MTSTS: 4 Chapter 2 Flashcards
A medical test commonly performed by a surgeon or an interventional radiologist that involves sampling of cells or tissues for examination
The application of engineering sciences, methods, and techniques to problems in medicine and biology
A field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine, and other fields requiring bioproducts
Diseases affecting blood clotting
A process undertaken by a hospital or a blood bank to determine if blood for transfusion is compatible with the patient’s blood type
Cross matching
A method of multiplying microbial organisms in media
Also known as stool, it is the waste product of the human digestive system, and includes bacteria
A branch of biomedical science concerned with the response of the organisms to antigen or foreign bodies.
A new research field that emerged as an outcome of recombinant DNA technology and traditional industrial microbiology
Molecular biotechnology
Current molecular biological techniques used to identify the underlying molecular defects in inherited disease.
Molecular diagnostics
An organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
A medical doctor who studies the cause and development of disease.
A medical test done near or at the site of patient care
“Point-of-care” testing
Examination of laboratory specimens, setting and implementing a quality control program, setting and implementing laboratory safety measures, regular calibration of instruments and equipment, operation of laboratory instruments ranging from a simple microscope to complex automated equipment and collection of laboratory specimens for examination
Medical laboratory technologists or clinical laboratory scientists
Performing less complex tests and laboratory procedures, carrying out an inventory of laboratory materials and preparation of patients for laboratory examination
Medical and clinical laboratory technician
Prepare examine slides of cells. They specialized in the microscopic study of cells and cellular abnormalities. They microscopically examine human cell samples for early signs of cancer and other diseases.
-known for papanicolaou smear examination
Prepare solid tissue such as biopsy samples and tumors for examination under the microscope. Their main focus is to determine any abnormalities in tissues.
Applies the art of extracting blood samples from human patients. Specialized in blood extraction.
Phlebotomy technologists
They are specialized in the process of testing and preparing blood for transfusion.
Blood banking technologists