MTS Flashcards
What are the 3 basic actions to be completed in Identifying Hazards?
- Analyze the Mission
- List The Hazards
- Determine the Hazard Root Cause
What are the 4 items of a risk assessment in Assessing hazards?
- Severity
- Probability
- Complete Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment Pitfalls
What are the 3 basic actions in Making Risk Decisions?
- Identify Control Options
- Determine Control Effects.
- Making Risk Decisions
Explain Implementing Controls
Requires the plan is clearly communicated to all the involved personnel, accountability is established and necessary support is provided.
What are 3 actions involved in Supervising?
- Monitoring effectiveness of risk controls.
- Determining the need for further assessment
- Lessons learned both positive and negative.
Define “High Risk”
Elevated probability of loss, implying dangerous situation.
Describe what courses are considered “high risk”
All basic or advanced individual or collective training in a traditional or non traditional environment which exposes the crew, staff, students or assets to the potential risk of death, permanent disability, or loss during training.
Describe two types of courses.`
Voluntary- Training in which a Sailor has voluntary enrolled and has the ability to DOR and return to original rating.
Involuntary- Training in which a Sailor is enrolled through the accession training or follow-on specialty skills school.
Describe what a DOR is and what are the procedures in conducting one.
If a student communicates their intention to DOR immediately remove them from training area. Student action report will be completed.
Explain what a TTO is
Training will immediately cease until the situation or condition is returned to a safe state. Then and only then will training resume.
Discuss the purpose of the EAP
A plan to be implemented immediately during a mishap to aid involved persons and to control and safeguard the scene. Must be developed for all high risk training evolutions.
How often do you review and conduct walk-throughs
Quarterly Walk throughs.
Full exercises of EAP annually.
Periodic requirements for safety stand-downs
At least once per year
What is a CUIT? Describe it’s purpose.
Core Unique Instructor Training. Designed to prepare the instructor to teach in a HIGH RISK COURSE.
Describe the 4 requirements for the Instructor Screening Process.
- Service Record Screen
- Physical Requirements.
- Medical Officer Interview, Record Review, and Questionnaire.
- CO’s Interview
In what environments are instructors evaluated?
Classroom and Laboratory.
Define the most essential, single link in the training chain.
The instructor.
State the 3 qualities of an efficient instructor
Define the instructors responsibility to the student.
It is the instructors responsibility to help students resolve conflicts that may arise from outside influences. Also to adhere to the navy’s policies to include.
1. Fraternization
2. Sexual Harassment
3. Diversity
Describe the instructors responsibility to security.
Must be aware of all requirements for the teaching and storage of classified materials.
Describe the instructors responsibility to curriculum.
The instructor should know the difference between changes and revisions and how they affect the course of instruction.
List the 4 principles of John Keller’s model of motivational theory.
1. Confidence
2. Attention
3. Relevance
4. Satisfaction.
List the 6 key principles of applying motivation theory in a training environment.
1. Needs and Drives
2. Attitudes.
3. Achievements
4. Values
5. Interests
6. Incentives
What is the ultimate goal of instruction?
To cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructors influence and apply what they learned on the job and in other areas of their lives.
State the 6 laws of learning
1. Readiness
2. Exercise
3. Effect
4. Primacy
5. Intensity
6. Recency
State the types of sensory learners.
- Visual learner
- Auditory learner
- Kinesthetic Learner
State the 4 learning styles
- Concrete learners.
- Active learners.
- Reflective learners.
- Abstract learners.
Describe the 4 barriers to effective communication.
- Lack of common core experience.
- Overuse of abstractionisms
- Fear
- Environmental Factors
What are the 6 factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery.
- Articulation
- Grammar
- Rate of Speech
- Pauses
- Inflection
- Force (of delivery)
What are the 4 purposes of oral questioning.
- Focuses attention
- Arouses interest in subject matter
- Drills students on subject matter
- Stimulates the students to think.
What are the 3 characteristics of good oral questioning
- Clarity of Meaning
- Level of Instruction
- Use of an interrogative
What are the 7 types of oral questioning.
- Multiple answer
- Yes/No
- Canvassing
- Leading
- Interest arousing
- Factual Question
- Thought provoking
What are the 5 steps of the 5 step questioning technique?
- Ask
- Pause
- Pick
- Listen
- Emphasize
What are the 7 types of instructional methods.
- Lecture
- Lecture w/ Audiovisuals
- Lesson
- Demonstration
- Role-Playing
- Team Dimensional Training
- Gaming and Simulation
What are the 3 parts of a learning objective.
- Behavior
- Condition
- Standard
What are the 2 types of testing
- Knowledge
- Performance
What are the 5 learning levels of knowledge test item may test
- Recognition
- Recall
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis/Evaluation
What are the 3 types of Performance tests
- Product
- Process
- Combination
What are the 3 primary materials used in presenting instruction
- Lesson Plan
- Instruction Sheets
- Instructional Media Material/ Visual Media Material
Describe the student feedback/course critique.
Purpose of the student critique program is to provide feedback to course supervisors and instructors.
Describe Equal Employment Opportunity and responsibilites of an instructor
Instructors should provide equal opportunity for both genders to serve in leadership roles and ensure both genders participate in learning activities.
What is OPNAV
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
What is NETC
Naval Education and Training Command
What are Learning Centers and what do they do
NASC- Monitor quality of curriculum, instruction and evaluation. Distribute CUIT staff Learning Standards Offices, provide curriculum.
What is a CCMM
Course Curriculum Model Manager
Willy Ard for NASC
Develops revises and maintains course of instruction.
Catalog of Navy Training
Component of CeTARS, provides general information on all training activities and course descriptions.
What is CeTARS
Corporate Enterprise and Training Resource Activity System.
Is an automated information system for Navy training. provides managers with student and course information.
What is a CIN
Course Identification Number- A Unique number identifying a formal Navy course
What is the use of a CDP
Course Data Proccessing. The code assigned to uniquely identify each Course of instruction and its location.
What is the relationship between CeTARS and CANTRAC
Learning center data populated in CeTARS automatically updates and feeds CANTRAC for course information
What are the three types courses of instruction
- A- basic knowledge and skills to prepare for rating entry level performance
- C- Advanced specialized skill training to fulfill a particular billet
- F- Individual functional skill or rating specific training as required by Fleet. No NEC awarded
What is a PEVT
Person Event Code- indicates student status in CeTARS
When can an Academic Review Board be convened
Will be convened when all other means of academic counseling, remediation and an initial academic setback have failed to improve student performance
Describe the ARB process
Help student solve problems that may prevent successful completion of training. Make recommendations concerning their findings
Who is responsible for maintaining a Master Record Audit Trail
CCMM-Course Curriculum Model Manager. In NASC Willy Ard. He summarizes major events impacting the course.
Describe the evaluation of instructors in a laboratory/classroom/facilitated environment.
Instructors teaching in class and lab will be evaluated in both environments/ I.E. process
Describe the student critique program
Purpose is to provide feedback to the training and course supervisors and to give feedback to instructors.
What are the 5 ways of learning
- Imitation
- Trial and Error
- Association
- Insight
- Transfer
What is the Learning Standards Officer
Todd Sanders, ensures quality training supports Learning Center/OIC
What is the importance of FCR’s and audit trails
The FCR Program is designed to provide a check of a different elements contained in a course and serves as an excellent source of internal feedback. Completed FCR shall be maintained in the Audit Trail for 2 review cycles.
What is the periodicity for conducting FCR’s per NETC guidance
Annual, biennial, triennial cycle determined by the CCA. Shall not exceed 3 years. Should always be conducted before a Training Requirement Review(TRR).
What is a TRR
Training Requirement Review, Process to revalidate individual or identify new training requirements as they apply to rate, grade, community, course, systems configuration, or fleet operating procedures.
What is the periodicity of conducting a TRR
60 month cycle, unless triggering event occurs
List the primary basis of which OCCSTDS are used
implementing and supporting actions for manning, distribution, training , and advancement
What is NETC’s role in the TRR process
Provides policy and guidance
What is NETC N7 role is the TRR proccess
Provides policy and guidance
What is the Learning Center Commanding Officer’s role in the TRR process
Serves as Course Curriculum Authority (CCA), chairs TRR Executive Steering Committee (ESC)
What is the role of the Learning Center Director of Training’s role in a TRR
Provides TRR oversight and guidance, member of ESC, reviews schedule and approves release of TRR messages
What is the role of the Learning Center Learning Standards Officer in a TRR
Manages TRR Process, drafts schedules, messages, manages TRR MNP Website
Explain where all E-4 and below OCCSTDS skill not taught in A school should be learned
individual (OBT) on-board training (OJT) on-the-job training
What is the role of the Learning Center TRR Coordinator in a TRR
Plans/facilitates TRR, serves as Course Curriculum Model Manager(CCMM) collects and posts TRR technical documents
Review and approve OCCSTDS
What is the role of TRR Executive Steering Committee in a TRR
Required component reviews, validates and prioritizes TRR Action Chits
OCCSTDS ROLE (Resource Sponsor)
Review and Approve (TTA) Training Task Analysis Report
What is the role of Stakeholders in a TRR
Designated individuals in the community responsible for TRR
OCCSTDS ROLE (Fleet Type Commanders)
Ensure SMS (Skill Management System) and the appropriate NTRR event. Validity and pay-grade responsibility
OCCSTDS ROLE (Navy Manpower Analysis Center (NAVMAC)
SMS (Skill Management System) conducts OCCSTDS are issued in a timely manner and coordinated with the appropriate NTRR event Schedules
What is the input data that affects training requirement validation
- Occupational Standards (OCCSTDs)
- Navy Training System Plan (NSTP)
- Job Duty Analysis (JDTA)
- Training Course Control Document (TCCD)
- Course Training Task List( CTTL)
- Personnel Performance Profile(PPP)
- Unresolved Training Review Requirements(TRR) Action Chits
Develop and implementation to meet the needs of the warfare sponsors utilizing OCCSTDS as Training objective in the preparations of TTA (Trainning Task Analysi), curricula and feedback reports
State the purpose of JDTA (Job Duty Task Analysis)
Establish a repeatable and defendable job analysis process of developing or revising training content development to satisfy fleet training standards. E2E (END to END) process
What are the 4 triggers to conduct a TRR
- Requests by Requirement Sponsor
- Fleet Feedback
- Course Surveillance
- Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) directed
What are the 4 TRR messages
- Annual TRR Schedule message
- TRR Announcement Message
- TRR Agenda Message
- TRR Action Chit Message
What is a TRR Action Chit Message
Summary of the TRR date completed, POAMs, POC information
What is the correlation of a FCR and TRR process
FCR is focused on the schoolhouse vs the Center and serves to validate the TRR effort and ensure the schoolhouse course managers and stakeholders are properly executing the training requirements and correctly utilizing the systems that have gone through the TRR process
Provides Policy and Guidelines
What is the process for finding for submission during a FCR
Findings are results of a FCR. Review team publishes the findings and makes timelines for corrective action. Creates a Plans of Actions & Milestones. (POAM)
Provides oversight of Policy and Guidelines
JDTA ROLE (Learning Center Commanding Officer)
Serves as CCA, ensures compliance with NETC Policy and guidelines
What are the 3 forms of acceptable actions from a Resource Sponsor identifying the commitment of resources to a valid training requirement
- Naval Message
- Command Letterhead letter
- Digitally signed Email
JDTA ROLE (Learning Center Director)
Provides JDTA oversight and guidance; approves releases JDTA messages
What is the purpose of a Front End Analysis(FEA)
To justify a training methods and media to meet training requirements that exist from a new training requirement or to identify a training gap in a course.
JDTA ROLE (Learning Center Learning Standards Officer)
Provides JDTA guidance and assistance reviews messages, reports
When is a FEA performed
Usually after the JDTA has been conducted
JDTA ROLE (Learning Center JDTA Coordinator)
Drafts Announcement, Agenda, completion Report Message
What are the triggers of a FEA
- Revision to a Fleet Requirement
- Revision to a OCCSTDS
- A new system not addressed in the Acquisition process
- Fleet Feedback
- Formal Course Review
- Establishment/Disestablishment or Revision of a NEC
7.Rating Merger - As directed by CCA
- Training Requirement Review
Explain the documentation of the FEA as detailed on the FEA template
Requesting Authority, Requesting Command, Start and End Dates, Reason, documents from existing course, New Training Requirements, Gap in Training,
Provides technical documentation
JDTA List External triggers
1.NTSP Revision
2.ORM Assessment
3. Fleet Performance Assessment
4.Direct Fleet Input
5.TRR (Training Requirement Review)
JDTA list Internal triggers
- Revision to enlisted OCCSTDS
- Rating Merger
3.Establisment or revision of a NEC
Explain targeted JDTA
1.Insufficent course data exist to support a TRR
2. A mishap occurs during training that requires immediate action
3.As Directed by higher Authority
Who determines what curriculum development model will be used for curriculum modifications within your learning environment
Curriculum Control Authority (CCA)
Explain triggers that may cause a targeted JDTA
encompass a specific work area within an occupation
Describe the approval process of the finalized FEA
Get approval from the Requirements Sponsor, attach to FEA and route both documents to the CCA
Explain hierarchical structure of work
1.Occupation: Family of Jobs with common set of skills
2.Job: Duties
3.Duty: Set of related tasks
4.Task: (Behavior, Condition, Standard, ORM, Delivery, KSATR
5.Sub-Task: Major part of a task
6.Step: Major part of a sub-task
What is the purpose of a Business Case Analysis (BCA)
A BCA is a structured methodology to facilitate it’s decision making process. Continuous process from conception of an alternative or solution to implementation.
What is the purpose of the executive summary of a BCA
Provides summary of key highlights of the business case. Helps understand what the project is about role of the project in the department. How it will improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the government.
Who has the Initial approval of TPP
How is strategic alignment important in a BCA
Explains how initiative aligns with overall business plan of the Navy. Identifies level of impact, and initiative on achieving goals
Who approve implementation of TPP (Training Project Plan)
What does analysis of alternatives do
Provides outline of possibilities to address the problem. Explains why some options were not utilized. Describes in detail viable options, including a do nothing option.
Who approves NETC requiring additional resources or offsets
OPNAV approves TPP implementation requiring offsets
Explain risk assessment in decision making of a BCA
Provides an understanding of the risks associated with various options. Must be performed as a component of the BCA. Creates a strategy to mitigate risk and estimates likelihood of outcomes
How does cost benefit impact a BCA
Compares initial and on going expenditures to expected financial and non financial benefits for each alternative
What are the final stages of a BCA
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Implementation Strategy
- Review and approval
Explain how TPP are identified and maintained in SERENA
TPPs are serialized by the Learning Center by the first available number in the system
What are the Contents of TPP
1.CCA endorsement letter
2.Cover page
3.Course data
5. Safety Risk and Hazardous materials
6.Curriculum development method
7. Resource requirements
8. Compensation
9. Milestones
What are the items developed in the Plan Phase of Task based Curriculum development
Training Project Plan- blueprint for developing a new course or revision
Describe web application SERENA
Web-Base application which allows Learning centers to upload, maintain, Manage Training Project Plans (TPP)
What kind of TPP is housed in SERENA
(New, revised, modified and deactivated) TPP
State the purpose of the testing program
To ensure quality testing process is implemented to effectively assesses the trainee’s achievement of learning objectives
What are items developed in the Analyze Phase
CTTL is the output of the Analyze Phase
What are items developed in the Design phase
The TCCD is a collection of products that expresses the content, structure, and essential management information for a course.
TCCD consist of:
1. Front Matter
2. Curriculum Outline of Instruction
3. Annexes
What are the 2 items required of a skill and knowledge learning objective
- Knowledge
- Performance
What items are developed in the Develop Phase
- Lesson Plan
- Trainee Guide
- Test Items
- Instructional Media Material(IMM)
What is the purpose of the Implementation Phase
Resolve any discrepancies identified in the pilot course, implement the course by issuance of the CCAs Letter of Promulgation
What is the purpose of the Evaluate Phase
Internal assessment of training methods, materials, and external feedback of performance of graduates in the fleet.
What are the 7 stages involved in developing materials following the PPP
- Planning- Identify resource requirement and sequence of events
- Stage 1- determine job tasks, supporting skills and level of performance
- Stage 2- determine skills and knowledge which must be taught, produce course learning objectives and instructional sequence
- Stage 3- produce instructional materials for trainee and instructor
- Stage 4- CCA has approved course for pilot and and submits Pilot Course Monitoring Report
- Stage 5- Incorporate results of pilot course into curriculum and receive CCAs Letter of Promulgation that approves material to support Navy Training
- Evaluation-Surveillance, evaluation revision of training materials
Policy and Guidelines
Oversight and monitors compliance of policy and guidelines
TESTING ROLE (Learning Center Commanding Officers)
Serves as CCA: manages sites
TESTING ROLE (Learning Center Director of Training)
Ensures testing programs are conducted, oversees development of testing plans
What are the products of the Training Path System Stage 1
- Training Objective Statements(TOS)
- Training Level Assignments (TLAs)
- Table Assignment Matrix (TAM)
- Training Path Chart (TPC)
TESTING ROLE (Learning Standards Officer)
Provides Guidance to curriculum developers on testing, monitor Total Quality Indicators
What are the Training Objective Statement (TOS) codes for both knowledge and skill
TOS CODE identifies each individual TOS
Define the 3 Task Sets
- Coordinator
- Director
- Performer
Discuss the types of courses listed in a Training Path Chart
- Background Training
- Replacement Training
- Prepares new personnel for their first assignment
- Formal school training
- Conversion training
- Advanced Training
- Onboard Training
TESTING ROLE (Course Curriculum Model Manager)
Approves test design, maintains master test item bank
When should job sheet development begin in the Instructional Systems Design process
- Should begin as soon as the Training Path System (TPS) is done
- Done to make sure that skills drive, or force, content of the curriculum
TESTING ROLE (Curriculum Developer)
Designs and develops the testing plan, admin guides, and the tests
TESTING ROLE (Learning Site OIC)
Implements testing plan, designates Testing Officers, designates the course supervisor
TESTING ROLE (Learning Site testing Officer)
Test Administration oversee grading secures test, maintain test bank (All Qualified Instructors)
What are the triggers and process for converting a PPP based curriculum to Task based Curriculum
Revision or outdated system in a course where training only needs to be knowledge/task based
TESTING ROLE (Course Supervisor)
Ensures, Monitors, and validates admin, security, and test item analysis
TESTING ROLE (Participating Activities)
Provides comments, Feedback
List the 3 types of training materials provided by the ILE
- Instructor-led training
- Interactive multimedia instruction
- Blended
State the primary course source data for creating test items
What are the 7 phases utilized to develop a course within the ILE
- Planning
- Analysis
- Design
- Development
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Life-cycle maintenance
What is the outcome of the Instructional Media Design Package(IMDP) during the design phase
Detail and demonstrate the design intent for each module and lesson within a course and to describe how the course will achieve the intended learning.
What is the 3 variations of a course hierarchy that can be developed within the ILE
- Instructor Led Training
- IMI Module NeL-LMS delivered
- ILT Lesson IMI Module NeL-LMS delivered
Define Formal test
Test is graded and is used in calculation of the trainee’s final grade
What is the purpose of Instructional Media Materials (IMM)
Instructional materials that present information that are self supporting.
Define Informal test
May or may not be graded
What are the minimum sections of the lesson plan
- Front Matter
- Lesson Topics
What are the minimum sections of the Trainee Guide
- Front Matter
- Instruction Sheets
Define Proficiency Level of Skill
Level 1. Imitation
Level 2. Repetition
Level 3. Habit
What is the purpose of Course Training Task List (CTTL)
Lists the duties and tasks for a given course. Used to develop learning objectives during the design phase. The Personnel Performance Profile(PPP) may be used in place of the CTTL
Define Proficiency Level of Knowledge
Level 1. Knowledge/Comprehension
Level 2. Application/ Analysis
Level 3. Synthesis/Evaluation
What does the CTTL give the curriculum developer
CTTL is the building block of the course, and will be used to develop the learning objectives and all other course materials. Provide a list of Duties and Tasks to be trained in a course.
List the five categories for performance and knowledge test
- Pre-test
- Progress
- Comprehensive Test
- Oral Test
- Quiz
What is a Job Sheet
Directs Trainee’s in the step-by-step performance of a practical task they will encounter in their job assignment
State the purpose of testing
Primary tool to determine trainee attainment of the Training objectives and Enabling Objectives. Determining relative success in the course.
What is the purpose to pilot a course
Serves to validate a Curriculum and its Supporting Materials. Formal approval of the course for instruction.
What is a Problem Sheet
Problem Sheets present practical problems requiring analysis and decision making similar to those encountered on the job
Assignment sheet
designed to direct the study or homework efforts of trainees
What are the triggers for developing, revising, or canceling a course
- Addition of a new training course
- Revision to a training course that changes the instructional strategy or delivery method
- Revision to a training course that changes course length
- Deletion of a training course
- Transfer of a training course between CCAs
- Addition or depletion of a training course
Question Types (Multiple-choice)
Multiple-choice test items are the most versatile of all the knowledge test items formats
Question Types (True or False)
True or False test items provides only two answers
State the difference between the Course Mission Statement and a Terminal Objective
Main difference is that a TO relates to trainee behavior, while the Course Mission Statement is descriptive of the course.
1. Course Mission- Provides the who, what job, degree of qualification, where and conditions for training
2. Terminal Objective- Developed from 1 or more duties listed on the CTTL and is a learning objective that the trainee will accomplish by the end of the course
Question Types (Matching)
Matching test items are defined as two list of connected words, phrases, pictures, or symbols.
Question Types (Completion)
Free Response test item in which the trainees must supply the missing information from memory
What is an LP
Lesson Plan
What is a DDA pages
Discussion-Demonstration- Activity pages
What are the two types of testing methods
Criterion-Referenced Test
What is a TO
Terminal Objective
What is a EO
Enabling Objective
What is a DP
Discussion Point
What is a RIA
Related Instructor Activity
Instructional Media Material/Visual Information
Where do you find procedures for handling and storing classified training materials
OPNAVINST 5510.1 Series
What documents are in the final Training Course Control Document(TCCD)
- Front Matter
- Curriculum Outline of Instruction
- Annexes
What annexes are included in the final TCCD
- Resource Requirements
- Time allocations
- Other Items
What is contained in a Resource Requirements List(RRL)
Listing of all the materials, facilities, manpower, and funding needed to conduct a training course.
Discuss Test failures policies and associated grading criteria within the learning environment
Test (if failed), Re-Train, Re-Test. If failed the higher score on re-test is 80%
What role does Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center(NETPDTC) serve to the PQS program
NETPDTC maintains and ensures PQS availability to the fleet as directed by the NETC PQS manger
Identify The ten sections of a testing plan
1.Course Data
2.Course Roles and Responsibilities
3.Course Waivers
4.Test Developments
5.Test Administration
6.Course Test and Test Types
7.Grading Criteria
8. Remediation
9.Test and Test Items Analysis
10. Documentation
What is the location where PQSs are maintained and available for fleet use
My Navy Portal in the Navy PQS portal
State the Purpose of test and test item analysis
to determine statistical validity
What is the function of PQS
Qualification system for officers and enlisted personnel. Compilation of minimum knowledge and skills that an individual must demonstrate in order to qualify to stand watches or perform other specific routine duties. Made to standardize qualifications.
In a remediation program, discuss what the primary and secondary goal is
primary goal is to motivate and assist trainees in achieving the critical learning objectives of a course by providing additional instructional study time
What must an individual do if they qualified on a PQS and an revision for the PQS comes out, what happens to their qualification.
Qualification remains, signatures are transferred to new PQS or line items are added to old PQS
Discuss the Three methods of remediation
In formal training courses where PQS lines have been signed what is the procedure to inform a receiving command which line items have been completed and signed
Line items can be transferred or requalify of the PQS
What is a setback
When the trainee doesn’t achieve test minimum passing grade, the re-test may cover the portion if the test the trainee had difficulty with or the entire test
What is the difference between a PQS and Job Qualification Requirement(JQR)
PQS is a qualification among multiple platforms. JQR does not have a NAVEDTRA number, JQRs are used on a single platform
What role does the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center(NETPDTC) serve to Non Resident Training Courses(NRTC)
NETPDTC enters completed NRTC into Sailors Electronic Service Record
How to handle Drops from the training and attrites
Every effort will be made to help trainees succeed. However, there are times when the trainees so clearly unsuited, unable, and /or unwilling to complete the course.
What is the primary purpose of NRTC
A self study package designed to help a student acquire Navy professional or military knowledge in preparation for an advancement exam.
What is Counseling
Preventive counseling will be instituted in “A” and “C” schools and should include counseling for performance personal problems
When to conduct an Academic Review Board (ARB)
1.Trainee’s course average falls below minimum passing grade
2. Trainee’s is unable to achieve the objectives after counseling, remediation, retesting. and am initial academic setback
3. Trainee’s performance is below expected academic progress
4. Trainee’s fails to achieve the objectives after an academic setback on those same objectives
What impact does a NRTC have in the rating exam process
NRTC are source documents for which the Advancement Examination Development Conference(AEDC) obtains rating exam questions
Identity the location where NRTCs are maintained and available for fleet use
NRTC are housed and maintained on the NRTC website
What is the functionality of the Contracting Office Representative(COR)
NETPDTC (COR) liaison between the Learning center and the contractor pre and post bid to ensure delivery of agreed product
What is the functionality of the Statement of Work(SOW)
SOW is the vehicle which outlines the reuqirement for both the learning center and the contractor developing the NRTC( like a work order)
What is the Impaired Training and Education Report
establish the process for reporting conditions that may reduce the ability to train and/or educate personnel, and to seek assistance from their chain of command when necessary
What is the functionality of the Naval Logistics Library(NLL)
Central point at which all NRTC are assigned Stock numbers are tracked in the Navy Supply system
What is the functionality of the Defense Automated Printing System(DAPS)
DAPS links with NETPDTC and NLL and provides the customer the document ordered
List the N Codes with NETC the Learning Center shall address
N1-Total Force Manpower
N4- Facilities and Logistics
N6- Chief Information Officer
N7-Learning and Development
N8- Resources, Requirement, and Assessments
NRTC are assigned points for whom are these point calculated and how does it benefit them
NRTC points are for reservists, reservists receive points that are used toward retirement and evaluations
What does Naval Training System Requirements, Acquisition and Management provide
A policy for planning, determining, and documenting manpower, personnel, and training(MPT) requirement for Navy
Explain ITER Conditions RED/YELLOW
Red: A situation that currently exist which cancels or stops training/education or degrades NEC-producing training to the point that NEC cannot be awarded
YELLOW: a situation that may result in delayed or cancelled classes, failure to instruct critical learning objectives, degradation in the ability to meet scheduled throughput or quality of instruction. if appropriate action is not taken
List six ITER types
List Three ITER categories
Define a Missed Training Opportunity (MTO)
The loss of quota by a command
List 5 examples of an MTO
- A command has a quota for a student who does not report for a course and the command does not provide a replacement
- A command cancels a granted quota in four or fewer working days prior to a course’s convening without the providing a replacement
- A Student does mee the prerequisites
- A student is absent from the course if instruction to the extent that he/she cannot obtain credit for the course
- A student cannot obtain credit for the course of instruction due to command recall the student
What document is prepared for traceability in support of new and or modernized Naval capabilities
Navy Training Systems Plan(NTSP)
Who has responsibility to report an MTO
TSCs/TSD will submit MTO reports, via naval message
What is the purpose of a Naval Training System Plan(NTSP)
NTSPs are Navy/Marine Corps documents that communicate manpower, personnel, and training gaps and needs in support of new acquisition or modernization programs
How often is the MTO data gathered and in what format is the data sent
Weekly MTO Report, Via Navy Message
How many acquisitions categories (ACAT) does the NTSP process govern
ACAT I through ACAT IV
List and describe the five gates/threshold for NTSP submittal
- 6 years prior to training system initial operational capability if military construction is required
- 3 years prior to Initial operational capability if major defense acquisition program ACAT I or II
- 3 years prior to IOC for major defense acquisition program or for major system follow-on Training device research
- Prior to initial operations test and evaluation operational evaluation
- 3 months prior to IOC for rapid acquisition programs ex)RDC
Explain the purpose of Casualty Report
Alerts Naval Safety command of equipment/personnel mishap or degradation.
What is an Initial CASREP
Identifies, to an appropriate level of detail, the status of the casualty and parts and/or assistance requirement
What is an Update CASREP
Contains information similar to that submitted in the INITAIL CASREP and/or submits changes to previously submitted information.
What are the process and artifacts required for a course to transition from he acquisition community to formal as delineated in the Training Transfer Agreement(TTA)
Validates execution status of manpower, personnel and training items identified in NTSP and Training system installation plan in gives “ready for trainning” order.
What is the responsibility of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations in Acquisition
Validates impact and equities of acquisition and management of resources. Serve as single manpower resource sponsor. Coordinate with USMC
What is the responsibility of the Director, Total Force requirements division(OPNAV N12) in Acquisition
Validate ship/squadron manpower documents and coordinate programming and budgeting; coordinate with OPNAV 15 and USMC
What is a Correction CASREP
Correction CASREP is submitted when the equipment, which has been the subject of the casualty reporting is repaired, and back in operation condition
What is a Cancellation CASREP
(CANCEL) CASREP is submitted upon commencement of an overhaul or other scheduled availability period when equipment, which has been the subject of casualty reporting, is scheduled to be repaired
Describe the Purpose of Authorizing Instructional Materials (AIM)
AIM is a computer-based training materials authoring tool developed by the navy.
What is the responsibility of OPNAV N15 in Acquisition
Validate individual training requirements
Identify the approach AIM utilizes to develop and maintain training material
Intergrated, Performance-based design, development, Maintenace of both ILT self-paced and learning content
What is the responsibility of Director, Fleet Readiness Division (OPNAVN43) in Acquisition
Provide fleet readiness training resources and oversight
Discuss how AIM ensures training materials are developed and revised per prescribed specifications and guidelines
provides automated conformance to standards (NAVEDTRA 130A/131A, ILE) resulting in efficient, cost-effective development & Maintenace of learning content
What is the responsibility of Resource Sponsors in Acquisition
Plan, program, fund requirements for design, development, procurement, engineering change, and modernization of the training system for its life cycle.
What is the responsibility of SYSCOMS in Acquisition
Comply with OPNAVINST 4000.57 and other directives for fielding or installation of new systems equipment or software.
What is AIM I
PPP (Personnel Performance Profile) based curriculum
What is the responsibility of Program Managers in Acquisition
Identify, plan, budget, and submit all system and resource requirement. Coordinate current and future FY costs.
What is AIM II
Task based curriculum development
State the Purpose Content Planning Module (CPM)
An application to document and map Navy Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA) data to Navy learning content
What is the responsibility of Training Support Activity in Acquisition
Develop and implement the Training System Installation Plan(TSIP)
What is the responsibility of the Training Agent in Acquisition
approves training system/ sustainment requirements
Name the primary areas within CPM
- Home Area
- JDTA Area
- Projects Area
- Reports
What is the responsibility of NETC in Acquisition
Plan and execute Training Agent (TA) roles and responsibilities when designated. Identify all requirements for producing courses
What is the responsibility of Fleet Forces Command(FFC) in Acquisition
Validates and prioritize fleet training program
Identify primary input and discuss the use of CPM
Validate JDTA performance requirements
Discuss the forms of training methods ILE supports
Instructor-led, Facilitated, and computer-based
What is the responsibility of Deputy Commandant for Aviation (DC AVN) in Acquisition
Serve as the conduit for all aviation related JCIDS issues in conjunction
Discuss Navy E-Learning provides to its customers
education and training anytime, anywhere in the world
What is the responsibility of Enterprises in Acquisition
resource sponsors, and the TA with operational requirements
Describe the training received through Navy E-Learning within the ILE
Formal, Informal, GMT, NMT, or pre-requisite training
Discuss the twelve content processing phases
- Announced
- Submitted
- Received
- NeL Reviewed
- Returned
- Sponsor Review
- Approved
- On Hold
- Hosted
- Hosted: A School
- Hosted: Non-Standard
- Retired
What is the functionality of CeTARS Menu
Data entry for a course in CETARs
What is the functionality of the CeTARS Monitor
Allows to view
1. Course overview
2. Student Activity
3. Quality Assurance
4. Metrics
What is the functionality of Discoverer Plus
Perform ad hoc queries on a database
Discuss Government Content Acceptance Testing (GCAT)
is the process of SME within SMEs the NeL testing a course to ensure the functionality of the course prior to the becoming active
Explain the functionality of CANTRAC
Contains information concerning all formal Courses of instruction throughout the Navy.
What can a Training Officer or Sailor do in ENTRS
eNTRS the means for Fleet activity to view and request seats in designated Navy schools
In CANTRAC what functionality portion of CeTARS is where course data is initially input and updated, this data is automatically updated in CANTRAC
Data gathered in CeTARS can be exported in what format(s)
Excel, Word, PDF
What functional area of CeTARS is where CIN and other data is can be found