MSK: hand and wrists Flashcards
step 1
introduce your to the patient and obtain consent
step 2: positioning &posture
Patient seated with hands placed palms down on a pillow. Expose the hands, wrists and elbows.
step 3
hand hygiene
step 4: screening
Ask the patient if he has any pain in his hands or wrists.
step 5a: inspection (palms facing down)
1) look for abnormal hand posture, asymmetry
2) look for any obvious swelling deformity, muscle wasting and scars
3) look for thinning of skin, bruising (signs of long term steroid use), erythema, rashes and scars
4) look at the nails- for any pitting, onycholysis, any signs of vasculitis
step 5b: inspection
Ask the patient to turn his/ her hands over, observe if the patient has any problems turning his/ her hands over (radioulnar involvement)
step 5c: inspection (palms facing up)
1) Look for muscle wasting- hypothenar and thenar eminences
2) Look for palmar erythema
3) Look for scars at wrist (carpal tunnel release)
step 6a: palpate (palms facing up)
- palpate bilateral radial pulses
- ask patient to close his eyes, test for light touch
- feel for muscle bulk of thenar and hypothenar eminences
- palpate across palm for tendon thickening or tenderness
- sensation testing
1) median nerve- thenar eminence, thumb/ index finger
2) ulnar nerve- hypothenar eminence and little finger
step 6b: palpate (palms facing down)
- sensation testing: radial nerve (1st dorsal web space)
- feel for temperature with back of hand (comparing both sides)
- squeeze across MCPJ for tenderness (one side at a time)
- bimanual palpation of wrist, MPJ, PIPJ and DIPJ for tenderness and joint fluctuation
step 6c: palpation (flex elbow)
- inspect for psoriasis and rheumatoid nodules
- palpate along the ulnar border
step 7a: Move (active)
- wrist flexion (prayer)
- wrist extension (inverse prayer)
step 7b: move (passive, palms facing down)
- finger abduction, against resistance
- finger extension, against resistance
step 7c: move (passive, palms facing up)
thumbs abduction against resistance
step 8: function
- power grip (make a fist)
- precision grip (pinch)
- picking up small object e.g. coin
- Tinel’s test: Tap for several seconds over the patient’s wrist (median nerve), ask patient if there is any tingling sensation or “pins and needle” felt over palm, thumb and fingers.
- Phalen’s test for carpal tunnel syndrome: ask the patient to hold their wrist in complete and forced flexion (pushing the dorsal surfaces of both hands together) for 60 seconds
step 9
Thank the patient + hand hygiene