MTS Questions Flashcards
Purpose of Navy Training
Systematic approach to what and how best to train
What is the instruction for ORM
What is the instruction for Navy Safety and Occupational Health(SOH)
What is the instruction for Policy and Procedures for Conducting High-Risk Taining?
What is the instruction for Safety and Occpational Health, and High Risk Training Safety Program Manual
101.1 Explain these parts of the five step process as they aply to ORM(IAMIS): A. Identifying hazards B. Assessing Risk C. Making Risk decisions D. Implementing controls E. Supervising.
A. look around training/work area and find a threats to safety. B. Decide how severe the injury could be or the value of equipment that could be damaged. C. Make a decision on the possibility of an accident or injury happening due to risk, and find the corrections to midigate the risk. D. Watch to make sure the corrections are implemented. E. Monitoring and oversight of training/work process.
.2 Complete a risk assessment of a course(high risk instructor only)
I. Ice on side-walks
A. Slips and falls could lead to injury
A. Very likely in icy conditions.
M. Impliment ‘at ease march’ and salt sidewalks.
I. RDC ensures ‘at ease march’ is practiced and side-walks are salted.
S. RDC continues to montior situation for improvement.
.3 Define “high-risk”
High risk training could involve: Death, permanent injury, or damage to equipment.
.4 Discuss what type of courses are considered “high-risk”
High risk training occurs at: Battle stations, fire fighting, water survival/ Dive Motivator, live fire training departments
.5 Discuss the difference between these types of courses. A. Voluntary B. Involuntary
Voluntary= High risk, and DOR is available. Involuntary= Accessions training(RTC or OCS), fire fighting, swimming, battle stations, live fire training, and DOR is not available.
.6 Discuss what Drop on Request “DOR” is and the procedures for conducting one.
DOR= Drop On Request- voluntarily drop training -students should be encouraged to make statement and it must be written -Request needs to be reviewed by reviewing officer(E-7 or above)
.7 Discuss what Training Time Out “TTO” is and the procedures for conducting one.
A student or staff member can call a training time out if they see an unsafe situation or if they feel they need a break from training. After a TTO is called the scene needs to be cleared to make sure it is safe to continue training.
.8 Discuss the purpose of the Emergency Action Plan(EAP) and how often must it be reviewed for accuracy of information. Identify the periodic requirements for fully exercising the EAP. How often is it to be fully exercised?
Emergency Action Plan, is a narritive/ description of what should happen in the event of an accident in a particular work space. They should be reviewed quarterly and must be exercised once a year.
.9 Discuss periodic requirements for safety stand-downs.
Safety stand-downs should be held once a year and after a significant safety event occurs.
.10 Discuss the following as it pertains to “high risk” instructor. A. mishap reporting B. Site Augment Plans C. Special Course Indicator Code D. Core Unique Instructor Fundamentals E. Instructor Screening Process F. Evaluation Process G. Training Safety Officer
A. WES II report: can be used for a recruit or staff. B. Each site has unique augmentation plans to reinforce highrisk instructions(1500.75). C. Special course Indicator Code: A or D. E. Instructor Screening Process:-physical screen: medical. -CFL stamp. -TSO: Training Safety Officer. F. Evaluation process G. Who is designated by CO and supervise all high risk training and CUIT.
.11 Discuss the importance of heat/cold stress, monitoring, and control in a training environment.
The flags designate the training conditions: -If they can march -Straggle or not -Watch for dehydration.
Purpose of Navy Training
Systematic approach to what and how best to train.
What are the five steps to ORM
- ID hazards 2. Assess hazards 3. Make risk decisions 4. Impliment controls 5. Surpervise
What and who is the CCA for RTC?
Curriculum Control Authority, RADM Newborn
What and who is the CCMM for RTC?
Course Curriculum Model Manager, Terry Schmegglemyer
Who is the CNET
ADM Quinn
What is CUIT?
Core Unique Instructor Training.
What is the instruction for Navy Instructor Manual
What is the instruction for Navy School Management Manual
102.1 State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
It is a systematic approach to what to train and how best to train. The fleet will decide what we need to train. The school house decides how the training is conducted.
.2 Define the most essential, single link in the training chain.
The instructor
.3 State and discuss the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.
PAK: Personality, Ability(instructor and leadership ability), and Knowledge
.4 Discuss the Instructor's responsibilities in terms of: A. Responsibility to students B. Responsibility to training safety C. Responsibility to security D. Responsibility to curriculum.
A. To the student: consider if they have been fed, rested, no concerns at home.
B. Training Safety: Evacuation safety should be reviewed during every class.
C. Security: This refers to the security clearances.
D. Curriculum: The instructor should confirm the correctness, proper revision, line-out items that are out of date, and take corrections to course supervisor.
.5 List and discuss the four principles of John Keller’s model of motivational theory.
John Keller ‘CARS’.
Confident: Confident students will be better performers.
Attention: body movement.
Relevance: Staying on topic and keeping information useful.
Satisfaction: Success at learning.
.6 List and discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.
NIVIAA. Needs and Drives: tell the students they need this so they can keep they’re job in the Navy. Incentives: Reward them, allow them to use the phone in boot camp. Values: Core values. Interest: Keep or expand upon particular interest. Achievement: Reaching graduation and or getting flags. Attitude: Without a good attitude learning new material is difficult.
.7 State the ultimate goal of instruction.
The ultimate goal of instruction: Motivate students to learn objectives and bring/ apply what they have learned to the fleet.
.8 State and discuss the six laws of learning.
Intensity: Intense situation is easy to remember.
Readiness: Classroom, curriculum, and instructor.
Effect: There is an effect if you don’t perform properly.
Exercise: repetition.
Primacy: Learning something the first time is the way you remember.
Recency: The last thing you learned.
.9 State and discuss five ways of learning.
IT AIT: Insight: Grasping the “big picture”. Transfer: ‘moving’ or transferring of knowledge to a new topic. Association: tying the taught skill to ‘known knowledge’. Imitation: ‘Monkey see, monkey do�” Trial and Error: “discovery” way of learning.
.10 Discuss how motivation affects student learning.
Motivation is THE primary key to how well a student will learn.
.11 State and discuss the types of sensory learners.
Visual: They need to see something
Audio: They need to hear a topic to learn and understand
Kinesthetic: People need to carry out a physical activity to learn a topic, also known as tactile-kinesthetic
.12 State and discuss the four basic learning styles.
Concrete: Need to watch/ touch the lesson, theories are hard to learn.
Active: Must do it.
Reflective: Refer to past experiences.
Abstract: Good with theory, reading and lecture.
.13 Discuss the barriers to effective communication.
Communication should ‘FLOE”
Fear: Can inhibit confidence.
Lack of common core experience: Fleet-returnees verse recruits.
Over use of abstraction: Instructor uses too many navy acronyms.
Environment: Background noise or room temperature.
.14 State and discuss the purpose of an effective communication process.
Necessary parts to effective communication are: Sender, Message, Delivery Vehicle, Receiver, Feedback, Medium(voice, airwaves, or email.)
.15 Discuss the importance of listening communication skills.
Listening is an active process of hearing and concentration.
.16 Discuss six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery.
The six factors for planning instructional delivery (GIRAF P): Grammar: use proper speech, Inflection: voice sound, Rate of speech: should be 100-140 words/min, Articulation: speaking properly, Force: Increase intensity, Pause: Allows students to think about answers.
.17 State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication.
Body movements can REC: Reinforce, Emphasize, and Clarify ideas being taught and messages being sent.
.18 State and discuss the four purposes of oral question.
FADS: The importance of oral questions is: Focuses attention, Arouses interest, Drill topic or subject matter, Stimulates thought.
.19 State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question.
The characteristics of a good oral question(CLU):
Clarity of meaning: confirm that question is on desired topic
Level of instruction: confirm that the instruction justified the question
Use of interrogative: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How.
.20 Discuss the types and purpose of oral questions.
FILM-CTY(‘film city’): Types of oral questions:
Factual: One correct answer.
Interest arousing: Peaks a student curiosity
Leading: Step by step question.
Multiple answer: Numerous correct answers.
Canvasing: Encouraging group participation.
Thought provoking: A question that causes a student to think.
.21 State the five steps of the five-step questioning technique.
APPLE: Ask the question, Pause-wait for students to think about an appropriate answer, Pick-choose a student to answer the question and use qual opportunity by choosing various students, Listen-listen to the answer the student gives, Emphasize-emphasize the correct answer.
.22 List and discuss the different instructional methods
GTDRLL(‘Good To DRiLL’)Instructional methods: Lesson: Interacting with student and this is the Navy’s primary method used. Lecture:Oneway information without the use of audio-visual support, found most often in colleges. Lecture with audio visuals: Using audio-visual instruments, and it is mostly a oneway conversation, the instructor speaks ‘lecturing’ the students. Demonstration: Show students how something should be done, which will assist the visual learners. Role Play: Have instructors act a particular interaction/ situation out, expanding upon the particular lesson that is being taught. Gaming Theory: Instructor designs a game that teaches a particular lesson or idea. Team Demensional: Students functioning as a team to accomplish learning objectives.
.23 State and discuss the three parts of a learning objective.
The parts of a learning objective: Behavior: Actions that should be done by a student. Condition: Rules or environment that the student is expected to deal with. Standard: An expectation of student to meet. Example: Student will swim (behavior)across a pool(standard), blind-folded and hand cuffed(condition), within sixty seconds(standard).
.24 Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance.
The two methods of testing are Knowledge and Performance.
Knowledge testing, is the traditional written tests.
Performance testing, would be a student demonstrating a particular task, IE: how to put on an SCBA.
.25 Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test.
RRCAA: The five levels of learning are: Recognition, Recall, Comprehend/Understand, Application, Analysis/Evaluation/Synthesis.
.26 Discuss the different types of performance tests.
The different types of performance tests are:
Product: the method use to reach the end product doesn’t matter, so long as the product is reached.
Process: The sequence of completing the job is most important aspect, starting from A going to Z.
Combination: Using both Product and Process technique.
.27 List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction.
The materials used to present instruction: Lesson plan, IMM, Instruction Sheets (OJPAID): 1. Outline 2. Jobsheet 3. Problem sheet 4.Assignment sheet 5.Information sheet 6. Diagram sheet
.28 Discuss student feedback/course critique.
The various critiques are: Course, Instructor, quality of life (galley, berthing,MWR ,etc) safety, training effectiveness.
.29 Discuss the following programs and include possible actions and responsibilities of an instructor. A. Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) B. Navy Core Values. C. Sexual Harassment. D. Diversity.
A. Equal Opportunity: The instructor that is conducting the class will affirm that all students should be treated equally and fairly regardless of class standing, rank, ethnicity or race. These aspects of the students should not influence any aspect of the students experience and all students should be treated equally. In the event that equal opportunity is not practiced the instructor should immediately intervene and ensure the student doesn’t feel that they are being mistreated. B: Navy Core Values (Honor, Courage, Commitment): It is the instructor’s responsibility to practice and ensure these values are practiced during every class that is taught, and by students. In the event that these values are not practice, the instructor may need to instruct the students on how to impliment and live by these values. C: Sexual Harassment: It is the instructors responsibility to monitor that there will be no inappropriate comments, physical contact between instructors and students or (inst to inst, or student to student) that could be construed as sexual harrassment. If something does occur, the instructor should immediately intervene to correct the situation, and if an incident does occur the proper channels in the command should be notified. D. Diversity: The application of team work, without the influence of playing favorites.
.30 Discuss the instructor qualification process.
The instructor qualification process: Attend NITC(Navy Instructor Training Course), Go through screening process for the particular position, High Risk screening, Practice instructing, Complete 1 Sat “in house” eval, complete 1 Sat “Out of house” eval, Get a signed letter of instructor designation.
.31 Discuss the instructor disqualification factors and process.
The disqualification process for instructors: The learning center is the authority for what constitutes a disqualification. This may be a temporary situation or the 9502 NEC may be removed from the individuals record.
.32 Discuss the items with your mentor that can be found on the MTS Community of Practice(CoP)
COP: Community Of Practice(something you can get paid for or receive a salary), COI: Community Of Interest(hobbie)
What is the instruction for Navy School Management Manual?
What is an efficient and Effective instructor?
Efficient: Good on time management. Effective: Make sure students gain the knowledge, more worried about students learning than staying on time line. -Should be balanced between both -Can be balanced with proper management.
What is the purpose of oral questions?
FADS: Focus the attention Arrouses interest Drillls subject matter Stimulates thought
103.1 List the responsibility of each of the following members of the training organization structure.
OPNAV, NETC, Learning Centers, LSO, CCMM, CCA, PA
OPNAV: Provide policy for implementing strategic goals for human resourses and training
NETC: Provides policy and guidance for training for leadership, Navy Military Training, Instruction, Quality of life, Infrastructure, Equal opportunity, Curriculum and technology.
Learning Centers: Monitor and provide training for leadership, Navy Military Training, Instruction, Quality of life, Infrastructure, Equal opportunity, Curriculum and technology.
Learning Standards Officer (LSO): Ensure the quality for a learning center
Course Curriculum Model Manager (CCMM): Responsible for developing, revising, and maintaining courses. Reports to the Curriculum Control Authority CCA
Curriculum Control Authority (CCA): Overall responsible for training and curriculum at a learning center
Participating activity (PA): The staff of a learning center that assists the CCMM
.2 Discuss the purpose of the Catalog of Navy Training(CANTRAC)
The “Catalog of Navy Training” (CANTRAC) is composed of two lists(volumes). Vol I: List of training facilities, Vol II: List of courses description that has data.
.3 Discuss the functionality of Corporate Enterprise and Training Resource Activity System (CeTARS)
CeTARS is a Large Navy wide data base to support Navy training. It contains: Grades, Quals, student information, instructor information, classroom information, and course information.
.4 Discus the use of a Course Identification Number(CIN)
Course Identification Number, each course has exactly one. Alpha Numeric Code in three parts: Functional commander - Skilled defense group - Sequence number, Ex. “A-101-0258”
.5 Discuss the use of a Course Data Processing(CDP) code.
Course Data Processing, identifies the training facility where a course is taught. A course will have as many CDPs as training facilities where it is taught. Ex. “452X” CA, SAN DIEGO or “453X” VA, DAMNECK
.6 Discuss who is responsible for ensuring accuracy of data with CeTARS.
The course supervisor is responsible to ensure data within CeTARS.
.7 Discuss the relationship between CeTARS and CANTRAC.
CANTRAC(two lists) pulls information from CeTARS(large data base) using Discoverer(querry tool)
.8 Describe the “A”, “C”, and “F” type courses of instruction.
A= A school, designates a rate. C= C school, designates an NEC (Navy Education Code)and it will also give you a billet. F= Fleet training, "Further on fleet Training".
.9 Discuss what a Person Event Code(PEVT) is and, where it is found and entered.
The “Personal Event Code” (PEVT) is used to document major events on students record, IE: Enrollment, Failures, Graduation, Orders given. And it found in CeTARS.
.10 Discuss when an Academic Review Board (ARB) may be convened.
Typically an ARB convienes due to a students poor or dropping performance in the course or school, or classroom behavior.
.11 Descrie the Academic Review Board(ARB) process.
The first priority of the ARB is to identify the problem that the student is having. The second priority of the ARB is to fix the problem and motivate the student. The student will be informed that their performance has changed considerably, and if an ARB needs to convene the student will be notified. The members that will attend the ARB will be: Student, Instructor, Course Manager/ Supervisor, Learning Standard Officer(LSO), Training Support Command(TSC), Div O. Items to be brought to ARB: Grades/ training jacket, Students notes, Students guide, Student questionaire(which is given the day before the board), instructor guide.
.12 Discuss who is responsible for maintaining a Master Record Audit Trail and what it contains?
The Course Curriculum Model Manager(CCMM) is responsible for audit trail. The audit contains a summary of major events impacting the course including correspondence. The correspondence has: Revisions, Letters of Promulgation(LOP), Former Course Review(FCR).
.13 Describe the evaluation of instructors in laboratory/ classroom/facilitated environments.
The areas which instructors are evaluated are: Introduction, Presentation, Summary and Review, Instructor student interaction, Safety, and Curriculum effectiviness.
Any category that has above or below standard marks, needs to have comments added to those particular sections. Lab/classroom ratios should approximate Lab/classroom evaluation ratios. For example: 2 days of class and 3 days of lab, the evaluation should equate to 40% classroom evaluations and 60% should be Lab evaluations.
.14 Discuss the student critique program within your learning environment.
The student critique includes: Instructor critique, quality of life, curriculum, and safety.
.15 Discuss the importance of Formal Course Reviews(FCRs) and audit trails.
Formal Course Reviews are internal to the school and gives feed back on training, which checks the validity of qualifications, curriculum, testing critiques(which is feed back on how the course is being taught), and has stats on the course(stats include grades, number of classes convened, drops, and ARBs).
.16 Identify the required periodicity for conducting FCRs per current NETC guidance.
They should be conducted no more than 3 years apart, but they like them every 2 years.
What is the students chain of command?
There are two: The Training Support Command(TSC) which handles the watch sections, and other side duties. The instructors, which handle the academic aspects of the students life.
What is the instruction for Training Requirement Identification and Resourse Sponsor
What is the instruction that governs Human Performance Requirement Review(HPRR)
What is the instruction that governs Navy School Management Manual?
104.1 State the purpose of a Human Performance Requirement Review(HPRR)
The purpose is to “re”- validate training, and relates training to the “big picture”-how it effects the fleet.
.2 State the periodicity of conducting a HPRR.
It should happen at least every 3 years. Side note: HPRR are large meetings of senior Subject Matter Experts(SME) from the fleets and the learning center.
.3 State the roles and responsibilities of the following for the HPRR process implementation and execution:
see matrix
.4 Discuss the input data that affects training requirement validation.
TCCD, CTTL, PPP, unresolved HPRR action chits, performance issue documentation, non-academic factor documentation, occupational standards, Navy Training System Plan(NTSP), Safety issue documentation, Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA)
.5 State the four triggers to conduct a HPRR
The four triggers are:
- Required by sponsor,
- Fleet feedback surveys: Completed by NAVMACK
- Course surveillance: the CO does this(or OX/CMC)
- Curriculum Control Authority(CCA) who is now: RADM Newborn
.6 State and describe four HPRR messages.
- Annual HPRR message: released 30 days prior to 1 Oct.
- Announcement message: Comes out 90 days prior to the HPRR details the purpose of the HPRR as well as course(s) Request SMEs input.
- Agenda message: released 60 days prior to date.
- HPRR Action Chit: summerizes the HPRR, links to Community of Practice, list of quick wins/ easy fixes, provides Plan of Action and Mile-stones(POA&M) which is a list of dates for tasks to be completed.
.7 State the purpose of the HPRR action chit.
The chit reviews the problems found by the HPRR, which implies action is going to be taken on the issues.
.8 Explain the correlation of a Formal Couse Review(FCR) and the HPRR process.
Formal Course Review is internal review by the learning center. The HPRR is an external review to investigate the final product. Before HPRR an FCR should be completed
.9 Explain the process of findings for submission during a FCR.
The process of findings for submissions: Findings are assessment results of a FCR. Review team publishes the findgs and establishes time-line for corrective action. Learning site formally responds per approved Plan Of Action and Milestones
.10 Discuss the purpose of Training Requirement Identification and Resourse Sponsor Commitment.
Training Requirement Identification: This is what is being trained. Resourse sponsor provides the movey for training. Without commitment, the future of training will be unreliable. Comes from fleet resource sponsor commitment: make sure there is a money committed to the program.
.11 List the three forms of acceptable actions from a Resource Sponsor identifying the commitment of resources to a valid training requirement.
The three forms of acceptable action:
Naval message
Command letterhead letter
Digitally signed email
What is the instruction for Utilization of Enlisted Occupational Standards for Training and Career Development?
105.1 Discuss the purpose of Occupational Standards(OCCSTDS).
The purpose of occupational standards is a civilian term, which the Navy uses Navy Enlisted Ratings.
.2 List the primary basis for which OCCSTDS are used.
Occupational Standards identifies the minimal skills and knowledge required to qualified to do a job. OCCSTDS are the basis for implementing and supporting actions for Manning, Distribution, Training, and Advancement.
.3 Explain where the remaining E4 and below OCCSTDS, that are not selected to be taught in “A” school, should be taught, e.g., in which other training environments?
They are to be taught OBT, on-board training or OJT on the job training.
.4 Explain each role as it pertains to OCCSTDS: A office of Chief of Naval Operations(OPNAV) B. Resource sponsors C. Fleet and Type Commanders. D.Navy Manpower Analysis Center (NAVMAC) E. Naval Eduction Training Command (NETC)
A. Office of CNO(OPNAV): Review and approve OCCSTDS per OPNAVINST 1223.1
B.Resourse sponsors: Review and approve the Trainging Task Analysis(TTA) report.
C. Fleet and type Commanders: Review Skills Management System(SMS) and OCCSTDS.
D. Navy Manpower Analysis Center(NAVMAC): Ensures Skills Management System(SMS) surveys are conducted and OCCSTDS are issued in a timely manner and coordinated with the appropriate NTRR event schedule(s) 3,4
E. Naval Education Training Command: Develop and implement training to meet the needs. Implement training for needs of fleet, use all rating schools
What is the instruction for Job Duty Task Analysis Management Manual?
NAVEDTRA 137 (series)
What is the instruction for Utilization of Enlisted Occupational Standards for Trainging and Career Development
106.1 State the purpose of a Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA)
JDTA determines what to train. First step to end two end(E2E) step process. Ensuring that it is repeatable and defendable.
Satisfy Fleet training. Specific task or jobs. Ex. Not entire Electronics Technician rating, but just this particular radio.
.2 State the roles and responsiblities of the following for the JDTA process implementation and execution: A. Naval Education Training Command B. NETC N7 C. Learning center commmanding officer D. Learning center director of training E. Learing center learning standards officer F. Learning center JDTA coordinator G. Stake holders
A. Naval Education Training Command
C. Learning center commmanding officer: Ensures compliance with NETC policy and guidance, signs forward the JDTA report to requirement sponsor
D. Learning center director of training: Provide oversight, assign coordinator, review & forward reports
E. Learing center learning standards officer: Provide JDTA guidance & review messages
F. Learning center JDTA coordinator: Drafts annoucement, adend, completion Reports messages, Oversee, Liaison, maintains document, in-puts documents onto NKO JDTA Community of Practice.
G. Stake holders: All members are stake holders.
.3 State the roles and responsibilities of the requirement sponsor prior to and after the completion of a JDTA.
See Matrix
.4 List the external triggers to perform a JDTA.
The external triggers: Navy Training System Plan(NTSP), Operational Risk Management(ORM), Fleet performance assessment, Direct fleet input, HPRR.
.5 List the internal triggers to perform a JDTA.
The internal triggers: Revision to enlisted occupational standards(OCCSTDS), Rating merger, Establishment or revision of an NEC.
.6 Explain a targeted JDTA.
Targeted JDTA: Insufficient course data exists to support a HPRR, a mishap, as directed by higher authority.
.7 Explain the triggers that may cause a targeted JDTA..
Look at specific tasks
.8 Explain the hiearchial structure of work.
Occupation”made up of many job”, Job”made of many duties”, Duties”made up of many tasks”, Tasks”made up of many sub-tasks”, sub-tasks”made up of many steps”, Steps.
.9 Explain the perparation of a JDTA to include: A. Coordinator B. Messages C. Documents D. Stakeholders E. Community of Practice F. Post JDTA
A. Coordinator: leads the process B. Messages: Annoucement message, JDTA, agenda message, completion C. Documents D. Stakeholders E. Community of Practice F. Post JDTA
.10 Explain where the non-selected for formal training E-4 and below Occupational Standards are to be trained.
This training occurs On-board training(OBT), On-the-job training(OJT)
What does JDTA establish?
Establishes occupational standards, and a list of work to be referred to for curriculum development.
Steps in JDTA
Occupation, Job, Duties, Task, Subtask, step
107.1 State the purpose of a Front End Analysis(FEA)
It is a defendable and repeatable process for determining methods/ways of training.
.2 When is a FEA performed
Perform as soon as JDTA is completed.
.3 List the triggers of FEA
Revision to fleet requirement, Revision to OCCSTDS, New equipment, fleet feedback, FCR, Establishment or disestablishment of NEC, rating merger, as directed by CCA, HPRR.
.4 Explain the documentation of the FEA as detailed on the FEA template
FEA template will help you standardize requesting authority, requesting command, start and end dates, documents from existing courses, new training requirements, training gaps, training delivery methods.
.5 Identify who determins what curriculum development model will be used for curriculum modications with your learning environment.
The Curriculum Control Authority(CCA).
.6 Explain the approval process of the finalized FEA.
Requirement sponsor (the fleet) approval will be forwarded with the FEA to the CCA for final approval.
Who decides what is to be taught?
The Fleet decides what is to be taught.
When is FEA completed?
It is completed after JDTA and before Curriculum Development.
What causes or gives a need for FEA?
Revision to fleet requirement, Revision to OCCSTDS, New equipment, fleet feedback, FCR, Establishment or disestablishment of NEC, rating merger, as directed by CCA, HPRR.
Typically, who is the Curriculum Control Authority (CCA)
The Commanding Officer
What is the purpose of Human Performance Requirement Review (HPRR)?
HPRR is used to identify problems and re-validate training.
What is the purpose of the Course Training Task List (CTTL)?
It is a list of knowledge and skills (learning objectives) for a particular course.
What does E2E stand for?
End to End
What makes a good oral question?
FADS: Focus attention Arrouses interest Drillls subject matter Stimulates thought
102.22 What are the delivery methods?
**Good To DRiLLL** Gaming simulation Team dimensional Discussion demostration Role playing Lesson(most typical in Navy, due to amount of questions) Lecture (causes no interaction) Lecture with audio-visual
What is the publication for Front End Analysis?
What are the three curriculm development models?
- Task based
- PPP (personal performance profile)
- ILE, Integrated Learning Environment.
The CCA, (aka the CO) will decide which one will be used.
What is the Business Case Analysis publication (BCA)
108.1 What is the purpose of the Business Case Analysis(BCA)
It is a structured method of making decisions.
.2 Explain the purpose of excutive summary or Business Case Analysis
It is the key high lights.
.3 Describe how strategic alignment is important to a BCA
The process compares alternatives based on how they meet the organizations values.
.4 Explain what analysis of alternatives does?
It is a list of pros and cons of your options.
.5 Discuss risk assessment in decision making of BCA
The risk assessment minimizes risk in the alternatives.
.6 Explain how cost benfit impacts a BCA
Considering the cost in relation to the benefit of each alternative.
.7 Explain the final stages of BCA:
- Conclusions and recommedations, summerizing what was chosen.
- Implementation strategy, explain the plan.
- Review and approval, the CCA authorizes.
What is the publication(s) for Training Project Plan(TPP)?
NAVEDTRA 130, 131, 136
109.1 State the purpose of a Training Project Plan(TPP)
The blue print of how to build a course, it has a plan of action (POA&M), which has a list a dates.
.2 Who has initial approval authority of a TPP?
.3 For the below events, who approves implementation of a TPP? A. submitted to NETC per triggered event with zero sum gain.
Zero sum is approved by NETC N7.
.3 For the below events, who approves implementation of a TPP?
A. Submitted to NETC per triggered event with zero sum gain
B. submitted to NETC requiring additional resources or offsets.
A: \\\ need answer\\ETC W
B: Addition for off-sets need to be approved by OPNAV.
.4 View a TPP and explain the contents of a TPP: (memorize these in order)
A. curriculum Control Authority(CCA) TPP endorsement letter. B. Cover page C. Course data D. Justification E. Safety Risks and Hazardous materials F. Curriculum development method G. Resource requirements H. Compensation I. Milestones
.5 Describe the web application SERENA (validity pending)
Application allows learning centers to upload, maintain, and manage TPP. It allows the flow of a TPP from initial submission to final approval or suspense of the TPP.
.6 Describe the type of TPPs housed in SERENA (validity pending)
All are house in SERENA
.7 Explain how TPPs are identified and maintained in SERENA. (validity pending)
They are serialized chronologically by submission and each rate has they’re own set referenced to the serialized whole.
Who aproves implementation?
Initially the CCA approves it.
What is the process of approving curriculum
JDTA(Job Duty Task Analysis) ‘what to train’. FEA (Front End Analysis) repeatable/ defendable way of determing ‘how best to conduct training’. BCA (Business Case Analysis) structured way of making decisions. CD (Curriculum Development), three ways: task based, PPP based, ILE.
What is the purpose of Task based curriculum
Training Navy personnel on non-pipe line courses.
What is the purpose of Personnel Performance Profile
Training Navy personnel on pipe line courses.
What is an SME
Subject Mater Expert.
What is the publication for Task Based CurriculumDevelopment Manual
NAVEDTRA 130A. It has phases, the pilot occurs on tail end of the development phase, uses AIM 2 software
What are high points of Personal Performance Profile PPP
NAVEDTRA 131A. It has stages: pre-stage, stages 1-5, post stage, PADDPIE: Plan, analyze, Design, Develop, Pilot, Implement, Evaluate. Uses AIM 1
110.1.1 What is the publication for Task based curriculum development
.2 Discuss the items developed in Plan Phase of Task-Based Curriculum development
Outcome is the training project plan (TPP) Has POA&M.
.3 Discuss the items developed in Analyze phase
Outcome is course training task list(CTTL) a list of Eos and Tos not necessarly in order.
.4 Discuss the items developed in Design Phase
The PRELIMINARY Training Course Control Document(TCCD) is developed in this phase.
.5 Describe what is required of a skill and knowledge learning objective
OCCSTDs as per section 105.
.6 Discuss the items developed in develop phase
The outcome is the Lesson Plan(LP), Tranee Guide (TG), Tests and other supporting material Instructional Multi Media (IMM).
.7 Discuss the purpose of the Implementation phase
This phase identifies the Red Line changes, which are mistakes in curriculum. This phase ends with Curriculum Control Authority(CCA) writing a Letter of Probagation(LOP) on Command Letter Head.
.8 Discuss the purpose of the Evaluate phase
This phase is internal and external to the school house. Internal addresses: Grades, Student eval, Instructional, FCR Formal Course Review, Course survalance. External addresses: Fleet surveys, Direct Communication, Human Performance Requirement Review(HPRR).
What is CDP?
Course Data Processing, identifies the training facility where a course is taught. A course will have as many CDPs as training facilities where it is taught. Ex. “452X” CA, SAN DIEGO or “453X” VA, DAMNECK
110.2.1 What is the publication for PPP curriculum development
.2Describe and discuss the 7 stages involved in developing materials for Personal Performance Profile(PPP) curriculum
Personal Performance Profile is associated with pipe-line schools. Prestage: AKA the Planning stage, and the outcome is the Training Project Plan(TPP). Stage I/ Analyze: Outcome is Personal Performance Profile table list, which will include a new and modified PPP tables, and there will be a PPP for every objective. This stage will also include the Training Path System(TPS). Stage II/Design: Outcome is the PRELIMINARY Training Course Control Document(TCCD). Stage III/Develop: Outcome are the Lesson Plan(LP), Training Guide(TG), tests and other support material. Stage IV/Pilot: Pilot course monitoring report- Two monitors: one who monitors the time and the other monitors content, red line changes are made for what material should be fixed in the curriculum, the curriculum becomes smooth when the red line changes are corrected. Implement stage: Curriculum Control Authority(CCA) writes a Letter Of Promulgation(LOP). Post stage: Evaluate(internal & external evaluation).
.3 Discuss the products of Training Path System(TPS) stage 1
This is a management tool that designates that training requirements for personnel involved in a particular training program. Assigns Task Sets(who will be trained)-coordinators, directors, and performers. Assigns Training Objective Statements(TOS)-Describes knowledge and skills to be learned, and level that the student is trained. Assigns Training Level Assignments(TLA)-Lists speciic Personal Performance Profiles(PPP) items to be taught. Assigns Table Assignment Matrix(TAM)-Summerizes the training requirements for all of the Personal Performance Profiles(PPP)Tables. Assigns Training Path Chart(TPC)which is a graphic of the pipe-line of courses.
.4 State and discuss Training Objective Statement(TOS) codes for both knowledge and skills
This describes knowledge and skills to be learned and to what level.
1. Knowledge Category(K): Equipment/System/Subsystem: T=Theory, F=Familiarization, Task Function: Q=Knowledge, Background(B): B=knowledge.
2. Skill Category(S): Equipment/System/Subsystem: O=Operation, P=Preventitive Maint, C=Corrective Maint, M=Maintenance. Task Function: J=Skill, Background(B): S=Skill.
Levels of training: 0=background, 1=normal, 2=abnormal, 3=abnormal without pubs, 4=emergency.
.5 Define the three Task Sets
Coordinator task set(officer), Director task set(chiefs), Performer task set(E6 and below): tech operator
.6 Discuss the types of courses listed in a Training Path Chart (TPC)
All of these courses will be schools that are assigned or part of a particular pipe-line. B=background, R=replacement, C=conversion, A=advanced, O=on-board.
.7 Identify when job sheet development should begin in the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process
It should begin as soon as TPS is done.
.8 What are the triggers and process for converting Personal Performance Profile(PPP) based curriculum to Task based curriculum
The course is no longer in the pipe-line course, and must be redeveloped in Task Based.
What are the ‘NAMES’ of the stages in PPP?
Pre, 1-5 stages, and Post
Define Personal Performance Profile(PPP)
A minimum listing of knowledge and skills required to operate and maintain a system, subsystem, or equipment, or to perform a task or function.
What is the overal purpose of Personal Performance Profile Curriculum Development (PPP)
It is associated with pipe-line schools
What are the high points of Personal Performance Profile (PPP)
Uses AIM1, it has STAGES (Pre, stage1-5, Post), has a pilot stage, uses PADDIE accronym
What are the seven stages of PPP
1)Prestage/ Planning: Outcome is the Training Project Plan (TPP),2) Stage I/Analyze: Outcome is the PPP table list, new and modified PPP tables, and Training Path System(TPS). There will also be a PPP for every objective. 3) Stage II/ Design: Outcome is the preliminary TCCD. 4)Stage III/Development: Outcome is the Lesson Plan, Training Guide, Test and other support elements. 5)Stage IV/Pilot: Pilot course monitoring report, Two instructors will be observing the pilot: one for the time, and another for the curriculum. ‘Red line’ items will be identified in this stage, and the red lined items will be fixed when the curriculum becomes ‘smooth’. 6) Implement: CCA (LOP) letter of Probagation. 7)Post stage: Evaluate, Internal and external methods.
How are the volumes of NAVEDTRA 131 divided up into? Volumes of what?
Vol I: Developers guide, it also has a supplement. Vol II: Sample products. Vol III: Managers guide.
110.3.1 Integrated Learning Environment(ILE) What instruction is used for ILE?
.2 List the three types of training materials provided by the ILE
1) Instructor Led Training(ILT) 2)Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) 3)Blended
.3 Discuss the seven phases utilized to develop a course within the ILE
Plan, Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate, Life Cycle Maintenance.
.4 Discuss the outcome of the Instructional Media Design Package (IMDP) during the design phase
Detail and demonstrate the design intent for each module and lesson within a course and to describe how the course will achieve the intended learning. Similar to story-boarding for a video game or movie.
.5 Discuss the three variation of the course hierarchy which can be developed within the ILE
1) Instructor Led training (ILT) 2) (IMI) Module Navy E-Learning Learning Management System (NeL-LMS) delivered 3) ILT, and Lesson IMI module Nel-LMS delivery
What are the four principles of SCORM(subject content object reference model)
//// Needs Clarification* or (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) Front page of MTS PQS(Anacronyms) ////ETC W///
(RIDA) Reuse, Interoperable, Durable, Accessible.
What are the building blocks of ILE?
They are modules and they built around learning objectives.
What does NCOM stand for and what is it used for?
Navy Content Object Model, and the three R’s(R3) used: Reuse, Repurpose, Reference.
What is Metadata?
It is huge quantity of data and uses tags to search for data. Reuse and repurpose modules.
What are the content types of Enabling Objectives?
Facts: Provable knowledge, Concept: Idea or group of ideas, Procedure: Step by step process (IE: 3M), Process: system at work (IE: cardiovacular system), Principle: Guide lines
What does LMS stand for
Learning Management System
110.4.2 Dicuss the purpose of Instructional Media Materials(IMM)
RUUIM: Increase: Retention, Understanding, Uniformity ‘from instructor to instructor’, Interest, Motivation.
.3 List the minimum sections of a Lesson Plan
- Front Matter: Cover page, title page, list of effective page, Letter Of Probagation(LOP), change records page, table of content, secuity awareness notice page, safety/ hazard awareness notice page, how to use lesson plan, allocation of instructional time, couse 2. Lesson Topics: Topic page, Discussion Demonstration Activity(DDA), Disscussion Points(DP)-Related Instrutor Activity(RIA) 3. Reference Materials (optional): Resourses Requirement List(RRL), Profile item-to-topic Objecive Assignment Chart(OAC), Fault Applicability List(FAL)
.4 List the minimum sections of a Trainee Guide
Front matter and Instructional sheet
.5 State the purpose of Course Training Task List(CTTL)
List all skills and knowledge/ learning objectives (EO TO)
.6 Discuss what a CTTL gives the curriculum developer: Job, Duty, Task, Learning Objectives.
JDTA gives the building blocks, and those building blocks take the form of a list of learning objectives
.7 State the purpose of testing
It insures the student grasps the learning objectives.
.8 Explain the purpose to pilot a course.
Make sure the course works, or validates the course.
.9 List and discuss the triggers for developing, Revising, or canceling a course.
Addition of new training course, Revision to a training course that changes the instructional strategy or delivery method, or course length, increases resource requirements.
Deletion of a training course, Transfer of a training course between CCAs, Addition or deletion of a training course (courses data processing CDP)
.10 State the difference between the Course Mission Statement(CMS) and Terminal Objective (TO)
CMS: what the course will do for the fleet. TO: What the student will be able to do at the end of the course.
.11 Spell out the full term for the following abbreviation/acronyms: LP, DDA page, TO, EO, DP, RIA, IMM/VI
LP: lesson Plan DDA: Discussion Demostration Avtivity TO: Terminal Objective EO: Enabling Objective DP: Discussion Point RIA: Related Instrcutor Activity IMM/VI: Instructional Media Material/Visual Information.
.12 Discuss where to find the procedures for handling and storing classified training materials.
It is all found in OPNAVINST 5510.1
.13 What documents are contained in the final Training Course Control Document (TCCD)
Includes: front matter, curriculum outline of instruction: must be in sequence, list of EO and TO, and Annexes
.14 What annexes are included in the final Training Course Control Document (TCCD)
Resourse Requirements Lists, Course Master Schedule.
.15 What is contained in a Resourse Requirement List (RRL)
All materials, facilities, man-power, funding needed to conduct training.
What are high points of Integrated Learning Environment(ILE)
It has phases, PADDIEL: Plan, Analyze, Design, develop, Implement, Evaluate, Life cylce maintenance. Life cycle maintenance: up dating software or hardware.
What are the volumes in Content development
Vol I:Developers guide,
vol II: Sample products,
vol III: Managers guide
What are the 6 phases of PPP?
PADDIE: Plan, Analyze, Design, Develop, Impliment, Evaluate
Where is a Training Project Plan (TPP) most important?
In a Plan of Action and Milestones(POA&M) which includes dates and time.
Course Training Task List, which is a list of EO and TO
Training Course Control Document.
What are the elements of a lesson plan?
Front Matter, Lesson topics, Reference Materials(optional)
What is included in front matter?
Front Matter: Cover page, title page, list of effective page, letter of promulgation, change records page, table of content, secuity awareness notice page, safety/ hazard awareness notice page, how to use lesson plan, allocation of instructional time, couse master schedule, course learning objectives page.
What is included in lesson topics?
Topic page, dicussion of demonstration Activity (DDA), Discussion Point (DP) related instructor activity (RIA)
What is included in Reference Materials?
Resourses Requiements List (RRL), Profile item-to-topic Objective Assignment Chart(OAC), Fault Applicability List(FAL)
What are the 6 types of instructional sheets?
OJPAID: Outline, Job, Problem, Assignment, Information, Diagram.
What are the 8 ways of sequence a Curriculum Outline of Instruction(COI)
Job performance order, chronological order, critical sequence, simple to complex, comparative sequence, relationship to like COI elements, principle of reverse sequence, combination approach. The order will be dictated by what ever makes sense to the number of students you have.
Community Of Interest and Community of Practice.
What is the contained in a Resourse Requirement List(RRL)
Man-power, facilities, IMM, and Support material.
what are the names of the stages ins Personal Performance Profile(PPP)?
Pre, 1-5 stages, and Post
What is the content of the Training Project Plan(TPP)?
Cover page, Table of Content, Justification, Empact: what will happen if course is not develped, Course Data Page(CDP), Safety Risk and Hazard materials exposure, Curriculum development method used, milestones, Resourse Requirements.
What is the most critical element of PPP curriculum development?
PPP! Because they are required in: Training Path System(TPS), EO’s and TO’s, Test items, Lesson Plan (LP), and Training Guides(TG), Support material.
State and discuss the Trainging Path System (TPS) outputs
Management: tool that desiginates the training requirements for personnel involed in a particular training program.
1) Tasks sets (who will be trained) that coordinates, directs, and lists the performers.
2) Training Objective Statements(TOS): describes knowledge and skills to be learned. 3)Assigns Training Level Assignments(TLA)-Lists specific Personal Performance Profiles(PPP) items to be taught.
4) Table Assignment Matrix(TAM): summarizes the training requirements for each of the PPP.
5) Training Path Chart(TPC): a graphic that out lines the pipe line of the program.
What is the purpose of the Training Objective Statement(TOS)?
Describe the knowledge and skills to be learned, and the level to be trained.
What are the accounting codes in Training Path System(TPS)
R= Replacement, A=Advanced, B=Both
What is another name of a part number?
Learning Objective/ lesson.
What are the number designations in Training Path System(TPS)?
0= Background 1= Normal 2= Abnormal 3= Abnormal without Pubs 4= Emergency
What are the types of courses in the Training Path Code(TPC)?
B=Background, R=Replacement, C=Conversion, A=Advanced, O=Onboard
List and describe the contents of the preliminary Training Course Control Document(TCCD)
1) Profile item-to-topic Object Assignment Chart(OAC)
2) Resourse Requirement List(RRL), this is a list of all material needed to conduct training
3) Curriculum Outline of Instruction(COI) Sequence COI, whichever way makes the most sense for the number of students and the time alloted.
What is the purpose fo TCCD?
Governs how the course will be controlled until the course is retired.
How is the Course Master Schedule (CMS) organized?
By time periods (50mins of instruction and 10min of break).
What does DDA stand for?
Discuss Demonstration Activity
What does RIA stand for?
Related Instructor Activity
What does DP stand for?
Discussion Point
What are the six types of Instructional Sheets?
- Outline 2. Problem 3. Job Sheet 4. Assignment Sheet 5. Information 6. Diagram
What are the task sets?
Performer, Coordinator, Director task sets.
When is the job sheet developed?
It begins as soon as the TPA is completed
What does COI stand for?
Course outline of Instruction
What is the purpose of the pilot course?
It validates the course to identify if the course will work for it’s intended purpose.
111.1 State the purpose of a testing program?
To validate if students are learning the Learning Objectives
.2 State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective tessting program.
See Matrix
.3 State the primary course source data for creating test items.
The primary data for creating test items: JDTA, OCCSTDS(civilian term), CTTL/PPP table, COI(Curriculum outline of instruction), Training Guide in develop stage in PPP.
.4 List usable course source data to be used when the primary course source data is not available or has not been created.
Ask Subject Matter Expert(SME) and check within the Pubs.
.5 Define the following test: a. Formal b. Informal
A. Formal: Performance counts towards a grade. B. Informal: Does not count towards grade.
.6 For the below items, define the three levels of proficiency levels contained within each: a. Skill b. Knowledge
(Skill Proficiency Level(SPL) 1: Imitation, SPL 2: Repetition, SPL 3: Habit)
(Knowledge Proficiency Level(KPL) 1: Knowledge Comprehension, KPL 2: Application and Analysis, KPL 3: Synthesis and Evaluation.)
.7 List the five categories for performance and knowledge tests.
Quiz, Pretest, Oral, Performance or Progress test, and Comprehensive.
.8 Discuss the process of piloting a test.
The test material will be reviewed by Subject Matter Expert(SME) taking into account all versions, The Course Curriculum Model Manager (CCMM) will forward test to Learning Standards Officer(LSO), Then students will take the test.
.10 What are two types of testing methods used in testing?
Criterion-Reference test: 90+= A, 80+= B etc . Normal-Reference Test: graded on a curve
.11 Discuss test failure policies and associated grading criteria with your learning environment.
If a test is failed <70%, the student is re-trained, and re-tested.
.12 Discuss during performance test design how the skill learning objective criticality is determined.
It is graded on a criticality scale. 3=high, 2=moderate, 1=low
.13 Discuss during knowledge test design how the knowledge learning objective criticality is determined to perform a task.
It is graded on a scale. 3=high criticallity, 2=moderate, 1=low
.14 Identify the ten sections of a testing plan.
1) course data. 2) course roles and responsibilities. 3) Course waivers. 4) Test development. 5) Test administration. 6) Course test and test types. 7) Grading criteria. 8) Remediation. 9) Test and test item analysis: validating the test. 10) Documentation.
.15 State the purpose of test item analysis.
Validate test items.
.16 In a remediation program, discuss what the primary and secondary goal is.
The primary goal: To motivate the student. The secondary goal: Find the root cause of the problem and help the student get passed it.
.17 Dicuss the three methods of remediation available to instructors.
Targeted: Focuses on particular areas of the curriculum.
Scalable: Cover all material again.
Iterative: Repeat one particular aspect again, and again, and again�
.18 Define the following sections of a remediation program: A: Retest B: Set-back C: Drop from training and attrites D: Couseling E: Academic Review Boards(ARBs)
A. Retest: No earlier than 24 hours and students will recieve a minimum passing grade. B. Set-back: ASMOed here at RTC C. Drop from training and attrites: sent to the fleet or home. D.. Couseling: Remediation E: Academic Review Boards(ARBs): Used to find the problem facing the student. Personnel involved with board: Student, Instructor, Learning Standards Officer(curriculum), Division Officer, Course Supervisor, TSC. Items brought to ARB: Student notes, grades, training guide, instructor guide, questioneer(open ended questions used to indentify the problem). Out come of board: Continue training, ASMO, Drop, Remediation by student, instructor, course supervisor.
112.1 What role does Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center(NETPDTC) serve to the PQS program
The role of NETPDTC in Pensicola FL maintains and ensures the standards are kept for all PQS on line.
.2 Identify the location where PQS are maintained and available for fleet use.
All are available on Navy Knowledge On-line(NKO) in the Navy PQS portal.
.3 Explain the function of PQS?
The function of PQS: Basic rquirements, minimum skills and knowledge to complete the duties(which are a level of task)
.4 Explain the process for an individual qualified on a PQS and the PQS in superseded by a revision, what happens to the individuals qualification and what must that individual do with the revised PQS?
PQS must be completed again or individual changed line items, can be learned and tested.
.5 In formal training courses where PQS lines may be signed, describe the procedure to inform a reciveing command which line items have been completed and signed.
Student will be issued a page 13.
.6 Explain the difference between a PQS and Job Qualification Requirement(JQR)
The difference between PQS and JQR: PQS is for multiple platforms(Ships) JQR: are designed for a single platform. The JQR will mirror a PQS, but have specifics for that platform.
What instruction is associated with Utilization of Enlisted Occupational Standards for Training and Career Development.
OPNAVINST 1500.74(non resident training courses NRTC)
113.1 What role does Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center(NETPDTC) serve to NRTCs?
The role of NETPDTC is to: control availability, track all grades(in CETARS), house material(then put it in NSIPS). They work out of Pensacola FL.
.2 What is the primary purpose of NRTC?
The primary purpose of NETPDTC: Aids in self study, helps people with rate information giving them technical information, it is the primary source for rating exam, key information needed for rate and test knowledge. Also helps with cross training.
.3 What impact does a NRTC have in the rating exam process?
NRTC is the primary source documents for rating exam questions.
.4 Identify the location where NRTCs are maintained and available for fleet use
On the NRTC website, they are housed and maintained.
.5 NRTC is designated for revision or development, state the functionality of the following: A. Contracting Office Representative(COR) B.Statement of Work(SOW) C.Naval Logistics Library(NLL) D. Defense Automated Printing System(DAPS)
A. Contracting Office Representative(COR): Liasion between NETPDTC and the learning center. B.Statement of Work(SOW): Outline for work done on NRTC by contractors. C.Naval Logistics Library(NLL): Central point of all NRTC assigned stock numbers, tracked within the supply system D. Defense Automated Printing System(DAPS): Makes documents for Naval Logistics Library(NLL)
.6 NRTSs are assigning points, for whom are these points calculated and how does it benefit these personnel?
Points are given to reservist and count towards retirement, evaluation and advancement.
What instruction is associated with the Naval Training System Requirements, Acquistion, and Management
What instruction is associated with Training Transfer Agreement?
114.1 What does Naval Training Systems Requirements, Acquistion, and Management provide?
It provides (MPT) manpower, personnel, training for acquistion systems(new equipment)
.2 What document is prepared for traceability in support of new and or modernized Naval capabilities?
Navy Training System Plan(NTSP)
.3 What is the purpose of a Naval Training System Plan(NTSP)?
It is used to identify manpower, personnel training gaps to support new acquistion and or modernization programs.
.4 How many Acquistion Categories(ACAT) does the NTSP process govern?
ACAT I(this is the biggest), II, III, IV
.5 List and describe the five gates/thresholds for NTSP submittal?
6 years prior to Initial Operational Capability(IOC) military construction(MILCON).
3 years prior to IOC, TD=Training Device-research, development, test, eval(RDT&E).
3 years prior to IOC for a Major Defense acquition program (ACT1 or ACAT2) or for major system follow on training Devices(TD).
Prior to initial operational test and evaluation(IOT&E) operational eval, this is if you already have a facility.
3 months prior to IOC for rapid acquisition programs such as NDI, Commercial Off The Shelf(COTS), RDC, AAP, and JUON programs???
.6 Discuss the process and artifacts required for a course to transition from the acquistion community to formal as delineated in the Traning Transfer Agreement?
Training Transfer Agreement: Governs the process of hand-over from people who built the training facility to the Navy personnel who will use it to train.
.7 Explain the roles and responsibilities for each
See Matrix
What instruction is associated with Impaired Training and Education Report Policy and Reporting Procedures?
What instruction is associated with Missed Training Opportunity Reporting Policy and Procedure?
115.1 State the purpose of Impaired Training and Eduction Report(ITER) Policy and Reporting Procedures.
The purpose is to report reduced or stopped training.
.2 List the N codes within NETC that the Learning Center Shall Address.
N1: Total force manpower N4: Facilities N6: Chief information officer(serious computer people) N7: Learning and Development(NETC) N8: Resourse, Requirement and Assessments.
.3 State who will draft the NETC response for ITERs. //needs help// Explain answer better ///ETC W///
.4 Explain ITER conditions Red and Yellow.
Red: Stop training Yellow: Inhibits training
.5 List the six ITER types
Found in instruction 1540.1B(PACEFC):
Personnel, Equipment, Facilities, Curricula, Ammunition, Correction
.6 List three ITER categories
The three catagories are:
.7 Define a Missed Training Opportunity(MTO)
Loss of a course quota by a command.
.8 List five examples of a MTO
- Command has a quota for a student that doesn’t show up and command doesn�t give a replacement. 2. Command cancels a granted quota in four or fewer working days prior to a courses convening without providing a replacement. 3. Student cannot obtain credit for the course of instruction due to the command recall of the student. 4. Student is absent from a course. 5. Student is recalled by command.
.9 Who has the responsibility to report a MTO
Training Support Command(TSC)/ Training Support Detachment (TSD) will submit Missed Training Opportunity(MTO) reports via naval message with each command that created an MTO listed as an action addressee and each command’s ISIC, TYCOM and NETC listed as an information addressee.
.10 How often is the MTO data gathered and in what format is the data sent.
MTO reports go out weekly, via Navy messages.
.11 Explain the purpose of Casualty Reporting(CASREP)
Anything that breaks that impacts the mission is a CASREP. A CASREP (NWP1-03.1) reports the casualities results in operational commanders and support personnel being advised of the status of significant equipment malfunctions which may result in the degradation of unit readiness.
.12 Explain the use of each of the following: A. Initial CASREP B.Update CASREP C.Correction CASREP D. Cancellation CASREP
A. Initial CASREP: “Hey, something broke” B.Update CASREP: “Hey, it’s still broke, but we’re still working on it.” C.Correction CASREP: “Hey, we fixed it!”. D. Cancellation CASREP: “Don�t bother, we’re going in for an overhaul.”
201.1 Describe the purpose of Authoring Instructional Materials(AIM)
AIM is computer based curriculum authoring tool devolped by Navy for the purpose of standardizing the way a Course is developed and delivered to the Fleet.
.2 Identify the approach AIM utilizes to develop and maintain training materials?
It is question and template driven to support standard phases or stages of curriculum development.
.3 Discuss how AIM ensures training materials are developed and revised per prescribed specifications and guidelines.
The system is automated to conform to standards (NAVEDTRA 130A/ 131A, ILE), resulting in efficient, cost effective development and maintenance of curriculum.
.4 Discuss which AIM tool supports the following: a. Task based curriculum development, b. PPP based curriculum.
A. AIM II: Doesn’t have charts and tables and is used for tasked based. B. AIM I: Uses charts and tables and is used for PPP based curriculum development.
202.1 State the purpose of the Content Planning Module (CPM)
The Content Planning Module(CPM) is used for Tasked Based, PPP, and ILE. CPM takes validated JDTA and makes Learning Objectives. Side note: CPM is found on the AIM website.
.2 Name the four primary areas with CPM.
Home area, JDTA, Reports, Projects
.3 Identify the primary input and discuss the use of CPM.
Validated JDTA
203.1 Discuss and describe the forms of training methods ILE supports.
Instructor-led, Facilitated, and computer-based(CBT).
.2 Discuss what Navy E-learning provides to its customers.
It provides training anytime, anywhere in the world. DoD, active duty, civilians, contractors, retirees and active duty dependents are also eligible to use this service.
.3 Describe the types of training received through Navy E-learning with the ILE.
The training can be formal, Informal, or GMT or Navy Military Training(NMT).
.4 Dicuss the tweleve content processing phases.
- Announced 2. Submitted 3. Received 4. Returned 5. Navy E-learn 6. Sponsor review 7.Approved(in action) 8. On hold 9. Hosted 10. Hosted: A-school 11. Hosted: Non-standard 12. Retired
.5 Discuss Government Content Acceptance Testing(GCAT)
GCAT is the process of SME within the Navy E-learn testing a course to ensure the functionality of the course prior to the course becoming active.
204.1 Explain the functionality of:
A. CeTARSii menu
B. CeTARS monitor
C. Discoverer Plus.
A. CeTARSii menu: Data entry for a course or training.
B. CeTARS monitor: Allows view of aggregated data, Quality Assurance, Metrics.
C. Discoverer Plus: Makes lists from data in CeTARS.
.2 Explain the funtionality of CANTRAC. Volumes and What they are?
The functionality of CANTRAC has two list: Vol I-Facilities Vol II: Courses
.3 Explain what a Training Officer or Sailor can do in ENTRS.
ENTRS is used to reserve a seat for students in a class.
.4 In CANTRAC, what functionality portion of CeTARS is where course data is initially input and updated this data is automatically updated in CANTRAC?
.5 What funtional area of CeTARS is where Course Identification Numbers(CIN), Student and other pertinent course data(ie Course Data Processing (CDP), Planned Activity (PA), etc�, a learning Center has can be found.
CeTARS menu 2 (CeTARSii).
.6 Data gathered in CeTARS can be exported in what format(s)?
The data can be in Excel, Work, or PDF.
Authoring Instructional Materials
Academic Review Board
Business Case Analysis
Catalong of Navy Training Courses
Corporate enterprise and Training Activity Resource System
Computer Based Training
Curriculum Control Authority
Course Curriculum Model Manager
Course Mater Schedule
Curriculum Outline Instruction: It is in order where as Course Training Task List is not in order.
Content Planning Module
Course Training Task List
Department of Navy Issuance
Drop On Request
Emergency Action Plan
Enterprise Naval Training Reservation System
Enabling Objectives
Front End Analysis
Formal Course Review
Government Content Acceptance Testing
Human Performance Requirement Review
Individual Development Plan
Individual Learning Environment
Instructor Led Training
Interactive Multi Media Instruction
Instructional Media Material
Job Duty Task Analysis
Journeyman Instructor Training
Learning Content Management System
Learning Management System
Lesson Plan
Measurement of Effectiveness
Measurement Of Performance
Master Training Specialist
Non Resident Training Course
Occupational Standards
Operational Risk Management
Personnel Performance Profile
Personnel Qualification Standards
Reuse, Repurpose, Reference
Resource Requirment List: Contains everything to conduct training, which are in the annexes.
Sharable Content Object Reference Model
Safety and Occupational Health
Training Course Control Document: Governing document for the life of the course. Front matter, COI, Annexes.
Training Guide: Contains Front matter and Instructional Sheet: Outline, Job, Problem, Assignment, Information, Diagram Sheets.
Terminal Objective
Training Objective Statement: Knowledge and Skills and the levels you are training your students.
Training Path Chart: Made with some form of software(IE microsoft office)
Training Path System: It contains Task sets, Training objective (TOS), Training Level Assignment(TLA), Table Assignment Matrix(TAM), Summarizes the training requirements for each of the PPP, Training Path Chart(TPC)
Training Project Plan: Blue print on how to write a course.
Training Time Out
Visual Information
Provide policy for implimenting stratigic goals for human resourses and training
NETC: Responsibility?
Provides policy and guidance for training for leadership, Navy Military Training, Instruction, Quality of life, Infrastructure, Equal opportunity, Curriculum and technology.
Learning Centers
Monitor and provide training for leadership, Navy Military Training, Instruction, Quality of life, Infrastructure, Equal opportunity, Curriculum and technology.
Learning Standards Officer: Responsiblity?
Ensure the quality for a learning center
Course Curriculum Model Manager CCMM
Responsible for developing, revising, and maintaining courses. Reports to the Curriculum Control Authority CCA
Curriculum Control Authority CCA
Overal responsible for training and curriculum at a learning center
Partipating activity PA
The staff of a learning center that assists the CCMM
Which “way of learning” is someties refered to as discovery learning? (MTS Test# 4, Q# 2)
Trial and Error
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) must be reviewed ______________ and fully excercised ________________? MTS Test # 4, Q# 1
The finalized CTTL completed in the Analyze phase of task based curriculum development will contain a listing of all _______________ a student my complete. MTS Test # 4
Duties and Tasks
Who approves test design and maintains master test item bank? MTS Test # 4
_____________ is an application used to document and map Navy JDTA date to Navy learning content. MTS Test # 4
Which of the following is NOT a form of training method supported by ILE? MTS Test # 4
1).What is the third step in the ORM Process? MTS Test # 3
Make risk decision.
2). What is the most essential link in the training chain? MTS Test # 3
The instructor.
3).Define the Law of readiness? MTS Test # 3
The Law of Readiness states the people can only learn when they are physical and mentally read.
4).What NAVEDTRA Is the Navy School Management manual? MTS Test # 3
________ is a Navy-wide automated information system designed to manage and support the Navy training effort. MTS Test # 3
6).Which HPPR message Summarizes the HPRR, date completed, links to CoP, lists quick wins, request sponsors provide POA&M and provides POC information. MTS Test # 3
ANS: HPRR Action Chit Message
7).Which navedtra is the Personnel Performance Profile (PPP) Based Curriculum Development Manual. MTS Test # 3
8).May or may not be graded � regardless, the grade will not be used in the calculation of the trainee�s final grade. MTS Test # 3
ANS: Informal
9).How many sections are there in a testing plan? MTS Test # 3
ANS: Ten=Course Data, course roles and responsibilities, course waivers, test development, test administration, course tests and test types, grading criteria, remediation, test and test item analysis, and documentation,
10).OPNAVINST 3500.34 (series) MTS Test # 3
Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) Program.
11).What does NRTC stands for? MTS Test # 3
Non Resident training Course.
12).Which AIM tool supports the following:Task based curriculum development? MTS Test # 3
13).Name the four primary areas within CPM. The question was which one is not of the four areas within a CPM. MTS Test # 3
Home Area: This area includes a personalized user list of Events, Messages, Assignments and Projects. In addition, this is where a user can change their password and view/update their profile. JDTA Area: Users can document and view JDTA data here. Suggestions for JDTA items can be made. Suggestions will be routed to Center’s designated personnel for follow-up. Projects Area: This area is for users to design ILE content projects. Learning Objectives are developed here along with their associated Lessons and Sections. Both the Learning Objectives and the Lessons and Sections, which are organized into a Course Outline of Instruction (COI), are linked to JDTA items selected from the Skills Area. Reports: Users can run a variety of reports in this area.