Multi Store Model Of Memory Flashcards


Outline the Multi Store Model of Memory (6 marks)


Atkinson and Shiffrin’s Multi Store Model (MSM) of memory describes how information flows through memory in a linear way. It is a structural model stating that the sensory, short term memory (STM), and long term memory (LTM) are separate, unitary stores. A stimulus from the environment will pass into the sensory register where the coding is modality specific. The two main stores are echoic and iconic - the sensory register has a duration of less than a second and the capacity is unlimited. Information is then passed into the STM if attention is paid to it, but if no attention is paid then the information will decay. STM has a limited capacity of 5-9 units and codes acoustically. The duration of the STM is 18-30 seconds unless it is rehearsed.
If maintenance rehearsal occurs then the information can be held in STM for a bit longer and of prolonged rehearsal occurs, it can pass into the LTM. The LTM’s capacity is unlimited and codes semantically where its duration is potentially a lifetime. To recall information, it must be retrieved from the LTM to the STM.

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Discuss the MSM of memory (3 X AO3)


Further research to support Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multi-store model of memory comes from a case study of Clive Wearing. He suffers from amnesia in which he
cannot transfer information from his STM to his LTM, this is evident as when his wife re-enters the room after leaving just seconds before, he greets her as if it is the first
time he has seen her in years. This supports the multi-store model of memory BECAUSE it shows that STM and LTM are separate stores and that information must flow through in a linear way, first to STM then LTM.

Moreover, it is suggested that the MSM could be too simplistic in stating that STM and LTM are unitary stores. For example, (Shallice and Warrington’s) research in to the STM conducted on patient KF, who suffered from amnesia, found that KF’s recall in STM for digits was very poor when the digits were read aloud to him, but recall was much better when KF could read the digits himself. This suggests that there must be different stores within the STM, one to process visual and one to process auditory information, casting doubt on the theories assumption that the STM is unitary.

Finally, the multi-store models theory of rehearsal has also been questioned. The theory states that the more a piece of information is rehearsed, the more likely it is to transfer from STM to LTM. However, research by Craik and Watkins has shown that this rehearsal (maintenance) will only keep information in the STM and in order for information to be transferred to LTM, elaborative rehearsal must take place. This occurs when the information is given a meaning. Moreover, it is also argued that some information is remembered without the need to constantly rehearse it, for example an emotionally important event. Therefore, the multi-store model is flawed when explaining how information is transferred to the LTM.

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