Multiple Choice Flashcards
activities / behaviour of foragers
- Focus on fishing in all parts of the world, because it was less dangerous
- Foragers healthier with stronger bones/teeth than later agriculturists
- Worked less hours than agriculturalists and us, allowed focused attention of art
Characteristics of city-states
- each had a different god
* Run by elite elders and young men
The origin of written text
- Mesopotamia
* Rebus system
the origin of territorial kingdoms
•Scarcity of natural resources in Mesopotamia led to trade. “Connecting force of trade”
characteristics of the Hyksos people - tolerance in world empires
- Had chariots, bronze axes, composite bows.
* Defeated 13th dynasty without destroying it
early persecution of Christians
- Refusal to pay homage to emperor/affirm his diety
- Blamed for fire in Rome
- Localized to Rome
Constantine’s ascension as sole Western emperor
- Took reign after Battle at Milvian Bridge vs. Maxentius
* Claimed (Christian) God gave him victory, saw vision of cross in the sky
Muhammad’s early life
- Born in Mecca in AD 570 to Quarysh tribe
* Visited by angel, commanded him to receive revelation (Qur’an)
events of the First Crusade
- 1095-1099
* Pope Urban II, Western Christan vs. Seljuk Turks
major Enlightenment ideas / contributions of French philosophes
•human reason was the only trusted authority for understanding the natural, observable world
characteristics of Enlightenment empiricism
•All knowledge comes from senses, but filtered through rational minds
Prussia’s rise as an east-central European power
- Surprising, because poor soil/resources
- Less sophisticated economy than neighbours
- Uncoordinated economy
- Few cities
- Small population
factors in the rise of the Industrial Revolution
- abidance of easily accessibly coal near the surface
- Deliberate emphasis on freedom of thought, political liberalism, and deregulation in Britain that inspired innovation and free thought
- Increasing population from surplus crops yields and new agricultural technologies provided a growing urban workforce for factories
- Enlightenment thinking translated into new innovations and a new temperament that was optimistic about the future