Curriculum refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn.
glossary of educational reforms
Curriculum refers to the _________ and _________ students are expected to learn.
knowledge and skills
Curriculum is the continuous reconstruction, moving from the child’s present experience out into that represented by the organized bodies of truth that we call studies… the various studies… are themselves experience - they are that of race
John Dewey
Curriculum refers to the planned interactions of students with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives
indiana DepEd
means and materials with which students interact for the purpose of achieving identified educational outcomes
currere means:
to run (latin)
when was CHED established
May 18, 1994
what is CHED responsible for
tasked to organize and appoint members of the technical panel for each discipline/program
what does TCMTE stand for
technical committee for medical technology education
what is TCMTE responsible for
assisting CHED in setting academic standards for institutions that offer BSMT programs
states the policies, standards, and guidelines for the BSMT/MLS program
CMO no. 13 Series of 2017
BSMT is taken for how many years
4 years
first 3 years of BSMT
last year of BSMT is for?
what does gen ed courses develop
foundational knowledge
how many total units are taken for gen ed courses
24 units (3 units each course)
these are basic and essential for future classwork and graduation
core courses
list the core courses fot BSMT
inorganic and organic chemistry
analytical chemistry
biochemistry for medical laboratory science
anaphy (full name)
principles and strategies of teaching med lab science
biostatistics and epidemiology
health information system for med lab science
inorganic and organic chemistry no. of units
4 units
analytical chemistry no. of units
4 units
biochemistry for medical laboratory science no. of units
5 units
4 units
principles and strategies of teaching MLS
2 units
biostatistics and epidemiology
3 units
health information system for MLS
3 units
total units for core courses
25 units
no. of hours of duty required to render per week during internship
32 hrs per week