MT1 Flashcards
Name for sympathetic problem- pupil won’t dilate in dim lighting
Oculosympathetic paresis/horners
Name for parasympathetic problem- pupil won’t constrict in bright lighting
Internal ophthalmoplegia
Au sign
Think pt is malingering about uveitis. Shine light in normal eye- uveitis eye should still hurt from constriction.
Pathway of neurons from GC axons to edinger westphal
GC axons– optic nerve – chiasm – optic tract (Dessecate)
Some go to LGN, others go to pretectal nucleus in the midbrain.
From pretectal nucleus, fibers travel and descassate at the posterior commissure, then half go to ipsi EW and half go to contra EW
(+) APD? Where is the disease
What should you do if the nerve looks normal?
Anywhere from ganglion cell to anterior knee of the chiasm
Order MRI of the orbits
Indirect APD test
If one pupil is fixed because posterior synechiae or something else- if you shine light into it, look at the consensual response of the other eye. Compare it with direct response of the other eye.
Direct > Consensual of the same, good eye? APD of fixed eye.
2 other ways to determine if pt has an APD
Pupil cycle time- count 100 cycles. 954msec is normal.
Light near dissociated pupil occurs in
- Amaurotic pupil (APD/marcus gun??????)
- Tonic Pupil (affecting ciliary ganglion, large pupil abnormal)
- Argyll Robertson (affecting brainstem, small pupil abnormal)
- Tectal pupils
- Tabes diabetica
- Aberrant regeneration of CNIII
3 steps to eval anisocoria
- Is it pathological or congenital? (Primary essential anisocoria in 15% of population)
- Which eye is abnormal?
- Is it due to the muscle, NMJ, nerve, or brain?
Amaurotic pupil
Completely blind eye with APD/Marcus Gunn
Has light near dissociation
APD is a monocular or biolcular phenomenon
Bi-ocular because when you shine light in the bad eye, both eyes will dilate
Pt presents with poor VA and no APD? 6 things could be causing decreased acuity
- Refractive error
- Media opacities
- Suppression amblyopia
- Stress syndrome
- Macular lesion
- Anterior chiasmal syndrome
What could be the causes of an abnormally dilated pupil?
Paresis of the sphincter (more common)
Dilator irritation- less common
What could be the causes of an abnormally constricted pupil?
Paresis of the dilator (Horners)
Sphicter irritation- common in anterior uveitis
large pupil due to a muscle problem
Posterior Synechiae
Narrow angle glaucoma
Ocular trauma (irido-dialysis)