MSK Prac Exam Flashcards
What special tests can assist in diagnosing achilles tendinopathy and an achilles rupture?
For tendinopathy:
1. Royal London Hospital Test (looking for pain in tendon during plantarflexion, a positive test will reduce the pain when maximally dorsiflexed)
2. The Arc test (palpate to find tenderness, then patient plantar and dorsiflexes, a positive test moves the swelling point with the flexion)
To assess the integrity of the tendon (rupture/tear)
1. Thompson’s test (squeeze the calf)
2. Gap palpation test (palpate the tendon)
3. Matles test (the foot drop when in prone)
What special tests would you use for an ankle sprain?
- Anterior drawer test (ATFL laxity)
- Talar tilt test (inversion/eversion stress test) - assesses ATFL, CFL, deltoid ligament
- Figure of 8 swelling test (mark the points with a pen first and then measure)
- Rule out fracture with Ottawa Ankle Rules
What are the Ottawa Ankle Rules?
- Bony tenderness along distal 6 cm of the posterior edge of fibula or tip of lateral malleolus
- Bony tenderness along distal 6 cm of the posterior edge of tibia/tip of medial malleolus
- Bony tenderness at the base of the 5th metatarsal
- Bony tenderness at the navicular
- Inability to bear weight both immediately after injury and for 4 steps during initial evaluation
What is the special test can diagnose plantarfasciopathy?
Windlass test - 2 positions; weight bearing and non-weight bearing (passively lift toes to stretch plantarfascia, in NWB therapist can palpate the foot too)
What special test would be used to diagnose a syndesmosis injury?
Squeeze test - squeeze tib and fib together (if pain is anterior then the test is positive and suggests syndesmosis, if pain is locally along fibula it suggests a fracture)
Note: pain during PAMs and PROM can also be an indicator of a syndesmosis injury
What special test could you use to identify tarsal tunnel syndrome?
Tinel’s sign ankle (note: sensitivity is low and there is no specificity)
- deep peroneal nerve by tapping anterior to the medial malleolus
- posterior tibial nerve by tapping behind the medial malleolus
What ROM movements of the foot/ankle could you assess?
Ankle movements
- plantarflexion
- dorsiflexion =- with goniometer or knee to wall test
- inversion
- eversion
1st MTPJ movements
- flexion
- extension
- abduction
What PAMs could you do to assess the ankle (talocrurual)? (4)
- longitudinal traction
- compression
- Internal/external rotation
- AP and PA glide
What PAMs could you do to assess the foot?
- Mid-tarsal glide (stabilise proximal, glide distal)
- Tarsal-metatarsal glide
- Inter metatarsal glide
What PAMs could you do to assess the 1st MTPJ?
- Longitudinal traction
- Rotation
- AP glide
What should you remember when performing a PAM?
Rate the quality of stiffness - hypermobility or hypomobility?
What movement could this improve if used as a treatment?
What are the stages during the gait cycle?
Stance phase:
- Initial contact
- loading response
- mid-stance
- terminal stance
Swing phase:
- mid-terminal swing
- foot clearance