MSS Case 2: Nerve Injury Flashcards
Identify and trace the course of major nerves and vessels of upper arm
See lecture
Brachial plexus:
- Musculocutaneous nerve
- Median nerve
- Ulnar nerve
- Radial nerve
- Axillary nerve
List 3 main types of nerve injuries
- ***Neurapraxia
- Functional disruption
- Focal demyelination - ***Axonotmesis
- Microscopic division of nerve axon surrounding myelin sheath
- No discontinuity - ***Neurotmesis
- Complete division of nerve fibres with discontinuity
Basic mechanisms of nerve impulse generation and propagation
See lecture
List 2 main sites of body where IM injections are given
- Gluteal muscle in buttock
- **upper lateral quadrant to ensure **Sciatic nerve not damaged - Deltoid muscle in shoulder
- avoid ***Radial nerve
- faster absorption
Benefit of IM injections:
- Larger volume than SC injection
- Faster onset of action
- Applicable for aqueous solution, solutions in oil, suspensions
Explain nature and severity of occupational injury in general population
Over 70000 cases of labour injuries every year, over 200 fatal cases
Identify role of the Medical Protection Society
- Aim to help doctors with ethical and medical issues that arise from their clinical practice
- Indemnity and representation
- Clinical negligence claim
- MCHK investigation
- Disciplinary procedures
- Preparing for inquests
- Criminal proceedings - Advice
- Medicolegal advisory service
- Complaints
- Handling media attention
- Counselling and support
Define negligence
An Act or Omission that deviates from the reasonable standard of care
Essential elements of medical negligence
- Established doctor-patient relationship (therefore a duty of care is expected of the doctor)
- Demonstrates falling below acceptable standards of practice
Test for negligence
- Bolam test
- Assess whether the doctor is keeping with the general accepted standards of other doctors - Bolitho test
- Use of “common sense” to say the doctor has failed in his duty
DDx of lower back pain
- ***Mechanical back pain
- ***Osteomyelitis
- Osteoporosis
- ***Osteoarthritis
- ***Prolapsed IV disc
- ***Spondylosis
- ***Traumatic fractures
- Bone metastasis
Red flags signs of back pain
BACK PAIN mnemonic
- ***Bowel / Bladder dysfunction
- ***Anaesthesia
- ***Constitutional symptoms of malignancy
- Khronic (Chronic) disease
- ***Paresthesia
- Age > 50
- ***Neuromotor deficits
Diagnosis of lower back pain / other MSS disorder
- Physical examination
- MSS assessment of spine
- Specific test e.g. Straight leg test
- Neurological tests e.g. Myotome, Pinprick test
- Wasting of muscle
- Power
- Reflexes - Radiography
- X-ray
- Radionuclide bone scan - Routine biochemistry and haematology
- ESR, CRP —> Sepsis / Inflammatory disease
- Protein + Urinary electrophoresis —> Myeloma
- PSA level —> Prostate carcinoma / secondary bone metastasis