MR-Physics and Safety Flashcards
Whats the point?
- The point is that human body has H atoms and the MRI manipulates these atoms for ‘reading’ us.
- H atoms are magnetic, protons like to spin randomly,
- When you apply external magnetic field the protons align in the same directions (some face up some down but always more up than down), they are also spinning don’t forget
- When you apply a radio frequency they get energised and start spinning with matching frequencies
- You apply a gradient and that shows in the frequency reading, you reduce the number of protons, you see it in the strength of the frequency signal
What is Lamour telling us
- Lamour frequency equation: w= gB0
- It is the frequency at which nucleus will absorb energy
- Stronger the magnetic field (Bo) faster will be the rotation
- The constant g (gyromagnetic ratio) tells us how fast the rotation will be
Whats up with Magnetisation (Mo)
- Equation is too long, don’t need to know
- More the magnetisation better signal we have. Depends on three main factors:
- Stronger the magnetic field Bo better Mo
- Decreasing temp (T) is one way to increase magnetisation, but can only be done limitedly in human readings.
- Higher the Number of protons (N) stronger the magnetisation i.e. signal
What is the basic principle of MRI
We are trying to make images of the proton distribution in our body so with MRI we try to match the frequency of their spin to take images
What does Radio Frequency do?
- In order to read the signal from a proton, it needs to be excited
- For exciting the spin system, we send a radio signal that has the same frequency as the precesion frequency of protons
- Protons interact with this radio signal, they start spinning in the direction of the Magnetic field (Bo) in the transversal plane. Can only detect signals in this plane.
What is ‘phase’
When all protons are pointing in same direction it is called rotating in ‘phase’
What is important to know about the Frequency pulse strength
Longer the pulse, longer the rotation and more they rotate.
We need a 90deg rotation to be able to detect signal (because signals only in transversal plane are detected),
So, if we pulse for too long rotation will be 180 deg (longitudinal plane) and we wont be able to read the signal, so calculating the duration of pulse is super crucial for receiving readable signals
What happens after excitation?
(of NMR Signal)
Immediately after excitation the signal starts decaying to come back to ground state, aligning back to Bo (External magnetic field)
What is T1 and T1 weighted MRI
- As soon as signal stops, signal starts decaying
- The longitudinal relaxation also knows as T1 or spin-latice relaxation
- Restores from perpendicular alignment to parallel alignment (to the magnetic field)
- In T1 weighted MRI CSF appears dark & blood and fat are bright. This distinction is due to the different speed at which signals from different types of cells decay
Of course now we will talk about What is T2 or T2 weighted MRI
- Transversal relaxation or T2 or spin-spin relaxation
- After RF is applied, all spinning protons are in phase, when RF stops they start dephasing
- XY component decreases exponentially. This is the perpendicular plane
- In T2 weighted MRI, Fats appear intermediate bright & fluids & CSF appear bright
Reception of NMR signal
- the signals received are very small, the MRI machine amplifies it to be able to measure it
- the observable signal received is ‘Free Induction Decay’ (FID)
- voltages are 10,000 times smaller than needed for excitation
Slice Excitation
- MRI reading is done in slices
- Protons of the area of the body that needs to be measured are excited. Gradient coil creates a magnetics field that changes from left to right side
- Depending on RF pulse, can excite different slices of the brain , this helps create images of different slices of the brain at a time
Now we move to actual imaging.
What is Frequency encoding
To explain frequency encoding, imagine there are two scenarios, one where a constant magnetic field is applied and other where a gradient is applied
- Constant magnetic field will show a single frequency on frequency domain
- Varying magnetic field on its low magnetic strength side will show lower frequency on time, temporal & frequency domain
- And on its higher magnetic strength side will show higher frequency on time, temporal & frequency domain
- Number of protons affects the strength of the received frequency, so if you were to reduce the number of protons, the signal is weaker but at the same frequency
- Now that we know how a gradient behaves and how the frequency arising from it at different domains looks like, we know that this is how signals are localised and slices of brain are imaged
Whats the deal with Fourier and why does he have a whole flash card to himself?
(mainly because the prof said this is the single most important thing we must remember)
Fourier Transform
- Used to transform frequency from temporal domain to frequency domain. The math for it was found by Jean Baptiste Fourier (1768-1830)
- Temporal pattern can be explained by how sound waves are wavy but when we hear it, it is a continuous pitch, the math behind it is used to transform the wavy signals to a flat(ish) line
What is Slice excitation gradient?
This is step 1 of the entire imaging process.
A gradient used to excite a slice is a slice excitation gradient (duh!)
In this step, there is excitation of one slice (slice excitation) in the transversal plane
This is done by applying a gradient (slice excitation gradient, Gs) at a specific Radio Frequency (RF).
(When a gradient is applied a slice gets excited at different frequencies but we focus on one part of the slice for all future discussion, check image on slide 16 to understand)
Thus, all spins of this slice are now in the same phase and rotating with same frequency
What is Phase coding gradient
After exciting the slice,
Another gradient (phase encoding gradient) but in a different spatial direction on the orthogonal plane is applied
The side with higher frequency will spin faster
Phase encoding gradient leaves the spins in different phases (since they are now spinning at different frequencies)
Thus, Phase coding gradient > leaves spins in different phases
Lastly, what is Frequency Encoding?
Now that slice was excited and phase was changed all we are left to do is read this whole thing
So, ‘Frequency encoding’ is switched on i.e. another gradient is applied in another orthogonal direction > this leaves us with spins in different phases and frequencies > this step helps receive signal (just believe me, it does!)
What are the three main steps of MRI and what is their significance
Slice gradient - phase gradient - readout gradient are the three main steps explained via a the Pulse sequence diagram on slide 17
They are ways of manipulating the phase
They are repeated several times in an experiment to cover several slices while manipulating phase in one direction and frequency in other direction until a whole pattern of the area to be imaged is populated
What is TE
Time between the RF pulse and the Signal
It is a very short time since signal decays within milliseconds
Voxels and slices
A 3D equivalent of a pixel is a voxel
They are the smallest unit of imaging
Contain 100k neurons in one voxel, 10k+ blood vessels
Voxel size 3x3x3, can also go to 1x1x1 or 2x2x2
Whole brain image takes 5 mins
Signals & SNR
- Signal comes from protons
- more protons = higher signal
- In white matter signal is from more complex matter, proton density lower hence lower signal
- Bigger the voxel more signal we will receive (because of density of protons)
- Number reduces by factor of 27 when you go from 3x3x3 to 1x1x1 voxel size
- higher the resolution higher the noise. SNR = signal to noise ratio
- Signal is not just because of proton density it also depends on how quickly signal decays
- Signal decay depends not just on proton density but also the environment of proton eg. in brain areas containing iron, decay is faster
Echo Time
- Time between excitation and acquisition of signal is called echo time
- when it is short (10ms) contrast is weak. Because brain mostly of H atoms.
- When echo time is longer (50ms), iron containing areas of the brain interferes with magnetic field so signal decays faster, other non iron areas signal lasts longer.
- When echo time is much longer (200ms) only signal is from liquid others are gone.
- Can play around with echo time to create contrast.