Multifactorial Inheritance Flashcards
Qualitative trait
have or dont have eg parkinsons disease or cleft palate
measurable such as blood pressure
familial aggregation
qualitative trait affected individuals affected tend to cluster in families if theres a genetic component relatives share a greater portion of their genes win one another than with unrelated individuals not always genetic component: chance cultural attitudes diets exposures ect..
if you are looking at two individuals they both have it
if you are looking at two individuals one has it one doesnt
different genotypes but same condition eg diabities (different causes)
environmental or non genetic factor mimics genetically caused phenotype
relative risk
prevalence of the disease in a relative r of an affected person/population prevalece of disease r= class of relative ( siblings parents cousin ect)
allele sharing between relatives (siblings
- sibs share both alleles for a locus or no alleles 25%
- 50% of the time they share only one allele
- twins share 100% of alleles
- parent -sib
- share one allele all the time
case control studies
take individuals affected with diseas then look for family members without disease for factors such as family history
eg parkinsons disease 6.3% of affected indviduals have relatives affected vs only 1.2% of relative affected for the controls
ascertainment bias
increased awareness in proband family
recall bias
probands family more motivated to respond to a quenstionnair because of familiarity of disease
choice of controls
similarity in all other respects is important
for case contol studies an association may not prove causation eg. ethnicity and dietary habits may be related
twin studies
since MZ and DZ twins share the same environment and household share the same environmental and social backgrounds concordance with MZ vs DZ twin pairs is a good way to access a genetic component of a disease
limitations of MZ twin studies
- x inactivation is random
- somatic rearangments in the immunoglobin or t-cell receptor loci
- disparity in fetal blood supply
- results of concordance studies are avrages that do not
- reflect concordance for individual genotypes
- bias during recruitment
threshold effects
for qualitative traits there may be a complement of genetic and environmental factors predisposes to expression of the phenotype
some times multiple things must happen to have it show up
if threshold is lower then it is more likeley to have disease
continuous trait
- eg hight skin color blood sugar obesity ect
- in multigenetic trait each dominant allele contributes a specific quanity twords phenotype eg 3 in height to base value of height
- results in a bell shaped distribution of phenotypes
coefficient of correlation r
measurment of a pair of quantities : blood pressure of proband and the average BP of the probands siblings
positive correlation
the higher the probands blood pressure the hugher bp of the relative group being studied