MSN 401 Flashcards
Air action by fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft against hostile targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces, and requires detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of those forces
Close air support
Certified member who, from a forward position, directs the action of combat aircrew engaged in CAS and other air operations.
Has the authority to control the maneuver of and grant weapons release authority
Joint terminal attack controller
Specifically trained aviation officer who exercises control from the air of aircraft and indirect fires engaged in CAS of ground troops
Forward air controller airborne
The principal Air Force liaison element aligned with army maneuver units from BN through corps
Tactical air control party
Designated area into which any weapon system may fire without additional coordination
Free fire area
Two types of CAS requests
Preplanned via ATO
JTAC must visually acquire the attacking aircraft and the target for each attack
Type 1 control
Used when JTAC / FAC (A) requires control of individual attacks and ANY or All of the following exist
Unable to visually acquire the attacking aircraft at weapons release
Unable to visually acquire the target
Type 2 control
JTAC requires the ability to provide clearance for multiple attacks within a single engagement subject to specific attack restrictions
Does not require JTAC to see the aircraft or the target
Type 3 control
Attack clearances
Type 1 and 2 - “cleared hot”
Type 3 - “cleared to engage “
Dry attacks with CATM or live missiles - “type 3 continue dry “ for training
Ordanance delivery inside 0.1 % probability of incapacitation distance for that weapon
Danger close
Self derived targeting requires the aircrew tally or contact captured the JTACs intended target or aimpoint
Bomb on target
Used when employing on a specified set of coordinates
Bomb on coordinates
Format used by the JTAC to
Pass specifics on target that is intended to be hit
9 line
Additional information that may provide ground commanders intent, collateral damage concerns, ordance requested, desired effects, fusing, invteral and number of digits to expect in line 6 if appropriate
Game plan
Danger close distances
GBU-12 - 275m
AGM-114P4A - 110m
AGM-114R - 150m
Which items are mandatory on the 9line for read back ?
4 , 6 and remarks/restrictions
High activity area usually around airfields
Joint security area
Organization that provides control for all CAS operations
Where is CAS conducted ?
Short of the FSCL
What is correlation?
I have acquired the target and confirmed the coords
On the 9 line what is lines 4 and 6?
4 - elevation
6- coordinates
Who establishes PLA?
Does the pilot track the DPI?
The jprc while reporting while reporting to the JFC is located ?
A line that indicates the most forward positions of friendly forces in any kind of military operation at a specific time
Normally identifies the forward location of covering and screening forces
Forward line of own troops
The foremost limits of a series of areas in which ground combat or maneuver units are deployed, excluding the areas in which the covering or screening forces are operating
Forward edge of battle area
When is the abort code established for terminating attacks?
During the CAS check in
What method is used to establish an abort code during the CAS check in?
AKAC 1553
The process by which the JTAC/FAC(A) coordinates and confirms that the attacking aircrew, and or third party contributor have acquired the correct target or mark
Target correlation
The authority to control the maneuver of and grant weapons release clearance to attacking aircraft
Terminal attack control
Should be transmitted as a restriction and can be a specific impact point or a direction and distance from the intended target
Post launch abort