin replicating immediately
Viruses are characterized by all of the following except
Being capable of independent reproduction
If a virus enters the lytic phase in a hosts cell, it will cause
The host cell to burst because there will be so many viral particles present
When bacteria are exposed to nutrient-poor conditions, they form thick-walled structures that contain the chromosome and a small amount of cytoplasm. These structures are called
Prokaryotes undergo a process that produces cells that are identical. This process is called
Binary fission
In which of the following characteristics are prokaryotes and eukaryotes similar?
Contain ribosomes
Amoebas move from place to place by means of their
Organisms that are characterized by being unicellular, photosynthetic, and having double shells made of silica are known as
The tropical diseases such as African sleeping sickness, Chaga’s disease, and leishmaniasis are caused by
Protists are classified into a single kingdom because
They are eukaryotes, but not fungi, plants, or animals
The limestone making up the famous landmark in England, the White Cliffs of Dover, are the pore-studded shells (tests) of
Plants lacking well-developed conducting systems such as mosses, liverworts, and hornworts have. Even called
Bryophytes, like ferns and certain other non-tracheophyte plants, require
Water to reproduce sexually
The colorless rootlike projections of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, which anchor them to the substrate are called
Which tissue transport water and dissolved minerals upward from the roots?
Carbohydrates are transported away from the green parts of the plant by cells of
Most adult tracheophyte plants represent the
Sporophyte generation
Angiosperms are primarily characterized by all of the following except
Free water is required for pollination
Endosperm, the nutritive tissue of the fruit, is the product of a
Sperm and polar nuclei union
Specialized symbiotic associations between the roots of plants and fungi are called
The cell walls of fungi are made up of polysaccharides and
The most economically useful unicellular fungi are
Lichens are adversely affected by
Protostomes develop through
Spiral cleavage
Which is not true about animals?
They were some of the first organisms on the earth
Sponges are unique in possessing special flagellated cells whose beating drivings water through the body cavity. These specialized cells are known as
Most species of tapeworms live in the
Intestines of vertebrates
Schistosomiasis is a serious disorder afflicting humans mainly in tropical regions; it is caused by a
The long, flat bodies of tapeworms are made up of repeating segments known as
The human disease, trichinosis, is contracted through
Eating undercooked or raw pork
Which grouping includes animals referred to as “wheel animals”?
Which feature is not found in animals of the phylum Porifera?
Tissues and organs
The mollusks do not include
The nitrogenous waste in mollusks is removed by
Each segment of an annelid typically contains bristles of chitin called
Reproduction in the earthworm involves
Cross-fertilization between two hermaphroditic organisms
In some Arthropoda tagmatization has produced a combination of head and thorax known as a
In Arthropoda, locomotion is accomplished by muscles that work against
The exoskeleton
Compound eyes are composed of independent visual units called
Air passage into the trachea of most insects is controlled by the closing and opening of valves, which operate special openings called
An invertebrate biologist is conducting research with crabs. Her interest is ecdysis. This implies that she studies
The molting process
Most bony fish have a hard plate that covers the gills on each side of the head called the
Birds, like mammals, can regulate their body temperatures within close limits. Therefore birds and mammals are called
In addition to a vertebral column, all vertebrates have
A distinctive head or skull
Amphibians are thought to have evolved from
Lobe-finned fish
Amphibians are not completely free to live on dry land because
Their reproduction depends on water
The most successful terrestrial vertebrates that invaded the air are
Because of its association with tools, the earliest human was called ____________ meaning “handy man.”
Homo habilis
The European Neanderthals were replaced about 34,000 years ago by
Which has the longest fossil record?
Homo erectus
Which is not part of loose connective tissue?
In adult vertebrates, which is not one of the four principle kinds of primary tissues?
Mammalian thermoregulation depends on monitoring of blood temperature by the
Bone cells can remain alive when even though the extracellular matrix becomes hardened with crystals of calcium phosphate. This type of cell is also called an
What are the fundamental embryonic tissues called the “germ layers”?
Mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm
Which connective tissue has a matrix that is fluid?
If you find epithelial tissue that has many layers and the apical surface is flattened with irregular edges, this would be classified as:
Stratified squamous
Which is also known as striated muscles
Skeletal and cardiac