Multiple Choice Flashcards
Anaerobic digester methane gas normally contains at least how much methane ?
If an anaerobic digester has a high volatile acid/alkalinity value one cause might be ?
Overloading the tank with organic material.
A roughing filter is
A filter that has a minimum solids loading of 300 lbs/ BOD/day/1,000 cu ft of media
Trickling filter part include
Distribution system
One way to dechlorinate a plant effluent is with
Sodium bisulfate
Liquid sulfur dioxide hazards include
Body tissue freezing
Sulfonation system parts include
An operator when applying a tank interior protective coating should
Apply protective creams to expose skin areas
When an operator thinks of A&W root beer, he might be thinking of.
Add acid to water
The first sign that an anaerobic digester is becoming stuck is normally
A change in the volatile acid/alkalinity relationship.
A sudden anaerobic digester has pressure drop might be caused by?
Relief valve opening
Rising sludge in a secondary clarifier is normally not caused by?
A high sludge age
___________ and ________ are nutrients and will pomote algaegrowth in the receiving stream.
Nitrogen and phosphorous compunds
In order for a pondto be functioning correctly ____________must be taking place
One accurate method to measure a liquid level is
with a bubbler tubes
a pH meter
can be used to inidicate if a liquid is an acid or base
Can be usedas fertilizer if properly processed
One wastewater plant area whee explosive gasses never occur is
explosive gasses can occur in any plant area
what alarm is normally installed at the headworks
high water level alarm
sludge blanket depths
normally 2-4 feet deep
Anaerobic sludge digester reduces Violatile matter by …
Sludge blanket depths can indicate…
if the sludge pump speed needs to be increased
an easily measure variable for aeration basin control is
It is always improtant when using chlorine dosing …
to apply the correct amount an uder dose or an overdose can lead to serious problem