Multiple Choice Flashcards
Most of the visual information from the retina is connected via optic tracts to:
lateral geniculate nuclei
The retinohypothalamic tracts send visual information to the ____________ :
Suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus
Research and clinical data indicate that the superior temporal stream (STS) is
important for the perception and processing of ____________ :
social interactions
Which of the following is considered a semantic paraphasia?
door for gate
Which of the following is considered a phonemic paraphasia?
stable for fable
Which statement is consistent with the Network Perspective regarding language processing?
White-matter interactions between brain regions are important for language processing
Which statement is not consistent with our current understanding of lateralization of hemispheric functions/contributions?
For left-hand dominant individuals, language is a Right-hemispheric function***
Which statement is not consistent with research findings?
When comparing ratios of gray to white matter, the Right hemisphere has more gray matter than the Left hemisphere
Right hemispheric contributions to language do not include _____________ :
integrating words in a sentence
Which of the following brain regions are known to be involved with dopaminergic processes?
ventral tegmentum
Skilled actions rely on the integrity of _______________ :
Basal ganglia
Perceptual learning requires involvement of _______________ :
Specific and multisensory cortices
The amygdala is known to be crucial for _________________ :
Fear conditioning
What is the contribution of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex to encoding of information?
Focusing on relevance
What is the contribution of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex to encoding of information?
Focusing on relevance
Difficulties “throwing away” irrelevant information are considered the result of lesions to the ________________ :
inferior-temporal cortex
Recognition ability starts ________________ :
in early infancy
Short Term Memory (STM) is limited in span and in time. Length of STM can be prolonged by ____________ , and span can be prolonged by ______________ :
Rehearsal; chunking
Fear conditioning is mediated by:
Multiple choice questions tap more into _____________ processes, while essay questions tap more into ___________________ processes.
Left hemisphere; right hemisphere
Research findings indicate that _________ regions of the hippocampus are involved in retrieval of stored information.
A 4th grader with academic problems is described by the teacher as having ‘short attention span.’ If the teacher describes this student accurately, the student, most likely, has problems with:
Which brain region is considered the interface between arousal and more advanced forms of attention?
Automatic orientation to a specific object in the visual filed is quick and reflexive when
the object is novel
Which of the following activities do not require divided attention?
performing a multi-step calculation
Which of the following brain areas are involved in coordination of movements reactive to environmental stimuli?
Premotor area
‘Obligatory attention’ dominates the attention of a baby in the first:
2 months of life
Which of the following brain-stem structures are known to be involved in the fight-flight mechanism?
locus coeruleus
A new client is referred to you for psychotherapy by a neurologist. This client is described by the neurologist as an individual with frontal lobe dysfunctions. You are not surprised when this client is presenting you difficulties with:
delay of gratification
Which part of the brain informs the hypothalamus when to activate the fight-flight mechanism?
Cortisol, the stress hormone, is secreted by:
adrenal cortex
Which part of the brain activates the fight-flight mechanism?
The connections between the amygdala and the hippocampus are important to:
Remember events which are emotionally charged
Which of the following is crucial in perceiving and representing interoception?
Which of the following is a known area where cognition, emotion, and motor control interact?
Cingulate gyrus
Which part of the prefrontal cortices is most implicated in integration of emotions and decision making?
orbitofrontal cortex
Implicit negative biases about specific social groups are associated with increased activity in the :
The concept of ‘stereotype threat’ was coined to describe:
How a stereotype can result in underperformance by a member of the stereotyped group
Which of the following statements is consistent with the current state of research about mirror neurons?
In human brains, researchers identified several areas in which specific neurons behave like mirror neurons in monkeys