MT Italian Advanced 2 Reverse Flashcards
you will leave (plural)
quando partirete?
when will you leave? (plural)
partiremo presto
we will leave soon
ma non partiremmo oggi
but we wouldn’t leave today
he will leave
he would leave
they will leave
he would leave
they would leave
mi ha detto che non partirà
he told me that he won’t leave
so veramente che non partirebbe
I really know that he wouldn’t leave
sono sicuro che non partirebbero oggi
I am sure that they wouldn’t leave today
you would leave (friend)
saresti qui
you would be here (friend)
sareste qui
you would be here (plural)
I will have it
I would have it
l’avrei comprato
I would have bought it
te avremmo aspettato
we would have waited for you (friend)
l’avremmo aspettato
we would have waited for him
non mi avrebbero aspettato
they wouldn’t have waited for me
mi avrebbe visto e mi avrebbe detto perché non lo farà così
he would have seen me and he would have told me why he won’t do it that way
lo preparo
I am preparing it
sto per prepararlo
I will be preparing it for you
lo sto preparando sto preparandolo
I am in the process of preparing it
sto per preparlo
I am just about to prepare it
ti dico domani
I tell you tomorrow (friend)
le dico domani
I tell you tomorrow
te lo
it to you
te lo dico domani
I tell you it tomorrow
gli dico
I will tell him
it to him
gle lo dico
I will tell it to him
glielo dirò domani
I will tell it to you tomorrow
non me lo direbbe
he wouldn’t tell it to me
lo preparo
I am preparing it
I was speaking
he was speaking
they were speaking
you were speaking (friend)
you were speaking (plural)
we were speaking
lo vendevo
I was selling it
lo vendevano
they were selling it
lo vendevo
I was selling it
lo vendevano
they were selling it
lo vendeva
he was selling it
lo vendevi
you were selling it (friend)
lo vendevate
you were selling it (plural)
lo vendevamo
we were selling it
I was leaving
he was leaving
you were leaving (friend)
they were leaving
we were leaving
you were leaving
lo faccio
I am doing it
lo fanno
they are doing it
lo fai
you are doing it (friend)
lo fa
he is doing it
lo fate
you are doing it (plural)
lo facciamo
we are doing it
lo facevo
I was doing it
lo faceva
he was doing it
lo facevano
they were doing it
lo facevamo
we were doing it
lo facevate
you were doing it (plural)
l’ho fatto
I did it I have done it
I know
lo sapevo
I knew it
non lo sapevo
I didn’t know it
l’ho saputo
I have known it I found out
ho saputo che sarà pronto presto
I found out that it will be ready soon
non lo sapevo
I didn’t know it
to want
lo voluto
I have wanted it
lo volevo
I wanted it
non volevo comprarlo
I didn’t want to buy it
to look at
lo guardavo
I was looking at it
ma non ho voluto comprarlo
but I didn’t want to buy it
non volevo averlo
I didn’t want to have it
non capisco ciò che vuole dire
I don’t understand what you mean
to have
to be
non volevo farlo perché non avevo tempo di farlo perché ero molto occupato
I didn’t want to do it because I didn’t have the time to do it because I was very busy
I could
non potevo trovarlo
I couldn’t find it
non sapevo dove era
I didn’t know where it was
lo cercavo
I was looking for it
ma non l’ho trovato
but I didn’t find it
lo cercavo ma non potevo trovarlo
I was looking for it but I couldn’t find it
non potrebbe farlo
he couldn’t do it (now)
non poteva farlo
(he tried and) he couldn’t do it (yesterday)
potrebbe dirmi dov’è?
could you tell me where it is?
può dirmi dov’è?
can you tell me where it is?
potrebbe dirmi dov’è?
could you tell me where it is?
lo cercava e non poteva trovarlo
he was looking for it and he couldn’t find it
to have to to be supposed to
devo vederlo
I must see it
deve dirmi
you have to tell me
devi dirmi
you have to tell me (friend)
dovete dirmi
you have to tell me (plural)
dobbiamo comprarlo
we have to buy it
dovrò farlo
I will have to do it
dovrà essere qui subito
he will have to be here soon
dovrebbe essere qui
he would have to be here
dovrebbe essere qui
you should be here
dovrebbe dirmi
you should tell me
penso che dovresti farlo
I think that you should do it (friend)
dovreste farlo
you should do it (plural)
dobbiamo comprarlo
we have to buy it
you would have to
you would have to (friend)
dovresti dirmi
you should tell me (friend)
dovreste venire con me
you should come with me (plural)
doveva aspettare
he had to wait
non potrò farlo senza di te
I won’t be able to do it without you
non avrei potuto farlo
I wouldn’t have been able to do it
I would have
non avrei
I wouldn’t have
non avrei potuto farlo senza di te
I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you I couldn’t have done it without you
potrebbe aspettarmi adesso?
could you wait for me now?
potresti aspettarmi adesso?
could you wait for me now? (friend)
potreste aspettarmi adesso?
could you wait for me now? (plural)
mi dispiace ma non ti potevo aspettare perché ho dovuto partire
I am sorry but I couldn’t wait for you because I had to leave
non ho potuto aspettare
I haven’t been able to wait
to leave to go myself away from it
me ne vado adesso parto adesso
I am leaving now
ho dovuto andarmene ho dovuto partire
I had to leave
avrei potuto dirle
I could have told you I would have been able to tell you
non potrei farlo adesso
I couldn’t do it now
non potevo farlo ieri
I couldn’t do it yesterday
non ho potuto farlo
I have not been able to do it
avrei potuto farlo
I would have been able to do it
non avrei potuto aspettarla
I couldn’t have waited for you I would not have been able to wait for you
avrei potuto dirle
I could have told you I would have been able to tell you
mi dispiace ma non avrei potuto andarci con te ieri sera perché ero molto occupato
I am sorry but I couldn’t have gone there with you last night because I was very busy
dovrei farlo
I would have to do it
lo avrei
I would have it
dovrei farlo
I would have to do it
dovrei farlo
I should do it
dovrebbe dirmi
you should tell me
dovresti aspettarmi
you should wait for me (friend)
devi aspettarmi
you have to wait for me (friend)
to be able
you can (plural)
potete venire con me?
can you come with me? (plural)
potete dirmi?
can you tell me? (plural)
puoi dirmi?
can you tell me? (friend)
potresti dirmi?
could you tell me? (friend)
potrebbe dirmi?
could you tell me?
lo cercavo ma non potevo trovarlo
I was looking for it but I couldn’t find it
non l’ho potuto trovare
I couldn’t find it I haven’t been able to find it
non avevo potuto trovarlo
I had not been able to find it
avrei potuto dirle
I could have told you I would have been able to tell you
avrei potuto dirle dove era
I could have told you where it was
ti ho chiesto
I asked you
to ask
said told
l’ho fatto
I have done it
non l’ho fatto
I haven’t done it
non l’ha fatto
he didn’t do it he has not done it
to see
l’ho visto
I saw it
lo ho visto
I have seen him
la ho vista
I have seen her
li ho visti
I have seen them
le ho viste
I have seen them (all women)
to write
to speak
to leave
to hear
to sell
to see
visto veduto
to ask
mi ha chiesto
he asked me
perché non mi hai chiesto?
why didn’t you ask me? (friend)
to say tell
said told
perché non mi ha detto?
why didn’t you tell me?
to do
l’ho fatto
I did it
non l’ho fatto
I didn’t do it
perché non l’ha fatto?
why didn’t you do it?
non l’ho fatto perché non sapevo che voleva averlo
I didn’t do it because I didn’t know that you wanted to have it
ha voluto averlo
you wanted to have it (at that moment)
potrebbe dirmi?
could you tell me could you please tell me?