MSA Frequency_5 Flashcards
طِفل، أطفال
child; infant
since; ago; ever since; starting from
with; by; at; to have
to become sth; to being; start (to do sth)
مَكان، أمكِنة/أماكِن
place; location; position; role; post
صارَ، يَصيرُ
to become; to happen; (with imperf) to begin to do
مُشكلة، مَشاكِل
problem; issue
tens; scores; dozens
to arrive إلى at; to connect; link; join (بين) between
Islamic; Islamist
ساعة ات
hour; time; o’clock; clock; watch
شَيخ، شُيوخ
sheikh; leader; old man; senator
to confirm sth or أنّ that; to underscore; emphasize (على) sth or على) أنّ) that
سَلام ات
peace; (pl) greeting; salute
السلام الوَطَنيّ
the national anthem
سَِّد، سادة
Sir; Mr; lord; master; boss
صاحِب، أصحاب
owner; possessor; originator; friend; companion
حَرَكة ات
movement; motion; activity; organization; (political) movement
رَبّ، أرباب
lord; master; Lord; owner; proprietor
حَدّ، حُدود
extent; limit; level; edge; corner