Much Ado About Nothing Flashcards
‘Most foul, most fair farewell’
‘What a deformed thief this fashion is’
‘a maid and stuffed’
‘Love may transform me to an oyster ’
‘If I do not love her I am a Jew’
‘Can the world buy such a jewel?’ ‘And a case to put it into’
‘He will wear his cap with suspicion’
‘ where honeysuckles ripened by the Sun, forbid the Sun to enter’
‘A man Loves the meat in his youth, he cannot endure in his age’
‘That I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market place’
‘Professed tyrant to their sex’
‘Men were deceivers ever’
‘If I do not love her I am a Jew’
‘Rotten orange’
‘Leonato’s Hero, your Hero, every man’s Hero’
Appearance and reality
‘Lord Lackbeard’
‘What a deformed thief this fashion’
‘Speaks a little off the matter’
‘If I were as tedious as a king, I could find in my heart to bestow it all of your worship’
Jealousy and Honour
‘Rotten orange’
‘Death is the fairest cover for her shame’
Don Pedro
‘A thousand times in secret’
‘Hang him’
‘Nature never framed a woman’s heart of prouder stuff that that of Beatrice’
‘It were a better death than die with mocks’
‘I will die in it at the stake’
‘If I do not love her I am a Jew’
‘A man loves the meat in his youth, he cannot endure in his age’
‘I cannot me a man with wishing, therefore I will die a woman with grieving’
‘Signor Mountanto’
‘Manhood is melted into curtsies’
‘Beauty is a witch’
‘Another Hero’
‘She knows the heat of a luxurious bed’
Don John
‘If I had my mouth I would bite’
‘I am trusted with a muzzle..I have decreed not to sing in my cage’
‘I desire nothing but the reward of a villain’