MT2 Flashcards
Infertility in >35 years
No conception after 12 months of intercourse without contraception
Infertility in >35 years
No contraception after 6 months of intercourse without contraception
Two types of infertility
1’ and 2’
Primary infertility
With nulligravida
Define nulligravida
No pregnancy
Secondary infertility
History of prior pregnancy
Pregnancy rates after infertility diagnosis
Female causes of infertility = prevalence of pelvic factors (%)
Pelvic factors of infertility (4)
Surgical history
Contraception and pregnancy history
Menstrual cycle abnormalities
Pelvic factors of infertility: infection (5)
PID STI Septic abortion EndoMETRITIS Pelvic TB
Ovulatory factor of infertility prevalence (%)
ovulation factors of infertility (8)
2' amenorrhea Abnormal uterine bleeding Lateral phase defect (short cycle) Premature ovarian failure (early menopause) PCOS (high androgen) Elevated prolactin Hypothyroidism Prior use of anti-estrogens
List some anti-estrogens (3)
Dana zoo
Pelvic factors of infertility: surgical history (5)
D/c Ruptured appendicitis EndoMETRIOSIS Adenexal surgery Fibroids
Pelvic factors of infertility: contraception and pregnancy history (4)
Prior IUD use
DES exposure in-utero
Ectopic pregnancy
Habitual abortion
Pelvic factors of infertility: menstrual cycle abnormalities (3)
2’ amenorrhea
Cyclic abdominal or pelvic pain
Other causes of infertility (not ovulatory or pelvic factors) (7)
Delayed childbearing Overweight (bmi>25) or underweight (<18) Insulin resistence Depression Substance abuse (alcohol, MJ, caffeine, tobacco) Malabsorption (celiac) Unexplained (15%)
Male factors of infertility (35%) (4)
Varicocele (42%)
Unexplained (22%)
Obstructive azoospermia (14%)
Undescended testis (3%)
Normal FSH levels
<10-15 mIU/mL
Normal E2 level
Mid cycle US to assess what? (2)
Follicle growth
Endometrial lining
HSG to assess what? (1)
Latency of fallopian tubes
How can you document ovulation? (3)
- Midluteal phase progresterone level
- Basal body temperature
- Urinary LH kits
At what level of the midluteal phase progesterone would one need supplementation?
<25 = need progesterone (crinone)
D14 untilmenses or week 10-12 of pregnancy
Evaluation of male partner begins with what analysis?
When should semen analysis be performed?
After 2-5 days of abstinence
According to WHO criteria, what are the 4 normal factors of semen analysis?
- Volume 2-5 mL
- > 20 million/mL sperm number
- Motility >50% or >25% rapid, forward motility
- 35% normal morphology
After diagnosis with infertility, to whom do you refer? (6)
Reproductive endocrinologist Gynecologist Urologist Naturopathic physician Acupuncturist Psychologist
First step of complementary therapies to aid in infertility
Address basic issues of diet and lifestyle
Study of >2000 couples with successful pregnancy factors:
Longer time to pregnancy (TTP) if
- smoking, alcohol, fat, caffeine.
Those with >4 negative lifestyle variables = 7x longer TTP, conception probabilities decreased significantly, and if they did get pregnant, had more fertility issues
PCOS and BMI >25 notes
Lose weight = become more fertile!
>5% restored menstrual regularity in 89%
High protein vs. high carb diet x 1 month in PCOS patients achieved what effect?
Significant BMI improvements, metabolic markers and ovulation/menstrual cycle.
Excess abdominal fat = strongly related to what
Reproductive disorders!!!’
- related to insulin resistance, particularly in infertile women with PCOS
Daily exercise and whole foods diet low in processed foods, alcohol and caffeine had what effect?
Normalize weight and blood sugar!
Unexplained infertility in females = higher blood mercury
Males with abnormal sperm = higher blood mercury concentrations
Blood mercury concentrations = positively correlated with quantity of seafood consumption
Celiac disease causes what? Adherence to what may improve fertility?
Deficiency in number of nutrients.
Adherence to gluten free diet may improve fertility
News on caffeine and fertility?
Pretty much, just don’t.
Each hour of vigorous activity associated with what
7% lower risk of ovulation infertility
Regular exercise before IVF may do waht
may negatively affect outcomes
Women who exercise >4h / week x 1-9 years (3 factors)
40% less likely to have live birth
3x more likely to cancel cycle
2x’s as likely to have implantation failure or SAB
Women who participated in aerobic exercise =
30% less likely to have live brith vs. nonexercisers
Past or current stress, especially depression may be the cause of what?
Many cases of unexplained infertility
Stress hormones have what effect on the reproductive system
Inhibitory effects, thus stress needs to be addressed in anyone receiving fertility svcs.
Techniques for stress reduction (8)
Biofeedback Individual.couple therapy Progressive muscle relaxation Acupuncture Yoga Tai chi Qi gong Meditation
Improvement 2 fold vs. no accupuncture is seen where?
Pelvic US confirms that what modality can improve pelvic flow and thus improve fertility rates?
Acupuncture may also be helpful with what 6 other conditions?
- Improving sperm
- Menstrual cycle regulation
- Ovulation
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
Effects of acupuncture may be mediated through where?
Endogenous opioid peptides in CNS, particularly through beta-endorphin
Prenatal vitamins should include
Folic acid and iron
B12 deficiency may be associated with ? Thus causing what (2)
Menstrual cycle dysfunction; recurrent miscarriages and infertility
What has been shown to improve uterine blood flow and fertilization rates with prior failed IVF?
ROS = increases risk for what and how? (4)
Infertility; negative effect on OOCYTE maturation, fertilization, embryo development and pregnancy
What deadly habit can increase ROS?
Smokers had significantly lower levels of what compared to non=smokers
Follicular fluid beta-carotene
Smokers showed a significantly lower __ rate in comparison to non smokers
Follicular depletion of AO betacarotene occurs in response to oxidative stress imposed by ??
Cigarette smoke!
Overall, low AO has been found in?
Low magnesium/selenium = associated with
What botanical may help lengthen lateral phase, decrease prolactin and restore ovulation?
Vitex = chaste tree
Green tea = related to reduced (3)
Food intake
Body weight
Blood levels of testosterone, estradiol, lepton, insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, LH, glucose, cholesterol and TG
Lower levels of testosterone, estradiol, lepton, insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, LH, glucose, cholesterol and TG were seen with consumption of what yummy stuff?
Green tea
These two botanicals help to stimulate ovulation and improve ovarian function
Tribulus and rhodiola
Combination of tribulations and rhodiola =
Pregnancy prep by vitanica
Phytoestrogen supplementation for ? = ? (3)
luteal phase support resulted in higher values for implantation rate, clinical pregnancy and ongoing pregnancy/delivered rate
Phytoestrogens supplementation increased __, __ and ___ plasma concentrations but were also found to reverse the deleterious effects of clomid on ___ ____ leading authors to conclude that the combo may increase pregnancy rates
FSH, LH and 17 beta-estradiol;
Endometrial thickness
Topical, oral or vaginal natural progesterone was found to (4)
- Normalize menstrual cycle
- Improve implantation rates
- Maintain pregnancy in women with history of repeated miscarriages
- D21 <25 may benefit from PT progesterone after ovulation until menses starts or week 10-12 of pregnancy
What - IF DEFICIENT - may improve ovarian function?
Treatments for sperm (5)
Vit C, E, glutathione, lycopene and coQ10
AO’s improve what
Sperm quality and quantity
How do AO’s improve sperm quality and quantity?
Decreasing ROS
In suboptimal sperm, what AO’s are have beneficial effects?
Vit C Vit E Glutathione Lycopene CoQ10
What can decrease sperm DNA damage and improve motility
200mg ____ improved fertilization rate of fertile Norma’s per ic males with low fertilization rates after 1 month treatment by reducing lipid peroxidation potential
Vitamin E
DNA fragmented sperm treated with (2)
VIt C and Vit E
Sperm motility problems treated with
L-acetyl carnitine alone or in combo with L-carnitine
Carnations may be of benefit post abx in __ or __
Bacterial prostatitis or post NSAID in abacterial prostatitis
Sperm count treatment (2)
Folic acid and zinc sulfate
Men with severe oligospermia
In males, caffeine, nicotine, marijuana and alcohol have been correlated with
Poor sperm quality and quantity
Oligospermia correlated with low intake of
Neoplasm definition
Atypical cell growth
What classifications of neoplasms can you have (3)
Low malignant potential
Complications of ovarian mass (5)
Torsion Rupture Infection Hemorrhage Malignant potential (- functional cysts)
Functional cysts (3)
Follicular cyst
Corpus luteum cyst
Theca leutein cyst
Neoplasms (1)
Other ovarian masses (3)
Turbo-ovarian abscess
MC functional cyst
Least common functional cyst
Corpus luteum
Rare functional cyst
Theca lutein
MC ovarian mass (also benign)
Functional cyst
This results from dominant follicle’s failing to rupture (1 of two causes)
Follicular cyst
This results from immature follicle’s failing to undergo normal process of atresia (1 of two causes)
Follicular cyst
How long do follicular cysts last
1-3 months
What are hemorrhagic/chocolate cysts?
Blood filling cavity of follicular cyst
What cysts are less common but more clinically important?
Corpus luteum cysts
Which cyst may be associated with normal endocrine function or prolonged progesterone secretion?
Corpus luteum cyst
This results if the sac doesn’t dissolve, but seals off after egg is released, thus fluid builds up inside
Corpus luteum cysts
When do corpus luteum cysts occur?
2-4 days post ovulation
How long do corpus luteum cysts last?
Resolve within a few weeks but can grow to 4 inches and may bleed or cause torsion
What is the chance of recurrence with corpus luteum cysts?
These are almost always bilateral and asymptomatic
Theca lutein cysts
What is the cause of the ca lutein cysts?
Prolonged or excessive stim of ovaries by endogenous or exogenous gonadotropins
What are some examples of prolonged or excessive stimulation of ovaries by endogenous or exogenous gonadotropins? (5)
Multiple pregnancies (twins) Fertility drugs Molar pregnancies Choriocarcinoma Diabetics!!
Do theca lutein cysts resolve spontaneously?
How do you Discover functional ovarian cysts?
These are asymptomatic so they’re discovered during routine pelvic exam
What would you feel when doing a routine pelvic exam and discover a functional ovarian cyst?
Unilateral pressure, fullness or pain in lower abd.
What would the patient report with a functional ovarian cyst? (2)
Dull ache in lower back and thighs
Pain during sex
If producing excess hormones in a functional ovarian cyst, what are 3 symptoms?
Painful menstrual periods and abnormal bleeding
Boob tenderness
What are some immediate referral symptoms of functional cyst? (5)
P w/ fever/vomiting Sudden,severe abd. Pain Fainting, dizzy, weak Rapid breathing or herat rate (tachypnea, tachycardia) SHOCK
Desmond tumor/cyst AKA
Characteristics of teratoma? (4)
Monstrous growth
Has all 3 germ layers
Has skin, hair, glands, muscle, bone, teeth, eww, cartilage, respiratory/GI epithelium,, thyroid tissue
Would we remove a teratoma?
Yes! Potentially also the ovary or both ovaries. This means they’ll go into menopause. She would also need estrogen and progesterone HRT.
Teratomas are rare?
VERY rare, but still a possibility
Teratoma epidemiology (5)
MC ovarian neoplasm in prepubescent girls and teens
50% 25-50 years old
Postmenopausal women 20% of all benign ovarian tumors
Incidentally discovered on pelvic exam or imagining (50% have calcification)
Removed due to malignant potential, although very low.
Endometrioma diagnostic tool
Are endometriomas painful?
Can be painless to severely painful
If not resected, endometriomas frequently recur?
“Pelvic pain that is getting worse and worse”
Turbo-ovarian abscess
Tissue that normally lines the uterus grows inside the uterus. OMG!!
What is a tubo-ovarian abscess?
Infection of tubo/ovarian junction
What is the common cause of turbo-ovarian abscess?
What are some symptoms of tubo-ovarian abscess? (4)
Tubal/ovarian swelling/enlargement
Pelvic pain
Vaginal discharge
What are two long term sequence of turbo-ovarian abscess?
Infertility (scarred uterine tubes)
Chronic pelvic pain (adhesions)
Ovarian mass malignancy risk PREMENOPAUSAL
Ovarian mass malignancy risk POSTMENOPAUSAL