What is a ganglion cyst (5)
occurs around a synovial joint or a synovial tendon sheath.
may form as a result of herniation or out‐pouching of a weak portion of joint capsule or tendon sheath.
weakness can be developmental (eg juvenile Baker’s cyst) or as a result of underlying joint damage / arthritis with buildup of pressure within the joint (adult Baker’s cyst, mucous cyst of DIP joint, wrist ganglion)
ganglion cysts are well‐defined, may be quite firm and readily transilluminate.
excision may be required for localized discomfort or cosmesis.
What is Bursitis (6)
A bursa is a small fluid filled sac lined by synovium around a joint which prevents friction between tendons, bones, muscle and skin.
there are numerous bursae around different joints and bony prominences.
commonly inflamed bursae which usually occur after repeated pressure or trauma and which may present as a soft tissue swelling include pre‐patellar bursitis, olecranon bursitis and bunions (bursitis over the medial 1st metatarsal head in hallux valgus).
bacterial infection can cause a bursal abscess (usually from a small wound on the limb) and gout may cause a bursitis.
With inflammatory bursitis the fluid component of the swelling usually subsides but a thickened bursal sac may be left.
recurrence may occur and excision may be required but problems can occur with scarring.
What is a Sebaceous cysts
Sebaceous cysts and implantation dermoids can occur on a limb and may require excision and/or biopsy.
What are Abscesses
abscesses on a limb can occur from cellulitis, bursitis, penetrating wound or infected sebaceous cysts.
Abscesses will not resolve with antibiotics alone and require incision and drainage.