Multilateral Trade & The WTO Flashcards
Multilateral ?
It involves more than 2 sides
It explains why it is so hard for countries to reach an agreement. It might not be hard for 2 countries to reach an agreement but when there is a dozen countries involved, it becomes more complicated since each country wants its share of the cake.
Stands for: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. It was created after the WW2 in 1947 and 23 countries signed the agreement.
What was the goal of the GATT ?
To boost trade liberalization since the countries’ economies had suffered from the war + way of tightening their economies after the conflict (creating a bond)
Those countries were called “country partners” and they gathered each time to agree on tariffs (to lower)
What is a round ?
Used to refer to a period of negotiations + could last several years. Each round was supposed to lead to an agreement and was on what was achieved on the previous round.
What happened in 1950?
Countries had lowered the tariff level by 25%
The Kennedy round ?
Introduced rules against dumping exports
The Tokyo round ?
Countries agreed to reduce not only tariffs but also other trade barriers (such as import subsidies and import licensing)
The Uruguay round ?
Extended the range of trade negotiations leading to major reductions in agricultural subsidies, an agreement to allow full access for textiles and clothing from developing countries, and an extension of intellectual property rights.
Why are multilateral agreements supposed to be more efficient ?
The main idea is that discrimination poisons trade.
For trade to be more efficient, all countries should be treated equally
The MFN (Most favored nation)?
Policy of non discrimination. If a country agrees to reduce a tariff for imports from a specific country, this reduced tariff will also apply to all countries. It provides trade partners with the same tariff treatment. (If you grant a tariff to a country, you do the same for all other countries)
What is the problem with MFN ?
Poor countries or developing ones do not have a lot to offer. If this principle didn’t exist, it would have been difficult for these countries to negotiate tariffs.
National treatment?
Countries have to treat foreign companies the same as they treat local ones.
What are the exceptions in relation to MFN ?
- there are several exceptions to this non-discriminatory treatment. European Union => (no tariffs between European countries)
- Regional trade areas: those areas are allowed if and only if they do not raise barriers to outsiders. (e.g: NAFTA)
- Countries can discriminate if it favors developing countries
- if an industry (key industry) is in danger, in that case a government can temporarily increase protection. The problem lies with the definition of “in danger”.
- increase protection on intellectual property
- put an end to the multi fiber arrangement => the problem with textile is that it is an intensive industry + developing countries had an advantage, so in order to give time to developed countries to adjust to imports coming from developing countries, they decided to implement a measure that was supposed to be short term (imposed quotas on the amount of textile the developing countries could export to developed countries). It lasted for 30 years.
- reformed itself into an institution and this is how the WTO was created in 1994.
What are the limits of the GATT ?
- all governments needed to sign for the entire package. So it was very long.
- it was just an agreement, no real power to solve disputes or to intervene if countries did not respect the agreement.
Created by the GATT in 1994.
Stands for: World Trade Organization.