MSK: General and Local Anesthetics Flashcards
What is a common suffix of almost all inhaled anesthetics?
What is the one inhaled anesthetic that doesn’t end in -urane?
Nitrous oxide
How does a high blood:gas coefficient relate to onset of action?
High blood:gas coefficient=more soluble=slower onset
inversely related
How does a low blood:gas coefficient relate to onset of action?
Low blood:gas coefficient=less soluble=faster onset
inversely related
Whats an example of a drug with low blood:gas coefficient therefore quick onset of action?
Nitrous oxide
-very quick, I was out in like 10s when I got my wisdom teeth out
Whats an example of a drug with high blood:gas coefficient therefore slower onset of action?
-used for surgeries (not in US; hepatotoxic)
What is the Minimal Alveolar Concentration (MAC) a representation of?
A measure of potency
-the dose at which 50% of subjects have anesthetic effects
Is a higher MAC or lower MAC associated with greater anesthetic effects?
- if MAC 100%, it would mean pt would need 100% gas to feel it
- if MAC 70%, it would mean pt would only need 70% gas to feel it
What is the most serious adverse effect of halothane?
-not used much in US; watch for question about pt having surgery in different country
For those inhaled anesthetics that are combined with succinylcholine, what do you need to watch out for and how would you treat?
Malignant hyperthermia
-treat with dantrolene (ryr blocker)
MOA of propofol
GABAa agonist
What is the induction and recovery of propofol?
Rapid onset and rapid recovery
-poor solubility in water
Clinical use of propofol
Can be used for induction and as continuous IV drip for maintenance
Adverse effects of propofol?
CNS depression
Profound vasodilation=hypotension
Respiratory depressant
MOA of etomidate
GABAa receptor agonist
Which anesthetic drug is best for patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary issues?
-causes least amount of CV and pulm depression