MT1 Flashcards
Holonomic constraint:
A constraint on just the position but not the derivatives.
A sequence of states for a robot
If a given sequence of states and the transition between them obeys kinematic/dynamic constraints.
If an algorithm outputs feasible plans
If an algorithm always finds the solution when it exists
L3 Controllability
For every state x, there exists a trajectory to state x
L3 Fully actuated
Robot can command any instantaneous acceleration
L4 “Terminating” Algorithm
An algorithm that runs in finite time.
L4 Difference between Bug 2 and Bug 1?
Bug 2 draws a line and remembers if it’s making progress. Bug 2 is complete.
L4 Difference between Dijkstra and A*?
A* uses a heuristic; admissible cost-to-go plus cost-to-come
L5: Visibility Graph
Connect all vertices, choose path with lowest cost.
L5: What is RRT?
1) Sample random location
2) Find nearest node to location
3) grow node to that location
L5 What is RRT-Connect?
Greedy RRT where you make trees from start AND end
L5 Is RRT:
1) Correct?
2) Complete?
3) Terminating?
Correct, complete over infinite time, not necessarily terminating.
L5 What is probabilistic completeness?
Probability that feasible solution will be found as samples tend to infinity.
L5 What is PRM?
Probabilistic roadmap.
1) Sample spaces at random; keep if allowed
2) Connect allowed points and use as roadmap
L6 What is metric, topological, topometric, time-series maps?
Metric: preserves distances and angles
Topo: structure reduced to a graph
Topometric: fusion of two?
Time-series: Raw footage.
L6 Occupancy grids
Discretized grid; free, blocked, unexplored.
L6 What are octrees, quadtrees?
Variable-resolution occupancy grids.
Octree/quadtree properties?
O(n) lookup, sensitive to small changes in position
L6 Advantages, disadvantages of occupancy grids?
Advantage: O(1) lookup
Disadvantage: Doesn’t scale well with dimensions
L6 How are Generalized Voronoi Graphs made?
Draw lines equidistant from both obstacles. Safe roadmap.
L6 Homotopic paths
When one path can be deformed into another without passing over obstacles.
L6 How to do scan alignment with known correspondences?
Minimize quadratic error function for each point: ||p - Rq+t||^2, all points