When were the earliest beginnings of medical technology?
1500 B.C
Ebers Papyrus described 3 stages of hookworm infection and intestinal parasites
Vivian Herrick
What are the intestinal parasites mentioned?
Taenia & Ascaris
Believes that Medical Technology began from the Medieval Period (1096-1438) urinalysis was a fad
Prof. M. Ruth Williams
They reaped fortunes from diagnosing diseases by urine appearance.
They made scientific observations on urine. They found out that the sweetish taste was attracted by ants.
Hindu doctors
Who were the prominent figures in Medical Technology of the 14th century?
Anna Fagelson and Mondino de Luzzi
Prefers to date when an Italian physician at the University of Bologna employed Alessandra Giliani. Performs laboratory tests and died from laboratory acquired infections
Anna Fagelson
An Italian physician, anatomist, and professor of surgery
Mondino de Luzzi
Medical Technology profession rapidly progressed in the __ century.
17th Century
Invented the first functional microscope
Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek
The Father of Microbiology
Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek
The first to describe red blood cells, protoza, and classify the shape of bacteria
Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek
Made several means of collecting evidences to diagnose his patients
Dr. William Occam
Found out that a large part of the complete picture of the diagnosis consisted laboratory findings
Dr. William Occam
The idea of changing science of medicine system was interfered by the government. Thus, the issuance of ___.
Apothecaries Act of 1815
Humboldt’s physical findings before and after death:
Anatomical Pathology
Had/Induced a complete change in medicine
Baron Karl von Humboldt
(Humboldt) Followed by determination of cause of disease:
Prominent figures of Medical Technology in 1800
Dr. William Occam and Baron Karl von Humboldt
Prominent figures from 1628-1694
Marcello Malpighi and Rudolf Virchow
The greatest early microscopist because of his work in embryology and anatomy
Marcello Malpighi
One of the youngest medical specialists who founded in Berlin the archives in Pathology. Also made a scientific contribution on Cell Theory
Rudolf Virchow
Opened the 1st well equipped chemical laboratory in the US (University of Michigan) in the year 1857
Dr. Silas Douglas
When did the first well-equipped laboratory in the US open?
What year was the start of the 1st laboratory instruction in the US
Same laboratory opened at Medical College of St. Bartholomew
University of Cambridge hired part-time practicing clinicians reinforced as teachers
Prominent figure in 1878
Dr. William H. Welch
Transferred to Bellevue Hospital Medical College and was the first to offer PATHOLOGY in an American school therefore making him the first pathology professor
Dr. William H. Welch
The first clinical laboratory to open occupying 12x12 size room
Johns Hopkins University Departement of Pathology
When was Johns Hopkins University Dept. of Pathology established?
From the University of Pennsylvania and had a stain named after him called Shigella flexneri
Dr. Simon Flexner
Initiated the use of laboratory animals for experimentation and concluded that the use of laboratory methods in clinical medicine elucidates pathological problems
Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson
Father of Modern Medicine
Dr. William Osler (1896)
Opened at University of Pennsylvania and is the oldest clinical laboratory in the US
William Pepper Laboratory
write “A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis” in 1908
Dr. James C. Todd
“A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis” was retitled as what
“Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Method”
Became the standard reference book for laboratories and were written by Dr. James Todd and Dr. Arthur Stanford
Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Method
- ale technicians employed in the US
3,300 technicians
3, 035 hospitals had clinical laboratories
When was the Approval of Insurance Act done?
The Approval pf the __ Act made complete changes in laboratory science
Insurance Act
Enacted a law requiring all hospitals to have adequate laboratories with full time laboratory technicians
State Legislature of Pennsylvania
What year did the State Legislature of Pennsylvania enact a law on the requirement of laboratories and technicians in all hospitals and institutions?
An important factor in the demand of clinical lab and produced great demand for technicians
World War I
What organization was developed in 1921?
Organization of Denver Society of Clinical Pathologist
The Denver Society of Clinical Pathologist was established in what year?
Established one of the 1st lab training schools for laboratory workers and issued course bulletin entitled “Courses in MedTech for Clinical and Laboratory Technicians”
University of Minnesota
When did the University of Minnesota establish one of the 1st lab training schools for lab workers
When was the American Board of Pathologist established?
Increase blood use and adopted “closed system” blood collection
Instrumentation became advance & measurements made use of instruments
Emergence of automated equipment and development of new QC programs
World War II
The US required a 2 year collegiate education + 12-month lab training for the preparation of its practice
A standard curriculum was formalized in preparation for a Bachelor of Science degree