MSK: Hand and Shoulder Flashcards
What are some of the extra-articular manifestations of RhA?
Ocular: keratoconjunctivitis sicca (most common), episcleritis, scleritis, corneal ulceration, keratitis, steroid-induced cataracts, hydrochloroquine retinopathy
Respiratory: pulmonary fibrosis, pleural effusion, pulmonary nodules, bronchiolitis obliterans, methotrexate pneumonitis, pleurisy
Cardiac: IHD, pericarditis, pericardial effusion
Nervous system: polyneuropathy, mononeuritis multiplex, carpal tunnel syndrome
Systemic: osteoporosis, infections (e.g. septic arthritis), depression, anaemia, malaise, lethargy, amyloid
Rare: Felty’s syndrome (RA + splenomegaly + low white cell count)
Causes of carpal tunnel
idiopathic pregnancy oedema e.g. heart failure lunate fracture rheumatoid arthritis acromegaly
X-Ray changes for OA
Loss of joint space
Subchondral cysts
Subchondral sclerosis
Osteophyte formation at the joint margin
Features of Ankylosing Spondylosis
Apical fibrosis Anterior uveitis Aortic regurgitation Achilles tendonitis AV node block Amyloidosis
RA deformities you would find in the hand?
Boutonniere’s Swan neck Z-thumb Ulnar deviation @ the MCPs MCP volar subluxation
Loss of thenar eminence
Damage to the median nerve
Loss of 1st dorsal interroseus
Damage to the ulnar nerve
Autonomous sensory areas of the hand (i.e. supplied by one nerve)
Median: pulps of index and middle fingers
Ulnar: pulp of little finger
Radial: 1st dorsal web space
Autonomous motor areas of the hand (i.e. supplied by one nerve)
Median: abductor pollicis brevis
Ulnar: 1st dorsal interosseous
Radial: MCP extension
Causes of Dupuytren’s Contracture?
Bent penis: Peyronie’s (3%)
FH: AD Idiopathic : commonest Booze: ALD Epilepsy meds and epilepsy: phenytoin Reidel’s thyroiditis and other fibromatoses
Signs of OA in the hand
Heberden’s nodes: swelling of DIPJs
Bouchard’s nodes: swelling of PIPJs
Squaring of the thumb CMC
Signs of ulnar nerve palsy
Partial claw hand: little and ring fingers
Wasting of:
Hypothenar eminence
Dorsal interossei
Weak abduction and adduction of fingers
Weak flexion of DIPJ in little and ring fingers
Compound movements tested at the start of the shoulder examination
Hand behind back
Hand behinds head
What are the muscles of the thenar eminence
Lateral lumbricals
Opponens pollicis muscle
Abductor pollicis brevis
Flexor pollicis brevis
What are the motor and sensory function of the radial nerve?
Motor: Extension (forearm, wrist, fingers, thumb)
Sensory: Small area between the dorsal aspect of the 1st and 2nd metacarpals
What are the motor and sensory function of the ulnar nerve?
Motor: Intrinsic hand muscles except LOAF* and Wrist flexion
Sensory: Medial 1½ fingers (hypothenar)
What are the motor and sensory function of the median nerve?
Motor: LOAF* muscles
Features depend on the site of the lesion:
- Wrist: paralysis of thenar muscles, opponens pollicis
- Elbow: loss of pronation of forearm and weak wrist flexion
Sensory: Palmar aspect of lateral 3½ fingers
Volkmann’s Ischaemic contracture
Permanent shortening (contracture) of forearm muscles, usually resulting from injury, that gives rise to a clawlike deformity of the hand, fingers, and wrist.
Due to brachial artery injury in a supracondylar fracture
5 characteristic patterns of psoriatic arthritis?
DIPs Symmetrical polyarthritis Asymmetrical oligoarthritis Spondyloarthropathy Arthritis mutilans
What test for shoulder instability? Which joint is it assessing?
Shoulder apprehension test
What test for shoulder impingement syndrome?
Hawkins test or Neer test
What test for supraspinatous pathology?
Jobe’s test (empty can)
What test for subscapularis pathology?
Gerber’s lift-off test
What test for teres minor/infraspinatous pathology?
Resisted external rotation (Hornblower’s test)
How do you test froment’s sign and what is it assessing?
Ulnar palsy - weakness of abductor pollicis
Ask pt to hold paper between index and straight thumb
If thumb DIP bends then positive test for weakness (long flexors are compensating)
Causes of flexion deformity on praying position?
What are you looking for in the hands?
Nails: pitting, oncholysis, clubbing, koilonychia, leuconychia, nailfold infarcts
Fingers: scars, swelling, erythema, Swan-neck, boutonniere, z-thumb, heberden’s, bouchard’s
MCP: swelling, ulnar deviation, subluxation
Dorsum: tight waxy skin of telangiectasia, interossei wasting, rheumatoid nodules, psoriatic plaques
Wrists: radiocarpal subluxation, prominent ulnar styloid
What are you looking for in the elbows?
Rheumatoid nodules
Psoriatic plaques
What are you looking for in the ears?
Psoriatic plaques
Gouty tophi
Key SEs of DMARDs?
Marrow suppression
GI upset (nausea and oral ulcers)
Methotrexate: pneumonitis, fibrosis, megaloblastic anaemia
Hydroxychloroquine: retinopathy
How do you test the integrity of the acromioclavicular joint?
Scarf test
How do you test the function of the serratus anterior?
Wall push test