MS Perspective Flashcards
Supremacy (2) plus articles
MS preference for principle of conferral (Art 5 TEU) vs
CJEUs use of loyal cooperation principle (Art 4(3) TEU)
UK System of recognition (3)
Dualist system
AoP required
S2(1) ECA 1972
Supremacy UK
Sovereignty of parliament
Parliament can’t bind itself for the future
Doctrine of implied repeal
Duty of UK courts to apply/ interpret but not review or disapply AoPs
Ratified international treaties cannot become part of domestic law unless incorporated into AoP
ECA 1972
Gives domestic legal effect to EU law
ECA 1972 sections (4)
S2(1) direct enforcement of directly effective EU law
S2(2) implementation of EU law
S2(4) interpretation of all UK legislation in light of ECA 1972
S3 compliance of UK courts with ECJ case law
ECA 1972 provides basis for…(2)
Recognition of supremacy of EU law over any conflicting domestic legislation, primary or delegated, prior or subsequent to ECA 1972
Reliance on Parliament intention
EU Act 2011 (2)
Regime of parliament and referendum locks on EU Treaty amendments and a range of other EU decisions
Constraints on any Treaty amendments to extending EU competences
S18 ECA (3)
Sovereignty clause
Effect of EU law dependent on continuity statutory basis
Silence on voluntary withdrawal under Art 50 TEU
The harmonious construction
Interpretation of any apparently conflicting provision of national law in conformity with (directly effective) EU law, even where this would not comply with literal rule
The harmonious construction cases (2) plus one judge
Lord Denning in Macarthys v Smith
Garland v British Rail
Factortame II (3)
Per Lord Bridge
HoL; supremacy of EU law based on sovereign parliaments will
Voluntary acceptance of limitations on Parliamentary sovereignty
EOC (1994) (3)
Per lord Keith
HoL; no constitutional barrier to applications for judicial review for breach of EU law
UK courts have jurisdiction to declare primary law incompatible with EU law
Thoburn v Sunderland (2002) (6)
Per Laws LJ
Judicial application of AoPs reconciled with Parliamentary sovereignty
Supremacy of EU law based on ECA 1972 and common law
Parliamentary sovereignty in tact but doctrine modified by common law
ECA 1972 as common law constitutional statute that can only be expressly repealed/ amended
Duty to give effect to EU law doesn’t exempt from duty to uphold constitutional rights
Protocol on the application of EU Charter on Fundamental Rights to Poland and the UK (3)
Doesn’t grant UK general opt-out
Affirms limitation of the affect of the charter by principle of conferral (Arts 1(1) and 2)
Only substantive limit to the application of the Charter (social and labour rights)
Constitutional challenge can be avoided by… (1) plus 2 cases
Relying on parliaments intention
Lord Denning in Bulmer v Bollinger (1974)
Miller (2017)
ECA 1972 is a “____ ____” (3)
Conduit pipe by which EU law is introduced to UK
Has a constitutional character
EU law can’t be displaced by enactment of conflicting law
Germany system of recognition
Dualism system
Art 2 German convention - transfer of power to EU
Solange (2) plus year
Transfer of sovereign rights to EU mustn’t affect fundamental rights of GC
If EU law falls below GC standards of protecting fundamental rights, Fundamental Constitutional Court can review compliance of EU with GC
GC amended to ratify (3)
1992 Treaty (Maastricht)
New provision that EU guarantee protection of fundamental rights
Jurisdiction of FCC to review whether EU exceeds its conferred powers and complies with GC
MS perspective (5) plus 2 theorists
Supremacy is conditional
Conferral principle and national sovereignty
Powers conferred by sovereign MS in Treaties
Coexisting norms with no hierarchy - J Bell
A happily divorced couple - O Dutheillet de Lamothe