MTB 1 Flashcards
What causes morning sickness
Increase in b-HCG produced by placenta
- up to 12-14 weeks
One of first signs seen in pregnancy on PE
Goodell sign
- Softening of cervix at 4 weks
What is Chadwick sign and when do we see it
Bluish discoloration of the vagina and cervix
6-8 wks
What is Chloasma and when do we see it?
Hyperpigmentation of face, forehad, nose, cheeks
16 wks
What is linea nigra and when do we see it?
Hyperpigmentation line from xiphoid to pubic symphysis
Second trimester
B-HCG production
By placenta Doubles every 48 hrs for first 4 weeks Peaks at 10 weeks Drops in second trimester Increase again in 3rd trimester to 20,000-30,000
When is a gestational sac seen on US?
5 weeks
1000-15000 B-HCG
What Cardio changes take place in pregnancy
Increased CO, HR, SV, Plasma volume
Slightly decreased BP
GI changes take place in pregnancy
Increase in estrogen and progesterone - morning sickness
Reflux esophagitis
Constipation - decreased motility in LI, decrease smooth m wall tone, Increase emptying time
LES - decreased tone
Renal changes take place in pregnancy
Increased kidney size and ureters - increase risk of pyelonephritis
Increase GFR (Increase plasma volume
Decrease in BUN/Cr - increase renal plasma flow, increase Cr clearance
Decrease serum uric acid
Heme changes take place in pregnancy
Anemia = Plasma Volume increase
Hypercoaguable state- Increase fibrinogen, Virchow triad
Increase in RBC mass, WBC count, ESR
Decrease in Hg/Hct
Respiratory changes take place in pregnancy
Increased TV, Minute ventilation, increased pH
Decreased pCO2, HCO3
Skin changes take place in pregnancy
Striae gravidum
Spider angiomata, palmer erythema, chadwick sign = increase vascularity
When are fetal heart sounds heard?
End of first trimester
Thickened or enlarged nuchal translucency
Down Syndrome
Endocrine changes take place in pregnancy
Cortisol increased 2-3X
Thyroid size increased
TBG, T4, T3 increased
NO change in TSH, TRH, Free T3, T4
Most accurate way to check GA at 11-14 wks
When is triple or quad screen performed?
15 - 20 wks
What is Quad screen
Inhibin A (not in triple screen)
Increased MSAFP is what
Dating error
Abdominal wall defect
Decreased MSAFP is what
Down syndrome