mr tweeedale Flashcards
trait theory
born with innate, traits that are enduring and stable over time
stay the same in different situations
adv-easy to guess behaviour as assumes everyone acts the same way
dis-does not tke into account personlaity change
social learning theory
theory that suggests behaviour is learnt from signifiacant others (socialisation)
rather then born with charcteristics, learn them from signifanct others
those who we hold high self esteem over
hollands approach
suggests personity is split into 3 parts
core of performer-values and veliefs
typical responses-use of traits displayede to situations
role related behaviour-indiivuals adpats to specific role when situation demands it
a value aimed at an attitude object
what you think about something
attitude formation
cogntive part-most deep rootoed part of attitude
what you think
e.g believing in ability to win a game
affective part-feelings and amotions
e.g enjoying taking part in training
behavioural part-acitons and habits of performe r
e.g go to training every week
how are attitudes formed
assocating with others and picking up thier values and opinions, socialisation
what are the two types of attitude chnages
cogntive dissocaince-when coach puts pressure on one or more of the attitude componentts so that perfomer becomes uneasy and motivated to change exiting attutide
e.g perfomer given some new info or presented with a new form of activity so that begin to question current attitudes and become motivated to change them
persuasive communcation
peformer is talked into changing their attitudes
giver of message should be high status
need to think about timing when attempting to persuade the athlete to change their attitude
just afer loss where perfomer realises something need to change, might be best time to step in
arousal definition
level of actiation, degreee of readiness to perform
drive theory
as arousal increases, so does performance in a liner fashion
dominant response
stand out reponse that performer thinks is correct
e.g may not yet be correct for begginer so may chose wrong oprion, preformance levels are reduced
e.g tend to be correct in expert so performance levels remain high
inverted u theory
as drive and arousal increase do does performance but only up to an optimum point
optimum point tends to be at moderate levels of arousa
further increase in arousal, cause performance to detteriorate
the performer in relation to the inverted u theory
begginer-worst best at low levels of arousal due to feeling uncomftable under pressure
expert-work better at high levels of arousal due to being used to the pressured environment
introverrt works best at low levels of arousal
extrovert works best at high levels of arousal