MSK differentials Flashcards
chronic episodic mechanical lower back pain; backache related to standing/walking a lot/sitting in one place; progressive stiffness
Lumbar spondylosis
acute onset while lifting/bending; severe pain; true sciatica; neurological symptoms
Lumbar disc prolapse
fever and systemic upset; rfx like injecting drug user
hx of trauma; sudden onset
spinal fracture
morning stiffness; pain worse on rest
ankylosing spondylitis
urinary retention/incontience; feacal incontinence; bilateral leg pain; severe/progressive neurological deficit
cauda equina
EMS, night pain, worse with rest
slowly progressive symmetrical polyarthritis; small joints; deforming; early morn stiffness
rheumatoid arthritis
first MTP joint MC affected; isolated swollen, hot and painful joint; hyperuricaemia
ass skin plaques and nail changes; early morn stiffness; many patterns of joint involvement
psoriatic arthritis
systemic illness w intermittent fevers; photosensitive rash; generalised myalgia & arthralgia; other systemic sx
symmetrical arthritis of lower limb joints and SI joints; early morn stiffness; sx or dx of IBD
enteropathic arthritis
elderly; worse on movement and rest alleviates
isolated hot, red, swollen joint; agonisingly painful; systemically unwell with fever
septic arthritis