MT1/2 - Theories on religion/Nature of religion Flashcards
Relgion helps create and maintain social solidarity
By collectively worshiping society’s sacred symbols, its members are worshiping the society itself and this is crucial in maintaining collective conscience as through these rituals value consensus and social solidarity is reaffirmed thus binding together society’s members.
Durkheim’s method of research
based on studies of the religion of Australian Aborigines, which he called totemism.
Each clan worshipped its totem which was regarded as sacred. By worshiping this totem, the clan was actually worshiping its society as the totem was the representation of the clan/society.
Criticism of Durkheim
Durkheim’s theory is based on flawed evidence as he misunderstood the Aboriginal tribes and their use of totems. He also fails to explain the origins of religion.
The function of religion is to promote social solidarity, but this is in response to the psychological needs of individuals in specific situations of emotional stress.
Life crises (such as birth, puberty, marriage and death) and important activities that are uncertain and uncontrollable (such as going into battle). In these events, religion provides a sense of control, diminishes anxiety and unifies the group.
Malinowski’s method of research
thnographic study where he immersed himself fully in the life of the tribe in the Pacific ocean. He found that when the tribe fished in the safe lagoon, they had no rituals beforehand as fishing in the lagoon was safe and predictable; however, before they would go fishing in the ocean they held religious ceremonies because fishing in the ocean was dangerous, uncontrollable and uncertain
Criticism of Malinowski
gnores that religion also often has dysfunctional consequences rather than binding people together; many of the world’s conflicts have been caused by religion e.g The conflict between Catholics and Protestants.
Religion consoles the exploited
Religion is for consolation = ‘the opium of the people’ – a drug; lessening the pain of oppression/exploitation by promising rewards in the afterlife which creates the illusion of happiness and distracts the working class from the true cause of their suffering - Capitalism.
Example: abrahamic religions promise heavenly rewards,
Religion is a tool of ideological control
Religion distorts reality by encouraging the belief that people’s lives are determined by a supernatural power so that there is little they can do to change or improve their situation, i.e. they are poor because God made them such which maintains false class consciousness and prevents revolution
Example: Christians and Muslims believe in predetermination – (God decides every aspect of a person’s life before they were born).
Marxist theory on religion criticisms
Marxist theory ignores secularisation - how can the ruling class impose its ideology on the masses via religion if the masses don’t attend church/places of worship?
Marx claimed that in a communist society there would be no need for religion (as the working class would no longer need to be indoctrinated into accepting an unfair system). However, in many communist societies people continued to be religious.
Religion is patriarchal because of organisation
Holm - Most religion’s founders are men: Buddha, Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Prophet Mohammed
As a result, religious leaders tend to be men and even if women are allowed into the leadership structure of the religion (e.g. as nuns) their position is subordinate to that of men. For example, in Roman Catholicism priests are senior to nuns and nuns can’t lead a religious service.
Religion is patriarchal because of beliefs and doctrines
Daly -Religion is infused with patriarchal ideology and this justified men’s dominant position in society as Eexample: In Christianity, God made Adam, then made Eve from Adam’s rib. In Christianity, at marriage, women also promise to obey the husband. Holy texts of most religions were written by men. Perhaps that’s where the stereotypes of women come from.
Criticisms of the feminist theory
Protestant Church now allows female priests and bishops.
Criticism: El Sadaawi argues that religion itself is not patriarchal and it is not the direct cause of women’s oppression. It is the society that is patriarchal and men use religion to justify their dominant position in society by reshaping religion so it can be used to oppress women.
Religion is a force for social change - Bruce
Religion acted as an ideological resource – providing beliefs the campaigners of the civil rights movement could turn to for inspiration and support
The clergy (preachers), such as Dr Rev Martin Luther King, were the leaders and their churches were used as meeting places, as well as providing a source of unity and support through prayer.
Weber’s theory - Calvinism
Calvinist religion created capitalism.
The Calvinists’ belief in predestination resulted in a salvation panic that led them to develop a Protestant work ethic and an ascetic lifestyle.
Their dedication to their work, but inability to spend the profits on luxuries led to the creation of the spirit of capitalism as they reinvested the profits back into their businesses which
created capitalism: rational, systematic and efficient pursuit of profit.
Criticisms of religion acts as a force for social change
Marxists - Religion is a conservative ideology because it prevents revolution by legitimating r/c ideology and disguises the exploitation of the proletariat through false class consciousness.
it is possible that capitalism developed first and then capitalists adapted Calvinist beliefs in order to justify their relentless pursuit of profit
Christian fundamentalism
The New Christian Right (a politically and morally conservative, Protestant movement in the USA) opposed to the liberalising of American society, e.g. they are opposed to abortion, same sex marriage, divorce, women working, etc.
Islamic fundamentalism - iran
In 1979, the Islamic Revolution led by Ayatollah Khomeini deposed and exiled the previous Shah who introduced a process of social change in the 1960s via westernisation of attitudes and laws because his changes helped create a small wealthy elite, while the majority of the population lived in poverty.
Criticisms of religion acting as a force of social change back to conservatism
Bruce - The New Christian Right has been largely unsuccessful in taking America ‘back to God’ as The Moral majority is actually made up of only 15% of US citizen
Marxists - religion is a conservatice force