MSTC SWE Pollution Flashcards
Coast Guard area, district sector, marine inspection and COTP jurisdictions are covered under what?
What CFR cite gives geographic details of COTP zones?
Protection and security of vessels, harbors and waterfront facilities is covered under what?
oil coverage of 1-10% is considered?
oil coverage of 11-50% is?
oil coverage of 51-90% is?
oil coverage of 91-100% is?
Discrete accumulations of oil of less than 10cm in diameter are called?
tar balls
Discrete accumulations of oil of greater than 10cm in diameter are called?
tar patties
What meathod is used at the mouth of creeks and streams to prevent oil from entering from offshore or to prevent oil from being released from the creek to offshore waters?
What method is used to free trapped oil in debris or vegetation, direct the movement of floating oil or divert away oil from sensitive areas?
Physical herding
What method of oil removal uses backhoes, graders, bulldozers, dredges, draglines, etc to collect and remove oil and oiled sediments?
Mechanical oil removal
what method of oil removal uses hand tools and manual labor?
manual oil removal/ cleaning
What type of shoreline is flat and hardpacked and utilized by birds and turtles for nesting and feeding?
fine grained sand beaches
What type of beach can have heavy oil accumulation covering the entire tide area with a maximum penetration of about 10cm?
fine grained sand beaches
on this type of shoreline, oil is found above and at the highest part of the tide line and oil may sink up to 50cm deep
mixed sand and gravel
What type of shoreline allows for deep penetration and rapid burial of stranded oil?
gravel beaches
What type of shoreline makes cleanup very difficult possible only during low tides and the use of heavy machinery should be restricted to prevent mixing of oil into the sediment
Exposed tidal flats
The vertical rise and fall of sea water is called what?
One hightide and one low tide each day is called?
Diurnal tide
Two high tides and two low tides each day is called?
semi-diurnal tide
Twice a month when Sun, moon and earth form a line and the tidal force due to the sun reinforces that of the moon creating a maximum tide range it is called?
Spring tide
An NOV must be paid within how many days?
If not paid within 45 days, it is considered in default
When mailing a LOW or NOV, what is the preferred method of delivery?
Regular mail with return receipt or certified mail
A NOV cannot be issued if the total proposed penalty for all violations noted exceeds?
NOVs may be issued for oil discharges of what amount?
1000 gal or less
NOV’s for security violations that occur during MARSEC 2 shall be multiplied by how much?
NOVs for security violations in MARSEC 3 shall be multiplied by?
How long does an NOV activity remain in the “open submitted to FINCEN” status?
until payment is received, the party declines the NOV, or 60 days past the date the NOV was issued (45 per regulation plus 15 for mail delivery)
If an NOV is not paid within how many days the activity status is automatically updated to open-forwarded to collections?
60 days
The unit must update the status of the NOV case to what before forwarding the case package?
Open-submitted to collections
What must be marked on a NOV for 104-106 violation
Proof of payment for a NOV in lieu of requiring a LOU or surety bond can be completed with what?
certified check or money order
How long after a LOW is issued does the case get closed?
1 year
A sheen from this source is not reportable
Properly functioning vessel engine(40CFR110.5(a))
What is the most lenient form of enforcement?
The maximum quantity of spilled oil in which the COTP/OCMImay issue a LOWinstead of NOV or Civil penalty
CatA(non-commercial)less than 50 gal; Cat B(commercial) less than 25 gal
The signature of a recipient of a LOW signifies what?
The preferred method of delivery for a LOW is what?
Hand delivery
When mailing a NOFI or NOFA what is the preferred method?
Certified mail with return receipt
What portion of the response activities can the FOSC assume control of if the RP is unknown, removal efforts are insufficient or to prevent the substantial threat of discharge?
total or partial control
A notice of federal assumption indicates what?
Date and time the federal response is initiated
What must be specified to the RP if an OSC assumes part 0f a response?
Activities covered by the GOV
Reviewers of a witness statement should do what?
NOT make changes/ corrections
Suspected source sample include, but are not limited to any vessel, facility that?
Had opportunity to spill
What should be sampled from a suspected source?
All tanks and bilges
All cases sent to MSL should have what for sample custody tracking purposes?
MISLE investigation activity number (IIA)
When transferring information from a sample jar to a chain of custody how should it be copied?
Letter for letter
If a NOV case contains especially sensitive samples, such as sheen or net samples they may be sent to MSL for?
sample preparation to preserve the samples
What is the most important piece of paperwork related to samples that should be sent to MSL?
Chain of custody record
Samples should be shipped under what regulations?
International air transport association dangerous goods regulations (IATR DGR)
The person designated to complete the dangerous goods declaration must be?
Trained, tested and certified
Samples should be shipped in?
4oz glass jars
Up to how many sample jars can be shipped in a box?
There should be enough sorbent in a package t absorb the contents of how many sample jars?
Sample jars should be sealed with?
vinyl electric tape
Samples should be packaged in a fiberboard box with a gross weight of no more than?
What level of protection is required with no known atmospheric hazards?
Level D
What booming strategy uses two vessels in order to tow a boom by drifting downstream, holding in a stationary position or moving upstream toward a spill?
What booming strategy is used to exclude slicks from sensitive shorelines or amenities
What is it called when there is strong wind and strong current in opposite directions causing boom to lie flat?
A large body of air formed in a climatic region that moves out of its source region and effects weather in neighboring areas
air mass
What are the four categories of air masses based on source region
Continental, Maritime, polar, tropical
What type of rain is associated with a warm front
variable over an extensive area
A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 74mph in the north Atlantic is called?
ICS form for site safety plan
ICS form from hazard/ risk analysis