MT HISTORY Flashcards
Father of medicine
What is four humors
Blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile
Who is dissections of human and animal to understand anatomy
Claudius galenus / Galen
Trace the beginning of MT when intestinal parasites such as taenia and ascaris
Vivian herrick
Book for treatment diseases contains description of three stages of hookworm infection
Ebers papyrus
Introduction of MT that believes it began from the medieval period as urinalysis was fad
Ruth williams
Urine attracted to ants and has sweet taste
Ruth williams
Who believed that medical technology begins during 14th century
Anna fagelson
Defined it as a branch of medicine concerned with performance of laboratory
Anna fagelson
Died from a laboratory acquired infection
Anna fagelson
The process of recieving blood
Blood transfusion
First unlucky recipient of blood transfusion
Pope innocent VIII
Discovered blood circulation
William harvey
First to perform direct blood transfusion (Animal - Animal)
Richard Lower
Perform first fully documented human blood transfusion (Animal - Human)
Jean Baptiste Denys
First successful transfusion of blood
James Blundell
Father of Microbiology
Anton Van leeuwenhoek
Invented Compound microscope
Anton Van leeuwenhoek
First to classify bacteria according to shape
Anton van leeuwenhoek
First one to describe blood cells
Anton van leeuwenhoek
The “greatest of the early microscopists”
Marcello Malphigi
Who is the founder of pathology
Marcello malphigi
Cross immunity of smallpox and cowpox
Edward Jenner
Searched and found the answers to the diagnosis of his patients by collecting evidence was investigation in the laboratory
Dr. William Occam
Through his leadership medicine bought itself in a complete revolution (adding bacteriology)
Baronkarlwilhelmvon Humboldt
Described first visual colorimeter based on Beer’s law
Jules Duboscq
Youngest medical technology specialist
Rudolf Virchow
Founded the archives of pathology in berlin
Rudolf Virhow
Father of Modern Surgery
Joseph Lister
Performed the first Quantitative for Urine Sugar
Hermann Fehling
Develop anthrax vaccine (rabies)
Louis Pasteur
Discovered serum antitoxins
Emil Von Behring
Discovered X rays / Medical imaging
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
To stain bacteria in microscope
Aniline Dyes
Who is Blood typing
Karl Landsteiner
18th Century know as
Age of Enlightenment
19th century known as
Era of Discoveries
Apparatus to Measure Volume of Air in the Lungs
Used to Measure Blood Pressure
Used to listen Someone HeartBeat
When did stethoscope invented?
Instrument for inspecting the interior of the eye
Who invented Ophthalmoscope?
Hermann Von Helmholz
When did Ophthalmoscope invented?
A procedure to look at the Larynx (Voice box)
Who devised and when Laryngoscope invented?
Manual Garcia / 1855
Who invented X ray?
Wilhelm Roentgen
When X ray invented?
Who developed Electrocardiograph
William Einthoven
When did Electrocardiograph developed?
Who devised Kenny Method
Elizabeth Kenny
When did Kenny Method Devised?
Who invented Drink Respirator
Philip Drinker
When did Drinker Respirator Invented?
Who invented Heart Lung Machine?
Hermann Von Helmholz
When did Heart Lung machine invented?
Cardiac catheterization and angiography