Muclear Medicin Chapter 15 Flashcards
What are the three main techniques
Planar (gamma camera)
SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography)
PET (positron emission tomography )
Anatomical info
Physiologic info
Transmission images
Emission images
- Given by X-ray or CT
- Given by PET, SPECT, plan at gamma
- X-rays are transmitted and detected outside body-CT
- Radioactive subs injected into patient and energetic photons generated within the body
Same Z, varying N
Same N, varying Z
Same A, varying Z and N
Internal bremsstralung
Electron capture results in e cascade in atom =emission of characteristic X-rays
Radionuclide production
- Bombardment of stable elements with beams of charged particles
- cyclotron:charged particle accelerator, perpendicular magnetic field confines path to circular motion
- accelerator: accelerated beam of charged particles to linear path - Irradiation of stable elements without neutrons in a nuclear reactor
- Generator production
Gamma camera
Collimator accepts orthogonal gamma event from patient
PMTs collecting signal
Scintillator crystal arrays, photons interact with , create visible light, converts into electronic signal
Dose calibrator
Shielding ionizing chamber to measure radioactivity of different radioisotopes
Greiger counter
Detects presence of radiation through count rate