how much does the cervix need to be dilated for active labour to begin?
3 cm
organ that transfers nutrients and oxygen
natural termination of pregnancy
unnatural termination of pregnancy
what hormone is involved in breastfeeding?
3 things that keep fetus warm
lanugo, mother bodies temp, vernix
optimal temp for sperm to thrive
3 degrees cooler than body temp
what are the soft spots called on the baby’s skull
which hormone causes contractions
what is “the show”
when the woman’s mucus plug breaks at the base of her cervix
what 3 hormones are active in labour and delivery
endorphins, prolactin, and oxytocin
name 6 causes for c-section birth
- labour is too long and too difficult
- baby/mothers health is in danger
- baby is in breech position
- problem with umbilical cord or placenta
- baby gets stuck (mothers pelvis is too small)
- mother has an STI, which the baby can contract in the birth canal
where is the sperm stored
vas deferns
how long does it take for sperm to mature
70 days
on day 12, of a woman’s cycle what hormone increases?
how much of our anatomical structure develop during fetal development
90% of our body develops in utero
when is the embryo considered a fetus
week 8
which term refers to the fetus position of bum first
breech position
how long do contractions last when they first begin?
30 seconds
when contractions begin, how far apart are they?
10 minutes
what reaction is part of the rooting reflex when somebody strokes a baby’s face
the baby turns head in direction of the touch and open mouth to follow in root of the direction
the order of development is different in people from different ethnic groups, true or false
the order of development is different in males and females, true or false
development does not have a specific order, can happen randomly, true or false
development occurs in an organized sequential order for everyone, true or false
true. the fundamental principle of maturational (mature) progress is that our movement becomes more precise
why are hiccups important during fetal development
helps baby develop breathing, begins week 9