MTB 1 Flashcards
Best initial test for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer findings on PE
Hard to touch
Retraction of nipple
How to test for estrogen/progesterone/HER2/neu receptors?
Core needle Bx - more deforming
Most accurate Dx test for breast cancer
Open BX - frozen section in OR w immediate resection
When do we screen w mammography?
Start at 50 yoa
When do we do US in breast cancer
Indeterminant mass lesions
Varies w menstruation
- US tells cysts v solid lesions
When do we do PET in breast cancer
To determine content of LNs not accessible by Bx
How does cancer present on PET
Cancer increases uptake on PET
BRCA ass’d with?
Breast ca
Ovarian ca
When do we Bx Sentinel Node
Routinely in all pts when lumpectomy or masectomy is done
When is ER and PR testing done
Routinely in all pts
Why is radiation important in breast cancer TX
Indispensible in preventing recurrences
What AEs do aromatase inhibitors cause
Anti-Her2/neu Abs
Decreases risk of recurrent dz
When do we do adjuvant chemo in breast cancer
Lesions > 1cm
Positive axillary LN