MS/CNs Flashcards
thoracic outlet syndrome
Compression of brachial plexus and subclavian vessels near the first rib, usually when arms are extended over head in superman position, - associated with proning
- “be certain pt can work or sleep with arms elevated over their head before putting arms beside head in prone positioning”
Lithotomy Positioning ROM Qs
- Lying supine, flex knee to chest/abdomen, check for flattening of lumbar spine
- Lying supine, stabilize anterior superior iliac spine and abduct the extended leg until the iliac spine moves - find limit
Cranial Nerve 1 Assessment
Cranial Nerve 1: Olfactory
Identify small with eyes closed
Cranial Nerve 2 Assessment
Cranial Nerve 2: Optic
- Sight:
- Confrontation Test
- can indicate defects in visual field
- pituitary tumor?
- Pupillary Reaction to Light
- Confrontation Test
Cranial Nerve 3 Assessment:
Cranial Nerve 3: Oculomotor
“SO by 4, LR by 6, all others by 3.”
- 3: Pupillary reaction to light, occular movements
Cranial Nerve 4 Assessment:
Cranial Nerve 4 Asessment: Trochlear
“SO by 4, LR by 6, all others by 3”
- SO4: Superior Obliqu
- Extraocular Movements
- Diagonal Motion
Cranial Nerve 5 Asessment
Cranial Nerve 5: Trigeminal
“Muscles of Mastication”
- Motor: ask patient to clench his/her teeth as you palpate temptoral, masseter muscles.
- Sensory: check sensation in forehead, cheek, chin (V1, V2, V3)
- Corneal reflex
Cranial Nerve 6 Assessment
Cranial Nerve 6: Abducens
“SO4 , LR 6, all others by 3”
- 6 = Lateral Rectus
- Extraoccular movements side to side
Cranial Nerve 7 Assessment:
Cranial Nerve 7: Facial Nerve
Ask Patient To (Motor):
- Raise Both Eyebrows
- Frown
- Close eyes tightly so you can’t open them
- Show teeth
- Smile
- Puff Out Both Cheeks
Cranial Nerve 8 Asssessment:
Cranial Nerve 8: Acoustic
- usually done by audiology in depth
Cranial Nerve 9 Assessment
Cranial Nerve 9 Assessment:
- Tested with cranial nerve 10
- Cranial Nerve 9: Glossopharyngeal Nerve
- Cranial Nerve 10: Vagus Nerve
Voice Hoarseness?
Gag Reflex
Phonation -> palate should rise rise symmetrically
Cranial Nerve Assessment 11
Cranial Nerve 11: Spinal Accessory
- Ask patient to turn head against resistance
- Ask patient to shrug both shoulders upward against your hand
Cranial Nerve 12 Assessment
Cranial Nerve 12: Hypoglossal
- tongue movement
- Ask them to move tongue side to side
Important Sensory Dermatomes:
Important Sensory Dermatomes:
- T4 = Nipple Line
- T10 = umbilicus
- C8 = ring finger, pinky finger
- C6 = thumb

Numbness in fingers is suspicious of
High spinal block
Elbow flexion is
C5, C6
Elbow Extension nerve
C5, C6, C7
Grip is nerves
C7, C8, T1
Finger Abduction is controlled by
C8, T1, Ulnar nerve
Opposition of the thumb is contolled by
C8, T1, median nerve
Hip Flexion and Adduction is controlled by
L2, L3, L4
Hip Abduction is controlled by
L4, L5, S1
Hip Extension is controlled by
Knee Extension is controlled by
L2, L3, L4