Much Ado Test Flashcards
BEatrice and benedick say the lovers are fools and they want nothing to do with love, why do u think they say this
They are hiding there true feelins
how does cladio send don john as his emissary to hero to declare his love
to make fun of hero
a major division in a play, can be divided into scenes
The character who struggles against the protaganist
Words spoken by an acter direcly to the audience but not heard by the other charcters on stage during a play
A dramatic work in which the central motif is the truimph over advers circumstance, resulting in a successfu; or happy conclusion.
Literture written to be performed
A long speech by one acter in a play to another character or group but without another characters response
the main character of a story
When and where the story takes place
in a drama the subdivsion of an act that does not contain a change of line or place
a monolouge to oneself an act of speaking ones thoughts aloud when by oneself
a seconday or parallel plot that coexists with the main plot
When and where was shakespeare born
Stratford in 1564`
What was the name of shakesspeares wife
Anne Hathaway
What were shakespeares occupaints
Acter, Poet, Playwrite
What are the 3 main tragies he wrote
History, Comidies, and Tradigies
What unquiq theater is famouly assoicaited with shakespearw
Why does claduio send Don Perdro as his emmersinary to hero is, the sweetest lady he ever looked on
Hes nervous
Why does Don john want to cuase trouble
Poeple like claudio more, and he likes to be sad
Why does Don john pretend that he does not reconize claudio
So he can kick him
What does beatrice mean when she says once before he won it, of me with false dice,
he might hurt her or lie to her
Why does hero say that she will not tell beatrice aboyut benedicks love
she is full of mockery
Why do the men make fun of benedick
his dision to never marry
Why does the watch arrest Borachio and Claudio.
They heard them talking about don johns plan and how they helped with it
How does claudio jusdge heros behavior when he accuses her
harhly, and accsuus her of cheating
What happens between benedick and beatrice.
The confess that they love each other and beatrice asks benedick to kill claudio
why does beatrice want to kill claudio
He ruinded her cousins life
Does leonato bealive that hero is guilty of being unvertous?
at first he does, but then he thinks something shkechy is going on