Multi-trait multi-method validity analysis Flashcards
Does a test actually measure what it claims to measure?
-we need to have reliability to establish validity
are things we assume exist – but they are things which cannot be directly observed or measured
E.g., depression, love, personality, anxiety, intelligence, empathy, etc.
convergent validity
When a construct that is measured by a test is similar to other similar constructs
divergent or discriminant validity
When a construct that is measured by a test is different from similar constructs
To work out convergent validity
We need to take a test that measures something, and correlate scores on this test with scores on test that measures similar things
E.g., if you say that emotional intelligence (EI) is a new form of intelligence you need to demonstrate high correlations between a test of EI and traditional IQ tests
To work out divergent validity
We need to take a test that measures something, and correlate scores on this test with scores on tests that measure different things
This is particularly important if you say you have discovered a new construct
E.g., if you say that EI is a new form of intelligence, you have to show that it differs from social cognition and/or emotionality
Why do we say that psychological tests are trait-method units?
-because scores on tests are influenced by actual difference between people (true variance) and also method variance.
trait= a factor that the test measures method= the item format that you use
Why use multiple traits/factors and multiple method/item formats?
Can see the correlations between different constructs
Can see the correlations between different types of measures/item formats
You can see the correlations between different constructs measured by the same item formats
And correlations between different constructs measured by different item formats
How do we establish construct validity properly?
Campbell & Fiske (1959) proposed that this is done through a Multitrait-Multimethod (MTMM) Matrix
A correlation matrix which shows correlations between tests measuring different traits/factors, measured according to different methods
have 4 hierarchical rules
4 rules of MTMM
Rule 1: The values in the validity diagonal should be more than 0, and large enough to encourage further exploration of validity
Rule 2: A value in the validity diagonal should be higher than the values lying in its column and row, in the heterotrait-heteromethod triangles
Rule 3: A value in the validity diagonal should be higher than the values lying in its column and row, in the heterotrait-monomethod triangles
Rule 4: There should be more or less the same pattern of correlations in all the different triangles
The reliability diagonals
The reliability diagonals are the values in parentheses (brackets) in the MTMM matrix
Remember that we need to have reliability before you can establish validity – so these values should be pretty good
also called monotrait-monomethod values
The validity diagonal
These are the correlations of the same factors, measured by different methods/questionnaires
- E.g., the correlation of Anxiety in Everyday Situations, measured by the SEAL and the CADS
- High correlations values here mean good convergent validity
another name for validity diagonal
- also called monotrait-heteromethod values
- Because the traits/factors are the same – but the method/questionnaire used to measure them are different
Interpreting an mtmm matrix: rule 1
- The entries in the validity diagonal should be different from 0
- And large enough to encourage further examination of validity
- This is evidence of convergent validity
- Of course you can’t establish convergent validity if you don’t have convergent validity to begin with
Interpreting an mtmm matrix: rule 2
A value in the validity diagonal should be higher than the values lying in its column and row in the heterotrait-heteromethod triangles
The validity values are evidence for convergent validity – the heterotrait-heteromethod values are divergent validity values
So what we are saying here is that convergent validity should be higher than divergent validity
What is a heterotrait-heteromethod triangle?
- This is the group of correlation values which come from the correlations of different traits/factors measured by different methods/questionnaires
- These values are a collection of divergent validity values
Interpreting an Mtmm matrix: rule 3
A value in the validity diagonal should be higher than the values lying in its column and row
In the heterotrait-monomethod triangles
The validity values are evidence for convergent validity – the heterotrait-monomethod values are divergent validity values
So like Rule 2, what we are saying here is that convergent validity should be higher than divergent validity
What is a heterotrait-monomethod triangle?
This is the group of correlation values which come from the correlations of the different traits/factors measured by the same methods/questionnaire
These values are also a collection of divergent validity values
Interpreting an mtmm matrix: rule 4
There should be the same pattern of correlations in the two different types of triangles
Summary of the 4 rules
Rule 1: The values in the validity diagonal should be more than 0, and large enough to encourage further exploration of validity
Rule 2: A value in the validity diagonal should be higher than the values lying in its column and row, in the heterotrait-heteromethod triangles
Rule 3: A value in the validity diagonal should be higher than the values lying in its column and row, in the heterotrait-monomethod triangles
Rule 4: There should be more or less the same pattern of correlations in all the different triangles