MSK Flashcards
Pain from multiple small joints
Pain from solitary joint: Talar/ subtalar Knee Hip Shoulder Elbow Wrist
Paraesthesia - causes
Pain arising from soft tissues
WHO pain ladder
+ antiemetic if appropriate
MSK emergencies
Cauda equina
Open fractures
Multiple trauma
Hip fractures
Red swollen joint
Factors affecting bone healing
6 āIās
Acute and chronic osteomyelitis
Tendon/ nerve/ vascular injuries
Compartment syndrome
Bone tumours
Common sites etc
Metabolic bone disease
Back pain/ radiulopathy
Degenerative joint disease
Childhood MSK problems
CTEV etc
Bite injuries
Common organisms
When to suture etc
Compartment syndrome
Vascular emergencies
Acute limb ischaemia
Diagnose and manage hypercalcaemia
Recognise and initiate management for osteomalacia
Recognise and initiate management for osteoporosis
Underlying factors predisposing fractures in the elderly
Red and yellow flags of back pain
Back pain vs leg pain dominant syndromes
Recognise and detect congenital problems affecting the spine, knee, hip and shoulder
Painful hip/ knee in children
Summarise the biology of fracture healing
Radiological differences between dislocation and subluxation
Diagnose and manage nerve and tendon injuries in the arm, hand and leg