Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis Flashcards
Source for Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis
The Mishna (Shabbat 123b) teaches that all Keilim can be moved on Shabbos except for a big saw and certain parts of a plow.
Rashi’s understanding of the source for Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis
- The owner is Makpid Alav
- They are generally set aside by their owners in a specific place and
- Are not used for any other purpose other than their primary one.
Shulchan Aruch’s understanding of the source for Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis
Shulchan Aruch (OC 308:1) Paskens that one is not allowed to move objects like a Shechita Knife or a Milah Knife since one is careful not to use them for other purposes. Interestingly, he only mentions that the owner is Makpid that it only be used for its primary purpose. These items cannot be moved even L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo. (Shmiras Shabbos (20:52) notes that “setting aside a place for it” is synonymous with “not using them for other purposes.”)
Can a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter be considered Muketzeh Machmat Chesron Kis?
Mishna Berurah (308:8) seems to say that a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter can be considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis. If you designate a special place for a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter and you are careful not to move it from that location even during the week so that it does not get ruined.
Rav Shlomo Zalman (Shulchan Shlomo 308:2) Paskens like this Mishna Berurah.
Shemirat Shabbat K’Hilchasa (20:22) extends the Mishna Berurah that even a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter can be considered Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis.
Rav Ovadia (Yabia Omer 7:39:3 & Yalkut Yosef Hakdama to 308) argues that a Kli SheMelachto L’Heter can never become Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis unless it is designated to be sold/merchandise, or set aside for a Mitzvah.
It seems to be a Machloket between the Ashkenazim and the Sefardim
How to Move Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis
The Shulchan Aruch (OC 308:1) Paskens that objects classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis may not be moved on Shabbos even L’Tzorech Gufo or L’Tzorech Mekomo.
The Pri Megadim (Mishbetzos Zahav Hakdama 308) writes that they can’t be moved period.
However, the Tehilla L’David argues that Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis may be moved K’L’Achar Yad.
The Shmiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa (22:89) quotes the Tehilla L’David and seems to rule in accordance with him.
Since the issue remains a Machlokes, it is best to refrain from moving a Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis even K’L’Achar Yad unless there is a Tzorech Gadol.
(Non Food) Merchandise
The Rama (OC 308:1) Paskens that Keilim are set aside to be sold are considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis if you never would use them during the week. This is true even if you wish to use it for its designated purpose. Even Rav Ovadia who is typically Meikel to not consider something Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis writes that it is possible that items that you wish to sell and are careful not to use even if it is not used to perform a Melacha. since they may be considered a considered a Kli SheMelachto L’Issur since you wish to sell it and is therefore Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis. The Mishna Berurah (308:7) says that if you are not too careful with your merchandise and you would use them from time to time during the week, then they are not considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis.
Food Merchandise
The Shulchan Aruch (OC 310:2) writes that (edible) food can never become Muktzeh even if it is designated to be sold and even if you are careful not to move it during the week for fear that it might get ruined.
People never fully set aside edible food from their minds.
Rav Shlomo Zalman (Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa 20:83) writes that merchandise to be sold is considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis. However, if you decide on Shabbos to permanently use that object, it is permissible to use on Shabbos. T
The Chazon Ish (308:16) argues with this idea.
Is Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis objective or subjective?
The Mishna Berurah (308:7) Paskens that Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis is subjective and if you do not designate a place for something valuable then it is not considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis.
Checks and Credit Cards
i. Checks, credit cards, bills, stamps, passports, or a metro pass are all considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis since they are only used for their designated purpose.
Rav Nissim Karelitz (Chut Shani 42) cell phones are considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis even if the phone is used as an alarm clock on Shabbos, since its main function is to be used as a phone.
Rav Pinchas Zender (Mishnas HaShabbos 2 p. 271) believes that the categorization of a phone depends on the type of phone, as some are more expensive than others and how the owner uses it.
Rav Asher Weiss believes that smartphones are not Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis because many people use their phones for other purposes.
Rav Schachter, on the other hand, believes that smartphones are Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis because most are very careful not to use them for other purposes.
The Mishna Berurah (308:3) rules that plain paper is considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis since it is set aside for writing and is not used for other purposes.
Rav Moshe (OC 4:72) rules that this Din still applies today.
Rav Shlomo Zalman (308:4*) and Rav Vozner (9:78) maintain that paper nowadays is not considered Muktzeh since paper can be found in abundance and is used for many other purposes.
This is the position of most contemporary Poskim. However, fancy paper, such as resume paper or colored paper, is considered Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis.
Muktzeh Machmas Chesror Kis That Breaks on Shabbos
Mishna Berurah (308:35) writes that if an object is classified as Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis at the onset of Shabbos, it remains Muktzeh throughout Shabbos even if the object breaks and loses its status of Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis (if the owner would now use it for other purposes) since at the onset of Shabbos it was Muktzeh. Rabi Akiva Eiger (308:19) argues that the object only remains Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis if it is no longer usable. But if the broken Muktzeh Machmas Chesron Kis object can still be used for its intended purpose (e.g., a damaged Shechita knife that can be used as a regular knife) then it is not Muktzeh. Based on this Rav Shlomo Zalman (Shemiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa 20:83) rules that merchandise that one was careful not to use during the week but then decide on Shabbos to use it for its intended purpose indefinitely rather than sell, is permitted to be used.