MSK Tests Flashcards
Straight Leg
Perform: place patient in supine position, raise the patient’s relaxed and straightened leg, flexing the leg at the hip, then dorsiflex the foot
Diagnosis: nerve compression, sciatica, disc disorders,
Perform: patient supine, knees slightly flexed, move the thigh 30 degrees laterally to the side, place one hand against the lateral knee to stabilize femur and other hand around medial ankle, push medially on the knee and pull laterally at the ankle, **apply valgus stress (knock knee)
Diagnosis: medial collateral ligament injury
Perform: place one hand against the medial surface of the knee and the other on the lateral ankle, push laterally against the knee and pull medially at the ankle, ** apply varus stress (bow legged)
Diagnosis: lateral collateral ligament
Cross Arm
Perform: patient abducts arm across chest, palpate and compare bilateral shoulders for swelling and tenderness
Diagnosis: acromioclavicular arthritis
Perform: squeeze calf, foot doesn’t plantar flex, indicating positive test
Diagnosis: Achilles tendon rupture
Perform: patient supine, grasp the heel and flex the knee, cup hands around the knee and rotate the lower leg internally and externally, then apply valgus stress and rotate the leg externally and slowly extend it
Diagnosis: meniscus injury
Perform: hip Flexion, ABduction, Extension, Rotation (bring ankle to knee like figure four position)
Diagnosis: hip abnormality
internal rotation: posterior hip dislocation
external rotation: anterior hip dislocation
shortened extremity: femoral neck fracture
Perform: elevate patient’s arm forward to 90 degrees while internally rotating the shoulder
Diagnosis: subacromial impingement or rotator cuff tendinitis
determines if patient needs ankle x rays
Perform: axial compression of the spine and rotation to the ipsilateral side of symptoms reproduces or worsens cervical radiculopathy, pain on side of rotation is positive test
Diagnosis: foraminal stenosis, nerve root irritation, cervical radiclopathy
Perform: move patella to see if it is floating on fluid
Diagnosis: knee effusion
Perform: tap the nail or flick the terminal phalanx of the middle or ring finger, a positive response is seen with flexion of the terminal phalanx of the thumb
Diagnosis: upper motor neuron myelopathy
Anterior Drawer
Perform: patient supine, hips flexed and knees at 90 degrees with feet flat on table, wrap hands around knee with thumbs on patella, draw tibia forward and observe if it slides foward from under the femur
Diagnosis: anterior cruciate ligament tear
Empty Can
Perform: elevate arms to 90 degrees, internally rotate so thumbs point down, apply downward pressure, weakness is positive
Diagnosis: rotator cuff or impingment
Perform: dorsiflex foot
Diagnosis: DVT